Oh no, what could go wrong.
Reminds me of Fumito Ueda, except Ueda actually worked on good games.
Wait, are you suggesting Ken Levine hasn't worked on good games in his career?
Oh no, what could go wrong.
Reminds me of Fumito Ueda, except Ueda actually worked on good games.
Fumito also took a decade to release a indie game.Oh no, what could go wrong.
Reminds me of Fumito Ueda, except Ueda actually worked on good games.
This article isnt a big deal.Lol, little gossiping bastards, who even cares?
i know the feel brehEdit: nvm not tryna get banned
Ken skill is writing. He can't code. He can't model. He doesn't work in a level editor. So he can't do anything by himself.I said this a long time ago. Guy needs to go indie and make something by himself. He's the reason Infinite was a train wreck development wise. And the fact Irrational Games whatever its called now has a game ready to show before he does, says all there needs to be said.
A new Bioshock is being made by Cloud Chamber, which actually has more former Bioshock alums than work at Ghost Story Games with Ken.Despicable or not, there might be some truth to it. I want a new Bioshock or similar just as any guy, probably more, but I dont think it will ever see the light of day.
Actually he does get it. There is a big difference between the focus and leadership on games like TLOU2 and RDR2 and the desire to want to put the extra effort into reaching greatness because that vision is shared and accepted by the entire team versus the constant restarting, indecisiveness, lack of communication and personal attacks saying you are a talentless hack when you can't read one's mind.This
This guy will never get it
You may have a good game with reasonable working practices, like Insomniac's Rift Apart (supposedly), but you would never be able to make masterpieces such as TLOU 2 or RDR 2
I would gladly work my ass off to have my name on the credits of a Naughty Dog game or Rockstar's.
Not only your work would be remembered for decades, but it would open so many job offers
Masterpieces takes blood and tears.
I know more than one person with a Bioshock tattoo. The game was a landmark.
Imagine Schreier reporting about how Michelangelo working practices were toxic while painting the Sistine Chapel
I think it was clear from the reporting that most have left the studio. So are those that left because they lost faith in Ken's leadership snowflakes?Schreier is just enabling the snowflake generation that grew up on participation awards. Don't like the working conditions at your job? Then find another one and leave.
He has sources on record this time with their names printed and everything. if he's lying then Ken can sue him.Because nothing is proven, it's all hearsay and that's what Schreier thrives on (along with the twitter/ree mob who are willing to lap up anything mildly controversial and run with it). There's a human element to all of this that you're missing.
Believing blue box might be a shadow Kojima studio = nobody gets hurt
Believing Schreier's bullshit = people get "cancelled", families get hurt and in some extreme instances it's even led to suicide.
You do you.
2k closed them down because infinte wasnt profitable and costed alot to make, ken made a new studio with some former staff and did a deal with 2k so they can produce there game without interfering, ken has his issue like being a perfectionist because bioshock was a great game but he never sacked anyone, not saying hes perfect but what you stated isnt trueKen Levines the same guy who released a highly successful game, Game of the Year nominee, and as a reward to his staff for a job well done, decided/chose to fire over 75% of them because he wanted to do small games right?
That's a shame.
Do you have any source for this?It should be understood that Levine was able to write characters like SHODAN and Andrew Ryan as sympathetic because he found it easy to relate to them.
Stop posting stuff written by this absolutely colossal, throbbing helmet.
Yes!Do you have any source for this?
Him and his ilk think great things just arbitrarily appear, as far as I can tell. You're right, it takes hard work. Parasitic commies like him are clueless.This
This guy will never get it
You may have a good game with reasonable working practices, like Insomniac's Rift Apart (supposedly), but you would never be able to make masterpieces such as TLOU 2 or RDR 2
I would gladly work my ass off to have my name on the credits of a Naughty Dog game or Rockstar's.
Not only your work would be remembered for decades, but it would open so many job offers
Masterpieces takes blood and tears.
I know more than one person with a Bioshock tattoo. The game was a landmark.
Imagine Schreier reporting about how Michelangelo working practices were toxic while painting the Sistine Chapel
It's the grift of Tabloid Journalism. Used to be the laughingstock you'd find on supermarket shelves. Those standards are now exactly what so-called "reputable" news agencies now thrive on. Bloomberg can't call itself reputable when they hire someone like Schrier whose only goal is to endlessly selectively complain no matter what. Because as you said, either it's "Endless Abusive Crunch!" or "This game is taking forever!". With of course the targets of these articles being awfully selective.Its kind of moronic that the likes of Schreier and his followers demand top quality games, a timely release schedule, loads of content and whatnot but at the same time are crying about crunch and toxic working environments.
Goddamn fuckin A 100% TRUTH!Lol, little gossiping bastards, who even cares? Either it comes out and it's good and we care to play it, or not and nobody thinks of it again, what's with all the drama? Oh no, let's just call out this one guy as the problem of the whole studio's output, he's not abusing or forcing anybody but we are gonna say he's almost as bad as that cos we don't like him as a boss so please let's all just cancel him already and then when the studio shuts down because we all didn't make a vidya gaem we can all get jobs cos it wasn't really our fault, just the fault of our boss who should save the project no matter what or be a failure, but not take credit when something's awesome because it's obviously a team effort and it sucks when only a few names take credit for the work of hundreds, but not when taking the blame. Also, it's on the internet, by Screier at that, so it must be true & then some
Seems like the guy got his own studios to do shit his way, win or lose. If people don't want to follow somebody's way and do shit their way maybe they shouldn't look to get hired by people who have a way and go indie on their own and see how they like that, what they achieve, if they never fail etc.
Difficult to work for! Oh no! Call the police!!! LOL.Him talking to former and current devs on projects who tell him the same thing, like Levine being a difficult director to work for etc. is more believeable than Abandoned being anything other than a scam, yet a ton of Gaf is riding on Abandoneds nutsack like it is the next Kojima master ARG.
Okay can you post a link as well.Yes!
Alright big nose.Okay can you post a link as well.
If I had to choose between SHODAN and the Many, I'd take SHODAN any day. I think the most appealing part of Rand to me is the celebration of the self and her daring challenge to altruism. Talk about swimming upstream in a Judeo-Christian society.
But SHODAN (and perhaps Ryan, but I'm not gonna talk too much about BioShock story just yet) doesn't honor or respect greatness in others.
Lol, it's normal to ask for a link. You can't just make a statement like that and then think it's okay to just say "yes" without providing a link.Alright big nose.
Society of Rapture (Fan Musings)
Asked this on the Bioshock Nation forums, but they're kind of dead so I'll post here as well. Okay, another thing I am curious about is the underwater city of Rapture itself. While we know it is underwater, sprouting as many holes as the Titanic, and the brainchild of some capitalist dude
I'm making it clear that I feel you are wasting my time on something that isn't important.Lol, it's normal to ask for a link. You can't just make a statement like that and then think it's okay to just say "yes" without providing a link.
You've got to be kidding me. You make a random post without providing a link and make me ask for a source instead of providing one in the first place. You're the one who wasted my time.I'm making it clear that I feel you are wasting my time on something that isn't important.
And this kind of stuff is really bad for people’s careers. You can’t put 7 years of work on your resume.
He has sources on record this time with their names printed and everything. if he's lying then Ken can sue him.
He sort of has "gone indie" in the sense that his team is like less than 20 people.I said this a long time ago. Guy needs to go indie and make something by himself. He's the reason Infinite was a train wreck development wise. And the fact Irrational Games whatever its called now has a game ready to show before he does, says all there needs to be said.
Talking about the troubled development of a good game isn't tearing someone down, though... Every hero's journey involves conflict and struggle, right? I don't see why people are so upset that he wants to tell the honest story of what happened.
Sorry, but the very fact that he even attempts to "do a journalism" and interview devs behind the scenes makes his takes more complete and honest than most of the rest of the games journalism industry, which is little more than a human centipede with its lips affixed to the anus of game publisher PR.because "Honest stories" aren't nearly as one-sided as this particular writer regularly paints them. There's a massive difference between portraying an "honest story" and intentionally distorting a story to pursue a clear agenda and attack developers one doesn't like.
Sorry, but the very fact that he even attempts to "do a journalism" and interview devs behind the scenes makes his takes more complete and honest than most of the rest of the games journalism industry, which is little more than a human centipede with its lips affixed to the anus of game publisher PR.
If you don't like someone's original research, then do better. The fact is no one is doing that, they're just complaining that he is talking about things that certain people would prefer to keep private.
But again, when the alternative in this case is doing absolutely no research at all, and believing whatever is said on press tours intended to market the game, any actual investigative effort is better pretty much by default.What a take.
Anyone with any knowledge of any sort of reporting knows that in a work environment there will always be dissatisfied people, and the percentage of those will be much higher among those who left or were fired. Articles that present a 100% consensus in one direction like those this writer regularly feeds naive people like you are a statistical impossibility unless one cherry-picks sources to fit a predetermined narrative. It's not "original research." it's a forgery.
You can't possibly believe this. Obviously when Ken Levine does a press tour to sell copies of his game, he isn't going to talk about all of this shit, now is he? Journalists accepting everything that is told to them on a press tour as gospel, without even an effort to corroborate what is told to them, are not doing "good journalism."Others aren't doing that because this is professionally and morally unsound, and not everyone is (thankfully) ok with misleading readers by presenting anonymous accounts to their readers as they were gospel without a shred of accountability.
But again, when the alternative in this case is doing absolutely no research at all, and believing whatever is said on press tours intended to market the game, any actual investigative effort is better pretty much by default.
Now, I disagree that Schreier's takes are "hit pieces" or strictly negative, especially if you actually read his book. I think that the negative stuff tends to grab headlines, because that is the stuff that most upsets the phony portrayal of how games get made which is, again, largely self-mythologizing designed to sell games.
But that doesn't mean it's "definitive truth," either, but the reality is, it's all we have unless someone else wants to put the same level of work in.
You can't possibly believe this. Obviously when Ken Levine does a press tour to sell copies of his game, he isn't going to talk about all of this shit, now is he? Journalists accepting everything that is told to them on a press tour as gospel, without even an effort to corroborate what is told to them, are not doing "good journalism."
So why, then, is the glossy happy version told on press tours good, but Schreier's bad? Could they not both be seen as halves of a whole at worst?I can't care the less about what he writes in his books. Books work in a different market and sell on different parameters. His production as a "journalist" is literally a continuous series of hit pieces presenting a consensus that *never* exists in any company with more than 10 employees without *any* sort of contradicting view that *always* exists in every group of heterogeneous people.
Then so is literally everyone else's. At least his brings some balance to the conversation.He has literally made of this a business model, and i's a very dishonest one.
You know what "good journalism" is in terms of gaming?
Busting one's ass every day to find and present games that you readers likely don't know about. That's what actual "research" is like applied to this field. This particular writer hasn't done that in years, because presenting gossip without accountability is more profitable.
So why, then, is the glossy happy version told on press tours good, but Schreier's bad? Could they not both be seen as halves of a whole at worst?
This is my problem with your argument, you're ONLY mad at the negative story for being unbalanced, and completely ignoring the fact that almost all the other reporting in the industry is a one-sideded sanitization of reality.
Then so is literally everyone else's. At least his brings some balance to the conversation.
So now even talking about how games are made is "not what good journalism is about."
I won't deny the last part -- what you see on game sites is dictated by what people want to read. There's no NPR for games journalism, profit motives are a always gonna be there, to some extent.
And to that end, the "under the radar game" articles do NOT get traction. If you think that is all journalism is, then you better support those people on patreon because it won't get supported on clicks. I have done that beat for one of the bigs, and it doesn't get 100th of the engagement as "behind the scenes" or "game history" articles.
You make it sound like all the sources in this Bioshock piece are anonymous, which makes me wonder if you read it... The fact is, it's often incredibly hard to get people to tell you what they really think on record, especially when they still work at the company in question. It gets a lot easier when you're talking about stuff years on (one of the main reasons I focused so much on retrogaming in my own career), but even then it can be hard (especially with Japanese devs, who are just insanely tight lipped about fucking everything).You seem to ignore the fact that developers do talk on their own, and I mean actual people who put their name on what they say, taking responsibility for it. Not only singular accounts but also very extensive and comprehensive post-mortem reports and talks that are often far from glossy and certainly don't skimp in portraying challenges and issues.
It's pretty naive to think that the truth will come out on its own like that. Sometimes it does take a journalist reaching out to people, talking to multiple people, asking about others accounts... The truly great works of behind the scenes games writing always involve some sort of journalistic effort.The only ones who can tell how games are made are developers, and they do a great job on their own without press hacks editorializing and cherry-picking the sources and points of view that fit the narrative they personally want to pursue. And anyone who can read and is able of critical thinking should easily see that this particular writer isn't conveying the developers' stories. He's conveying the story *he* wants to tell and using developers to pursue his personal interests.
First of all, not everyone thinks only about profit, and thankfully not every outlet will prevent stories that aren't profitable at a cursory glance.
You think journalists really get to make these decisions themselves?If engagement is all you think about, then you're not a good journalist.
You make it sound like all the sources in this Bioshock piece are anonymous, which makes me wonder if you read it... The fact is, it's often incredibly hard to get people to tell you what they really think on record, especially when they still work at the company in question. It gets a lot easier when you're talking about stuff years on (one of the main reasons I focused so much on retrogaming in my own career), but even then it can be hard (especially with Japanese devs, who are just insanely tight lipped about fucking everything).
It's pretty naive to think that the truth will come out on its own like that. Sometimes it does take a journalist reaching out to people, talking to multiple people, asking about others accounts... The truly great works of behind the scenes games writing always involve some sort of journalistic effort.
Not everyone thinks in terms of maximizing profit all the time, no, but everyone needs to put food on the table and a roof over their head. The fact is you aren't going to do that by highlighting indie darlings unless you're subsidizing that effort with other more popular content too.
Hard disagree. If you have a bunch of people speaking on background separately, but all corroborating each other, they're probably giving you good information. It's important to be skeptical of individuals who might have a personal vendetta, but if all of your sources are telling you the same thing, there's no reason you should toss it just because they don't want the attribution.Anyone named within that article says mild things that really don't do anything to prove the main point, which is exclusively supported by anonymous sources. Can't get people to take responsibility for what they say? Too bad. Then the story has no substance and isn't worth risking to mislead your readers and impact people's reputations without evidence. Assuming that someone hiding behind anonymity is telling you the truth is a fool's errand, and only someone who *wants* that to be the truth for personal interest would do so.
Or, and I want you to sit down and consider this for a moment, it could be because... people don't like reading bad things about themselves.There is a reason why developers are starting more and more to publicly push back against this specific writer and this kind of trash story. And it's because they know first-hand how dishonest and misleading it is.
How many dedicated gaming outlets out there in 2021 actually pay their writers a decent middle class salary to write about games full time? You can probably count them on your fingers at this point. They're kind of all the wrong outlet. If you're okay making $40K a year or whatever maybe there are some more opportunities for local papers or special interest magazines or whatever but there's not exactly a ton of great opportunities anymore.If covering smaller stories regularly doesn't allow you to put food on the table, you either don't care enough, aren't doing a good job, or (most prominently) are working for the wrong outlet.
If that's true, then you must realize how abnormal that is. If you started 20 years ago, that would mean we came up around the same time. I wrote for one of the biggest gaming publications in the world and almost NOBODY that I worked with is still working as a gaming journalist today. They're all working in publishing or PR or development, or just some corpo writing gig outside of gaming entirely. Hardly anyone stays in gaming journalism.Incidentally, I've done this job on print and web for over 20 years.
I had that for a time too, but the whole industry shook up in the early 2010s. Editors changed, trends changed, the way people consume media just changed.I've simply earned the support of my editors and outlet owners by proving time and time again that it works.
Same here. But "looking elsewhere" meant "taking a tech industry job making more than twice as much."When I found editors and owners who weren't amenable to providing that support, I simply looked elsewhere.
You really think an article like this takes 2 hours? I don't think you understand how research works.