For sure. It is better than the original in some aspects. It is one of the only times I can think of where a horror sequel is equally as good. I'm personally one of those people that enjoys every Nightmare on Elm Street though. There is some really cheesy and bad ones, but they are so rewatchable. At least for Robert Englund.
Jason. The movies are probably the worst of the three in terms of quality, but Jason as an implacable force of nature carries them. Also he punches a guy's head off and regularly 'folds' people up.
No doubt Friday 13th movies consistently have the shittiest budget feel of them all. For such an iconic franchise, you'd think they'd have a bit more money to toss into production values, but each one feels like it's made by a guy with a camcorder. And I don't think they are meaning to do this on purpose. The movies just have zero budget where the biggest budget is spent on Jason's raggy clothes and fake blood.