I got turned down by Hollywood? what manner of sorcery is this? lol, hardly. the point was pretty simple and required no special background in acting/entertainment to observe: connections in Hollywood are considerably more important than talent. the nature of the connections will vary (ethnicity, agent, friend's friend, someone's kid, etc.), but the bottom line is that in Entertainment connections are the most valuable commodity around.
If this is news to you, take it as news. If you thought you're seeing a collection of the best actors and actresses in Hollywood on your television screens just because they made it to your screen, you're laughably wrong and exceedingly gullible. Some are quite talented, of course, but you are seeing the best connected more than anything else. Sorry for the late reply, I just saw your unnecessarily teary rant.
oh hey, I knew nothing about them or the site creators' background and I stayed at the sight approximately long enough to copy and paste. it was just one of the first links that popped up in a quick search and I was in a hurry getting ready to head out to a movie. the goal was to find an answer to the question quickly and I figured GAF would parse the value of the link, which is why the links are provided in the first place. I laughed it off since I wasn't surprised that the source's information may not have been good and assumed someone would find more accurate information.
charge it to being in a rush, not to some strange motivation.
a bit sensitive, aren't we? oh well. and a hearty "fuck you to you too", good sir. In that Eddie Murphy "Coming To America" voice.