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Jason Scheier on DEI Consultants: "Too Much Diversity isnt the problem"


Gold Member
As we look at the video game industry's layoffs, burnout, abusive microtransactions, prioritization of short-term profits, risk aversion, rapidly increasing budgets, endless development cycles, and studio closures, it's important to highlight the real problem: too much diversity

If you think large amounts of money are going to DEI consultancy groups, wait until you find out about CEOs

Guy has opinion.

Draugoth: What a great idea for a substantial thread!

Edit: I'm just so tired of seeing this smug, self important hack's face and statements. Just wish people would stop giving him press.
PSF is the worst. He's even more annoying when you're hear his bitch ass voice.
Take the green and purple out of all my games
My 2 fav colors, sadly. I say sadly because the care bears are destroying them for me. Dragon Age's purple shit was vomit inducing.
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SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
Talk about a strawman. Almost no one says that too much diversity is THE problem. The complaint is that forced diversity is A problem.

That tool then talks about CEO salaries in relations to the lay-offs as if someone had championed that too much diversity was the root cause of all the studios closing.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
i think for a lot of people there's a particular flavor of DEI stuff that is like... the last straw. all those other things are true, but then the aggressively woke stuff affects the game/gameplay directly. it's the icing on a shit sandwich. i'd never expect this soggy twat schreler to acknowledge any nuance here... like, both could be true.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Real problem is what Mark Cerny laid out in a recent interview. Devs allowed to make gigantic games that take 5-7 years to make. Devs were given a carte la blanche and instead of innovating and taking risks, they just made the same game 2x longer. 50-100 hour copy pasta games.

But now because they took 2x longer, publishers had to increase prices and start laying off people who are not needed for 4 of the 7 year dev cycles.
It's part of the problem because 1) it's completely unnecessary staff overheard (salaries, benefits, etc) and 2) it dilutes the vision of the product, resulting in something that has less, not broader appeal.

A Follow-up study from March this year show no conclusive profitability gain from corporations that have diverse executive leadership, yet plenty of companies continue to believe McKinsey's absolute bull$hit.
Its funny how he brings up CEOs when it comes to how much DEI Consultants make on a project. I don't think i've ever based a purchasing decision on what a CEO makes in a company.

However, when a certain form of "diversity" is interjected into a video game I certainly consider it when making a purchasing decision.
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Real problem is what Mark Cerny laid out in a recent interview. Devs allowed to make gigantic games that take 5-7 years to make. Devs were given a carte la blanche and instead of innovating and taking risks, they just made the same game 2x longer. 50-100 hour copy pasta games.

But now because they took 2x longer, publishers had to increase prices and start laying off people who are not needed for 4 of the 7 year dev cycles.
No kidding. The vast majority of people playing games don't give a shit about culture war garbage, they just play games and aren't looking to get upset over everything. It's just the vocal extremes online that make it seem like such a huge issue. The real issue is the crazy dev time and cost to make these huge games.


Diversity is not the problem (if anything, its good to have games with all kind of characters, personalities, etc...). Games and media have had non-white and gay characters before "DEI" was a known thing. What actually annoys people is when companies force a political agenda in order to pretend like they care, when we know they don't.

Just as a non-gaming example, you're telling me that Nike cares about gay rights when they've been exploiting people for years and years through sweatshops and cheap labour? They can have a campaign full of pride flags all they want, I know they don't actually give a shit.


The culture war stuff is so boring. The anti-woke retards are still stuck in 2016. Easy difficulty scape goat, instead of looking at the statistically evidential problems.

I dislike inclusive pandering as much as the next guy, but the "seeee!? They're ruining our video games" wining is so brain broken at this point.
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Real problem is what Mark Cerny laid out in a recent interview. Devs allowed to make gigantic games that take 5-7 years to make. Devs were given a carte la blanche and instead of innovating and taking risks, they just made the same game 2x longer. 50-100 hour copy pasta games.

But now because they took 2x longer, publishers had to increase prices and start laying off people who are not needed for 4 of the 7 year dev cycles.
This is the biggest problem. Also games are not taking any risks now because they cannot promise their shareholders profits off of a new idea or an IP that is not already well established, so the blueprint for every game is to release more of the same with little tweaks and changes.
The people screaming about consulting groups are exaggerating the impact that these groups have. He is quite correct when he compares it to how execs/shareholders have a bigger impact on the money spent, and for a great example, look at MS who has just closed a bunch of studios while giving out bonuses to execs. It's quite funny to see the people insisting that it's "DEI" being fed a healthy dose of reality.


He's kind of right and there's about half of gaf that won't like it. It's an easy singular target, our brains like shortcuts to blame all our problems on, but there's a lot more issues with the games industry causing crunch and buggy releases. It's one of those things that might be 1% of the problem but gets 99% of the attention.
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It goes way beyond diversity though - progressivism is like a religion to these people so it affects everything they do and everything becomes subservient to it. It affects who they hire to make their games and what the games are about. It couldn't possibly have a bigger impact.

And it naturally has a massively deadening effect on art and creativity. How many games or shows have had the exact same boring strong woman in them in the last five years? They keep saying the same things about the world over and over. The only people who don't see this are the ones in the religion themselves.
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Honestly, do we even need topics about what this guy says? His words aren't that trustworthy and consistently shows bias on full display as a supposed "gaming journalist".

Just stop giving him attention. He isn't noteworthy. There are more reliable and insightful people than him out there.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Honestly, do we even need topics about what this guy says? His words aren't that trustworthy and consistently shows bias on full display as a supposed "gaming journalist".

Just stop giving him attention. He isn't noteworthy. There are more reliable and insightful people than him out there.
Well it's a thread about politics in the industry so it'll probably get locked.


I kind of agree with him, most of the things he listed in the tweet suck way more then having to see some pronouns.


Gold Member
Well it's obviously not the only or biggest problem. And the people pretending these DEI consultancy groups are a significant part of AAA game budgets are hilariously ignorant.
But if you want to avoid layoffs and studio closures you should be hoping for games that sell. And all the DEI shit isn't helping with that.

When Bioware gets shut down after Dragon Age fails because people wanted a Dark Fantasy like the original and not a cartoony, rainbow colored, diverse, fantasy suicide squad game you can't say it's completely unrelated either


The problem isn't having too much diversity, it's that too much of the diversity there was forced.

It is a result of the DEI mandate of hiring people based on the color of their skin instead of their skills and abilities.

Despite that MLK's dream was for everyone to be treated equal regardless of color, which is the polar opposite of DEI.

If people were hired based on their merits, and it just so happened to be a diverse bunch, there would be no problem.

Forced diversity is destroying everything from the inside out.

Edit: Crazy to think I live in a world I could be crucified on my home soil for standing behind MLK's principles but here we are
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Gold Member
DEI is a symptom of a company plagued by corporativism.

What people like Schreier don't wan't to hear is that the "Diversity™" we see in the industry is rarely something naturaly occuring from the creative process but rather something pushed by these very CEOs in an attempt to either save face from some scandal or capitilize on ESG funds.

Do you think they put a trans in charge of Dragon Age because they were impressed by their individual amazing directing capabilities? No, it was to fulfil a corporate agenda, the same agenda that'll gladly lay off hundreds of employees if the numbers don't add up to what they want.
So is this like the driver whining about being pulled over for not wearing a seatbelt when there's murders happening as if smaller issues don't matter?

While I agree diversity is a good thing for many reasons, it's fair to critique what choices, including any involved from DEI, affect games and the industry as a whole. Same, and perhaps more importantly, for individuals whose stated goals are inclusiveness having their own racist/sexist viewpoints that get handwaved away because it's ok to do it against the "privileged" groups.

Unfortunately we're at a state where everyone is so wrapped up in their own set of bias and place in the culture war, it's hard to move forward without taking offense at what someone else does as their sole intent is to piss someone off. I love that we have more involved in my favorite hobby, and that it's made up so much more different kinds of people than when I was younger. But I also miss that spirit of us being one group instead of the politicized, fragmented mess that it is today.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
The one thing I don't get is if wokeism/DEI is such a problem and supposedly affecting sales, why is it that pretty much every Western AAA game is full of it? And it only seems to be growing.

Not just video games but entertainment as a whole. Video games are just one of the worst when it comes to it.

I guess that's the reason I'm having a hard time believing the whole "go woke, go broke" that people keep saying. Because it sure seems like corporations are really adamant with DEI and does not look like it's affecting sales at all.

If it loses them that much money, why continue to do it?
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Gold Member
Just avoid all the jammed in DEI in media. it's the one industry that seems to force in politics and pandering into their products the most (bringing their personal lives into products). Pretty sure a company selling pipes to fix a water leak just wants to focus on the pipe. And not rainbow diversity for the sake of it.

You'll notice that subjective content like media can go this route, while something very scientific like engineering which is numbers based and mostly guys, notice how nobody has the balls to call out engineering firms and construction crews biased having too many guys building it and too many science brainers designing it. In western countries, most surgeons are white or asian. Nobody will rock the boat saying dont hire them and purposely hire DEI kinds of quotas because when safety is involved people want the best. Not a quota number hire.

Just let all the games, movies and TV shows with too much DEI crumble, lose money, and they lose their jobs. The market will dictate what people want. If it's accepted by the masses, then they'll do well. If not, it'll fail.
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