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Jason Scheier on DEI Consultants: "Too Much Diversity isnt the problem"


Gotta love how he frames this. As if that is the only thing gamers have been complaining about. But, you know, when it comes to things like this, it wouldn't be a Bitch Schreier thing to say if he wasn't screaming about his Far Left ideologies as loudly as he could. Nice to see him still on a platform being run by a guy he can't stand, that was, according to him, supposed to go down in flames weeks after he bought them. A nice little reminder that his soyboy ass doesn't have the fortitude to stand by his ideals in the face of losing money and exposure.
Happy Eddie Murphy GIF

Me playing NES/SNES/Genesis/pc engine/saturn/neo geo/ps1 as the industry rots from within thanks to greedy execs and danger hair medicated activists who think sexuality is personality.
Diversity was coming along just fine and naturally if slowly until these vocal militant idiots came along and made it a problem. Or maybe it was Wall Street who pulled one over all of us as a distraction. Now it's had the adverse effect of creating resentment and anger between different groups, setting back race, gender, and political relations in society decades backwards. It's all a tiresome blame game, hand wringing of personal responsibility, lack of self reflection, aggressive hypocrisy, opportunistic power grab, fearmongering shield, hidden agendas, ideological trojan horse, you name it.

I don't want to be around the day when white people can't take it anymore being blamed for all of society's woes and nuKlan members come breaking down my fucking door.

Dr. Claus

But now we have to trust you, instead of every other piece of verifiable evidence. Why would "WE" do that?

Yes, as "reviewers" are evidence of anything. Meanwhile we literally do have evidence of said reviewers being told what to say, how to say it, and trying to shut out others who do not follow the hive mind. They have shown that they are not to be trusted on *anything*. Not suggesting you should listen to me, but come up with your own views and opinions based on the customer base and seeing gameplay, trailers, and a demo for yourself.

We also have decades upon decades, going nigh on a century in the entertainment industry showcasing that IPs alone can sell based on the name and that the average consumer does not do a lot of research into what they buy. It takes years for continued mediocrity to start to show a decreasing trend, as we see with the Marvel films and Star Wars media. Spider-Man 1 had its issues, but it didn't have the horrid writing, forced DEI design, or cringey sidequests where they treat BIPOC and LGBT as the only form of Diversity that exists in NYC.

But you will make some handwavey remark because you truly believe in the DEI cancer that pushes a black and white dichotomy and "oppressor vs oppressed" victimhood mindset.
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Dr. Claus

SM1 is actually more diverse because it has police officers and even Jewish Neighborhoods, both seemingly removed from SM2.

Of course they were. "ACAB" became a major thing after Spider-Man 1 released and the open antisemitism we see today? We can't show Jewish people in a good light, not in these mentally deranged spaces filled with Pro-DEI folks. They consider Jewish people as "oppressors" exclusively.


Why Dont We Have Both GIF

All the things he mentioned are valid problems. So is having a political agenda on the part of game developers (and you can make a case such agenda is more or less controversial depending where you live in the world).
DEI is just capitalism, and Im pro capitalist.

When publishers see that pokemon or mobile dota game with a 30-50% female audience theyre salivating. Thats what they want. They dont actually care all that much about feminism.
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Gold Member
I think Schreier is once again conflating the point. He's pointing out issues with the business of making games, whereas people are pointing out issues with the games those businesses are making. Those are two different points. Shitty practices in the video game industry have been around longer than I've been alive. When the dust settled, devs used to exit the endless development fever dreams with milestones like Kings Quest, Thief, Halo 2, Metal Gear Solid, Donkey Kong Country, and Red Alert to show for their blood, sweat, and tears. Art that was, arguably, worth it. Now, the practices are still mostly shit, but the devs are forced to pinch out soulless husks like Saints Row, Crackdown 3, Redfall, Anthem, TLOU Re-re-re-release, and Concord.
If nothing changes and the business practices are still pretty bad, but the quality of the games dropped noticeably, then what did change? Right or wrong, people are pointing to the DEI boogeyman.


I too like to dig holes and then pretend like everything's fine when I can't climb out of them.

As I've said before, there's a very big difference between diversity and forced diversity. The latter doesn't feel genuine, it feels like pandering and tries too hard to appeal to a certain audience.
I'm not white and even I feel annoyed by it, a multi-billion dollar corporation trying to pander towards me in the sake of me buying their product.

If diversity is done right and in a way that the developers actually visioned the game to be, then it can be great. But when you have a DEI company telling them "hey this character needs to be race/gender swapped" then it shows and most player see through the bullshit. It's why no one complained about Overwatch's diverse cast, yet everyone hates Concord's cast. Diversity doesn't mean "alienate white people out of the game" either.
Exactly this.

Just finished invincible season 2. Very diverse, feels natural, not forced and is great.

Playing banishers: ghost of new Eden. CRAZY forced, disingenuous and kinda revisionist. It’s set in 16th century America, peak patriarchal society, highly religious and bigoted time….yet half the cast seem to be LGBT, 30% of all haunting cases so far are gay or lesbian couples, and the main character reveals herself to be bi. Boss women everywhere dissing male characters of stature (would in reality have likely got you beaten or killed back then), many women in positions of leadership, which just wouldn’t have happened. Nobody bats an eye at the two main characters interracial relationship.

Like, isolated, non of these things are an issue ofcourse. But all together, in a setting as they are means context matters. It kinda ignores the reality that the freedoms and equality these groups now enjoy needed to be hard fought for, RECENTLY. It was not like this back when this was set, suggesting it was is to rewrite history. We already have right wing twitter downplaying past bigotry, saying stuff like

“you know, I really don’t think slavery was all that bad, and was likely beneficial to them”

and other such nonsense. Having stories that go out of their way to communicate that everyone was basically gay back then anyhow, and women were bosses and held in esteem, and people were pretty okay with black people, really isn’t helping anybody, and feels incredibly preachy and disengenous.

All that aside it’s a pretty good game, and really very impressive what they have built as an AA title.


I dont care if they go for DEI if it doesn't feel forced and they dont waste alot of money on it and than cry about profits.
That gay mission on Spider-Man 2 was cringe and boring even if they were straight it would be cringe and boring, we never saw them before or after so why we're we meant to care I tried throwing a barrel at them when they kissed but sadly they don't get hurt.


DEI is just capitalism, and Im pro capitalist.

When publishers see that pokemon or mobile dota game with a 30-50% female audience theyre salivating. Thats what they want. They dont actually care all that much about feminism.
Thats why we gotta hit them where it hurts, in their wallets, so far we doing great job, gotta keep going and we will have more games like stellar blade, and not saints row reboot


Gold Member
Well, the problem isn't even DEI stuff in itself, if everyone got what they wanted and no old IPs get changed to favor these new policies, almost nobody would be complaining, we have a very inclusive media industry since forever from Japan, and everyone is happy with their content because there's always something for someone, but these western studios are giving it all to the DEI worshippers and we miss those other things and elements in media a lot because everyone is focused on something else and drastically changing what we already liked in order to appeal to them, they seem to not be inclusive at all, seeing it from that angle


Just let all the games, movies and TV shows with too much DEI crumble, lose money, and they lose their jobs. The market will dictate what people want. If it's accepted by the masses, then they'll do well. If not, it'll fail.

I feel like this big crusade is to force people to consume what they are told so that will not happen. It's an attempt to train the masses to accept this as normal as the stuff they bought yesterday and keep doing it. That's why the reviewers and journalists are all loyal or else. Anyone who attempts to have an original thought pointing out the obvious is vilified.


Diversity seems to mean only black people. Where are the Chinese and Indian people, who make up 1/3 of the world's population ?
They seem to completely ignore those groups, lets not even get into ethnic, cultural and religious groups inside those regions. When have they included the multiple cultural groups in europe as well? the Baltics, hungarians, finnish, swedish, Portuguese, italian, turkish etc. All these people live in America as well.

All completely ignored in the DEI buckets albeit them also being minorities, oh sorry, they only see visible minorities cause they are the real racists


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
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Slimboy Fat

I don't like when the characters look transgender or when fantasy medieval Europe has the racial demographics and social code of a 2020s American university student body or when revanchist feminists write the script for my quintuple-A cinematic narrative 90$ "experience" that took 7 years to develop.
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Parody of actual AJUMP23
It isn't how much DEI groups are compensated.....at least I don't think that is the issue, It has to do with how much influence they have over the narrative and try to ham fist their personal politics into games.

A truly diverse game would have all kinds of viewpoints. I think Mass Effect is a great example as it has people with all sorts of viewpoints, even racists and mass murderers, but they put all that aside to work together.


No there isn't diversity in the western designs, where are girls like eve or lily or juliet starling in the western AAA games, in games design by shift up, they really got girls of all types and all skine colors and skin tones, from ugliest to hottest, check out how truly diverse from their nikke game. vs. the western AAA ones.


Gold Member
No there isn't diversity in the western designs, where are girls like eve or lily or juliet starling in the western AAA games, in games design by shift up, they really got girls of all types and all skine colors and skin tones, from ugliest to hottest, check out how truly diverse from their nikke game. vs. the western AAA ones.
"Diverse" just means certain collectivism checkbox demographics. Like the good bigots they are.
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