Wow just read your post and I think with your "superior taste" and knowledge of the cinematic arts you totally changed my mind about this movie. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us.
BaronLundi said:
I certainly consider it a very poor piece of cinematography.
I know what you mean, I mean how hard is it to shoot scenes of massive crowds (slaves) and pyramids from different elevations and such? too easy, what about on foot chase scenes in a thick jungle involving not just humans also a frikin Jaguar! how easy is that to shoot successfully? piece of cake! any mediocre filmmaker can do these, then there's also the waterfall scene, don't even get me started on that...
BaronLundi said:
First, as a period piece it fails miserably since the depiction of Mayan civilisation is not only inaccurate but a completely dishonest fantasy.
Like Totally! I mean considering how Hollywood always gets Period pieces spot on with historic accuracy! See Troy, Dances with Wolves, Saving Private Ryan etc. I have no idea why this one was way off! and you would think a Good writer and director would be able to cover everything about, an ever evolving and changing civilization that lasted nearly 35 centuries in a two hour movie right?! but he doesn't. how sad is that?
BaronLundi said:
I wouldn't mind if the movie presented itself just as mindless fun but it doesn't.
I know! there's nothing better than taking real ancient civilizations from our rich History and making mindless fun movies about them, I mean look how awesome the Mummy movies are right?
Maybe he should've made a sequel to "Apocalypto" two years later and called it "The Jaguar King", half panther half Mayan, all awesome! that would've kicked huge ass!
BaronLundi said:
It pretends to give the viewer a glimpse of pre-colombian society and life : it's actually no more than a representation of a western's (and christian's) man fantasy. Gibson's is making everything up according to his own religious beliefs :
I know eh, subliminal Christian messages all over the place, the way they were torturing and whipping those slaves, it was definitely suppose to symbolize the torture of Jesus from his previous movie, right? and the Jaguar Paw is like the hand of the Christian God! totally dude!
Plus who says period pieces are allowed to take on any artistic licenses by telling a decent story, they should all be shot like documentaries and try to be as accurate as possible or they should not at all take themselves seriously and make "The Jaguar King".
BaronLundi said:
how those savages were inherently evil and violent (and yet he is himself clearly and pathologically fascinated by violence) and how the conquistadors will eventually save them etc.
Yeah this movie totally ruined my view of the Mayans forever, before going into this movie, I thought Mayans were a peaceful , fun loving civilization that sang Kumbaya on top of the Pyramids and only ate veggies.
Meanwhile what does Mel Gibson make them do? he makes them brutally and violently capture and sacrifice slaves by pulling their beating hearts out and worship the sun, how evil, barbaric and inaccurate is that?
Although I don't exactly remember a scene where the conquistadors save them, I just remember them reaching the shore at the very end of the movie, and the main character telling his wife "we should retreat back into the forest and start a new beginning" Maybe you saw the extended version? The Director's Cut?
BaronLundi said:
And then there's the stupid violence, which I don't mind in movies that don't take themselves seriously.
I will start keeping my eye open for violence in movies and make sure these movies aren't taking themselves seriously, if they are, I will just stop watching them right away, thanks for the tip
BaronLundi said:
Gibson movies should actually be found in the "Christian Gore" section of horror flicks. Seriously
I didn't know such section existed in (video stores) sounds fun , is there a "Buddhist Gore" section? I am more inclined towards Buddhism, that would definitely get me excited!
Anyway thanks man, you really enlightened me with your impressive insight on this film.
It was a very honest, educated and unbiased take on the film, it wasn't at all fueled with your rage and hatred of Christians and the filmmaker, thanks, I'll keep an eye out for you in the Movie threads.. you know to learn...more.