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Jennifer Lawrence On Her X-MEN Future: 'Fox Should Be Terrified'

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JENNIFER LAWRENCE On Her X-MEN Future: 'Fox Should Be Terrified'

Jennifer Lawrence has previously stated that her multi-picture deal to play Mystique in 20th Century Fox's X-Men franchise ends with this month's X-Men: Apocalypse, and now the Hunger Games star is speaking more about what it would take to bring her back - and whom.

“[Michael] Fassbender and [James] McAvoy and I were all talking, like, ‘Will you come back?’ ‘I dunno.’ ‘I’ll come back, if you come back,'" the actress told Entertainment Weekly. "Fox should be terrified because the deal we made was like if one of us doesn’t come back, none of us are.”

The three actors joined the hit franchise with 2011's X-Men: First Class, and Lawrence has been the most outspoken about if she would re-sign for another contract. She has stated on numerous occasions her displeasure with the body painting process required for the Mystique character, which some say is the reason why it's been less visible in her later films.

“I would love to come back,” said Lawrence. “I love the fans and I love the character. But then you realize how important your year is, like how important three months out of your year is. I don’t know. I shouldn’t be that honest.”



I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
Wonder if the audience will come back.
It would suck if one leaving would likely lead to the other two leaving. McAvoy and Fassbender are great. The general consensus seems to be that most people could take or leave J-Law.


I mean, Fassbender is the only reason I keep watching these movies anyway. That's the real tragedy there.

- J - D -

How about they try to make an X-men movie without relying on Mystique, Xavier, and Magneto?

edit: scratch that, I still want Xavier, especially McAvoy's Xavier. The other two can bounce though.
Spoilers or no?

The fact that
Magneto got off not only scott free but partially redeemed despite probably killing millions of people
makes it fairly certain he'll be back and the actor is the role by now.


you can't put a price on sparks
I'm watching these movies for McAvoy and Fassbender, not her.

Sooooo hopefully the other two break that promise if she doesn't do more


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Lawrence is dipping out, no doubt about that. I'd be okay with Fassbender taking a walk for awhile too, might make them consider making an X-Men movie that doesn't involve Magneto. But it sounds like she was just talking about a friendly conversation. Probably depends on how much money Fox wants to throw at the guys to stick with it.
She hasn't been too amazing in her recent movies like the hunger games or Apocalypse (saw it last Thursday) though I really appreciate her in Silver Lining Playbook.
I imagine she's asking for a pay raise, but they might benefit from including her less or not at all. Not sure why she's a major part of the new trilogy.
and a good guy now


You guys realize that JLaw is a huge draw for a lot of people who aren't on this forum right? She's absolutely more of an asset than a hindrance if it comes to what makes the film more money.


Saint Titanfall
You guys realize that JLaw is a huge draw for a lot of people who aren't on this forum right? She's absolutely more of an asset than a hindrance if it comes to what makes the film more money.

True but she brings the film quality down if she phones it in as much as she does. By all accounts the plotting of Apocalypse seems to be poor so it wouldn't have helped much in thatt case but she doesn't seem to try in any of these movies.

Ric Flair

It would suck if one leaving would likely lead to the other two leaving. McAvoy and Fassbender are great. The general consensus seems to be that most people could take or leave J-Law.
she doesn't really fit the mold of the character to me, Mystique is supposed to be mysterious and alluring all at the same time, JLaw doesn't give me mysterious vibes at all.


True but she brings the film quality down if she phones it in as much as she does, by all accounts the plotting of Apocalypse seems to be poor but doesn't seem to try in any of these movies.

Yeah but it's obvious the filmmakers don't care about that as much as they do making bank, so I imagine they'll bring her back if they can.


She hasn't been too amazing in her recent movies like the hunger games or Apocalypse (saw it last Thursday) though I really appreciate her in Silver Lining Playbook.
I imagine she's asking for a pay raise, but they might benefit from including her less or not at all. Not sure why she's a major part of the new trilogy.
and a good guy now

Her allegiances always change in the books -- but ultimately self-serving -- so it's not entirely unbelievable that she's 'good' in the movies.

True but she brings the film quality down if she phones it in as much as she does. By all accounts the plotting of Apocalypse seems to be poor so it wouldn't have helped much in thatt case but she doesn't seem to try in any of these movies.

The X-Men prequels suffered from narrative and pacing problems from the beginning. I'd imagine that JLaw, Fassbender, or even McAvoy would be more effective given better direction and scripts.


You guys realize that JLaw is a huge draw for a lot of people who aren't on this forum right? She's absolutely more of an asset than a hindrance if it comes to what makes the film more money.

Good movies are the draw. Does Jlaw really deliver in that regard?


If they lost those three, Plus apparently the next Wolverine movie is Jackmans last in the Franchise????

Bruh, losing all 4 of them and it's game over, they would need to hard reboot AGAIN so damn soon. She is awful in these movies, but if letting her go means losing all four of them simultaneously, I guess fox should pay her and I should just suffer her wooden performances for the meantime.

Good movies are the draw. Does Jlaw really deliver in that regard?

And stars are the draw as well. Lets not pretend or act shocked that big names bring people, they do, and always have. She matters, she is one of the biggest stars around, and for all her drawbacks, she is a popular woman playing a strong female lead. That shit is gold. Add to that, if she leaves you lose Fass and McAvoy too? Sheeeeeeit.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Why these are movies, your entertainment will be hampered if the films are full of poor actors and nothing else.

poor acting is not nearly the problem with the X-films

im saying i dont care if the actor are well known or if I know their work, if im intrigued but previews/synopsis/trailers i go watch.

yes their are actor i like and would wonder and look for more of their work but i dont drop my money and time automatically for a movie just for that.


Saint Titanfall
Yeah but it's obvious the filmmakers don't care about that as much as they do making bank, so I imagine they'll bring her back if they can.

Yeah they clearly will, she was supposed to be the face of this franchise considering her importance in Apocalypse. Deadpool seems to give them the out in the face of a retiring wolverine. I imagine fox will continue these character based movies to ideally turn the X men or X force or whater into ore an avengers type deal with multiple stars inbetween less bankable characters.


poor acting is not nearly the problem with the X-films

im saying i dont care if the actor are well known or if I know their work, if im intrigued but previews/synopsis/trailers i go watch.

yes their are actor i like and would wonder and look for more of their work but i dont drop my money and time automatically for a movie just for that.

The issue is there are a lot of people who aren't you, that do drop money and time based on names. A lot. They can't really ignore that.


One, J-Lawrence is not a good Mystique. Two, they don't need to reboot if they lose some actors. They can just recast. It's not a big deal.


Her character is the only one I haven't enjoyed in both movies. She's an okay actress but she's a terrible mystique. I hope she doesn't come back.

Would be sad to lose fassbender and McAvoy though :(
you know how people make those "am i the only one..." threads and the obvious answer is of course you're not the only fucking one what a stupid thing to say

i think i'm actually the only one who enjoys her in these films



I'm all for this. Maybe get Mister Sinister for the next baddie.

They have ran Mystique and Magneto straight into the fucking ground over the past three films so yeah be gone with them. Time to start replacing JLaws wooden acting for Sophie Turners wooden acting, this is the Jean Grey show now guys.


lmao, McAvoy will be back and he's the only one they REALLY need (Magneto needs to be put on the shelf for, at least, a movie!). They finally dig into their huge-ass stash of other characters. Like, for instance, Mr. Sinister... now that they've rebooted Scott & Jean... and then there is The Shadow King, or Sauron & Savage Land, Phoenix & The Imperial Guard. The X-Universe is freaking HUGE.

the lesson these actors should learn from Guardians of the Galaxy & Deadpool's success is that they are VERY expendable.

Jennifer better get it together.

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