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Jill Stein's presumptive running mate announced: Ajamu Baraka

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Poet Centuriate

Green Party’s Jill Stein Selects Human Rights Activist Ajamu Baraka as Running Mate
Rishi Iyengar @Iyengarish 11:31 PM ET

Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate running for President against Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, announced Monday that she has selected Ajamu Baraka, a human rights activist and intellectual, as her prospective Vice President.

Stein, a doctor-turned-politician who also ran for the country’s highest office in 2012, described Baraka as an “activist, writer, intellectual and organizer with a powerful voice, vision, and lifelong commitment to building true political revolution” in a statement.

Baraka, the Founding Executive Director of the U.S. Human Rights Network, is known for his decades-long social justice efforts and his opposition to the death penalty.

“Ajamu Baraka is a powerful, eloquent spokesperson for the transformative, radical agenda whose time has come,” Stein added.

The 66-year-old presumptive nominee, who has presented herself as a third-party alternative to both the Republican and Democratic Presidential candidates, is set to officially be nominated at her party’s convention in Houston on Saturday.


Ajamu Baraka is an African-American human rights activist and the presumptive vice-presidential nominee of the Green Party of the United States.

Baraka is the former founding executive director of the US Human Rights Network, a national network composed of over 200 self-identified grassroots human rights organizations and over 700 individuals working to strengthen what they regard as the protection of human rights in the United States. He is also an associate fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies. In 2001, Baraka was named "abolitionist of the year" by the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty for his efforts to end the death penalty in the United States.



Someone dig up the coocoo for this guy, please.

If she's anti-wifi, this guy has to be anti-something too!
From his website
I confess, I am a culturally alienated, old, disconnected 1960s and ‘70s radical trying to live and struggle for revolutionary change in a world that might have passed me by, because I cannot for the life of me understand how Beyonce’s commodified caricature of black opposition was in any way progressive. Instead what I saw was the cultural power of neoliberal capitalism to co-opt opposition, monetize it and provide some mindless entertainment all at the same time. I didn’t see opposition; I saw the imagery and symbols of authentic black radicalism grotesquely transformed into a de-politicized spectacle by gyrating, light-skinned booty-short-clad sisters.

WTF am I reading

Those who claim that Assata taught them should have been outraged by the brazen, commodified blackness being pushed by capitalist marketers. Didn’t Assata say that we could never be free while the American government and American capitalism remain intact? That is a call for total resistance that can’t be co-opted by bourgeois culture.
He's praising a cop-killer. Good job stein!
he even disses TNC and Bernie

In this period of media-driven pseudo-opposition in the form of Ta-Nehisi Coates, Beyoncé or even Bernie Sanders, it is increasingly difficult to make the distinction between image and reality, especially when the production of images and symbols is controlled by dominant forces with an interest in keeping us all stupid.
And in that sense, while the victims of the violence in Paris may have been innocent, France was not. French crimes against Arabs, Muslims and Africans are ever- present in the historical memory and discourse of many members of those populations living in France. Those memories, the systemic discrimination experienced by many Muslims and the collaboration of French authorities with the U.S. and others that gave aid and logistical support to extremist elements in Syria and turned their backs while their citizens traveled to Syria to topple President Assad, became the toxic mix that resulted in the blowback on November 13.

Although a number of the dead in Paris are young Arabs, Muslims and Africans, in the global popular imagination, France, like the U.S. (even under a Black president), is still white.

Paris wasn't innocent, so 150 peoples premeditated murders was just "blowback"


His blog is... interesting.


Of course, being the pro-capitalist flim-flam man and opportunist pimp that he had always been for most of his adult life, Barack Obama had no intention of breaking with the corporate neoliberal agenda.

There's a whole more for me to read (I hadn't heard of him until just now, with this announcement), but it seems like a pretty bog-standard, anti-capitalism candidate to me so far that uses the word 'neoliberal' far too much.

So, he's a Cornel West type, huh?

There's a whole blog post denouncing Cornel West for engaging in mainstream politics. It's where the quote above came from.

Edit: There's also a whole post criticizing Beyonce's Formation!

I kinda like his writing style, though. It's very assertive, strong.
So, he's a Cornel West type, huh?

speaking of that!

Rosa Clemente, who ran for Vice President with Cynthia McKinney in 2008, reminds us that Cornel West and many other notable left activists and intellectuals who have given lip-service to the need for an independent left politics in the U.S., dutifully lined-up to give their support to Barack Obama. For many of these leftists, the rationale offered to support the Democrat candidate wasn’t even about the traditional “lesser of two evils,” but a strange belief that somehow this individual, selected and pushed by powerful forces within the liberal democrat establishment and some defectors from the Clinton DLC wing of the party, represented a significant break with the neoliberal agenda that both parties had committed themselves to since the late 70s.

Brother West, who claimed that Barack Obama was a “good and decent brother” whose “character and judgement” would overcome his lack of experience, endorsed and campaigned incessantly for the freshmen senator from Illinois. In more than sixty appearances, West assured black and progressive audiences that Obama represented the embodiment of democratic hope to reverse a corrupt and moribund politics in the U.S.

Of course, being the pro-capitalist flim-flam man and opportunist pimp that he had always been for most of his adult life, Barack Obama had no intention of breaking with the corporate neoliberal agenda


From his website

WTF am I reading

He's praising a cop-killer. Good job stein!

This crazy fuck is a human right's activist?

Don't you need to, I don't know, care about all human lives to be considered that? That seems like a pretty important right...

God, what a bunch of fucking loons. I pity the ignorant and deluded college students who vote for these wackjobs.
There was like a hot second where I considered backing Stein since my state is going blue anyway, but I have to say Hillary is more in line with my views when it comes to science and not abusing the word neoliberal and respecting Beyonce.
This crazy fuck is a human right's activist?

Don't you need to, I don't know, care about all human lives to be considered that? That seems like a pretty important right...

God, what a bunch of fucking loons. I pity the ignorant and deluded college students who vote for these wackjobs.

They only vote because their friends are. And the only reason they are is because it was spammed over Reddit or Tumblr to vote third-party and green party if you're a progressive. Literally they don't tell you what these people stand for, just vote for them because it's the cool thing to do and to protest current politics that you only pay attention to every four years


From his website

WTF am I reading

I don't know, this is pretty clear. He doesn't like the commodification of radical and revolutionary ideas. This is a pretty standard socialist criticism of liberal feminism.

He's praising a cop-killer. Good job stein!

The evidence in the Assata Shakur case points towards her being innocent as far as I know.


Couldn't care less about Jill Stein, but..

Folks from Hillary-GAF hating on Cornel fuckin' West?! You've lost your damn minds over Clinton. Lost your damn mindssss!

And please read about some Assata Shakur before you bring her into this! Your conventional wisdom is failing you.


Couldn't care less about Jill Stein, but..

Folks from Hillary-GAF hating on Cornel fuckin' West?! You've lost your damn minds over Clinton. Lost your damn mindssss!

And please read about some Assata Shakur before you bring her into this! Your conventional wisdom is failing you.

To be honest I'd expect Hillary fans to dislike Cornel West.
Couldn't care less about Jill Stein, but..

Folks from Hillary-GAF hating on Cornel fuckin' West?! You've lost your damn minds over Clinton. Lost your damn mindssss!

And please read about some Assata Shakur before you bring her into this! Your conventional wisdom is failing you.


Dude is fragile beyond believe.

His attacks on people like MHP and obama among others show a dude who isn't the intellectual heavyweight he pretends to be


Couldn't care less about Jill Stein, but..

Folks from Hillary-GAF hating on Cornel fuckin' West?! You've lost your damn minds over Clinton. Lost your damn mindssss!

And please read about some Assata Shakur before you bring her into this! Your conventional wisdom is failing you.
I think much of Hillary-GAF is also Obama-GAF, and West seriously did Obama dirty over some extremely petty shit.
Cornel West has said some absolutely despicable things about Obama as if he is the only one who has any claim to blackness and has the moral high ground on every single issue.


During my activist life I have traveled to many of the counties that Western colonial/capitalist leaders characterized as despotic totalitarian states – the old Soviet Union, North Korea, Cuba before 1989 – but in none of those states did I witness the systematic mechanism of population control and scientific repression that I witness in “democratic” Israel.

From his blog.
I dont see whats so crazy in what he writes on his blog? Maybe his intellectual scapades are a little too academic or complicated to people not familiar with critical theory, but nothing "crazy" about it.

Good pick, I guess. He has cool credentials.
Couldn't care less about Jill Stein, but..

Folks from Hillary-GAF hating on Cornel fuckin' West?! You've lost your damn minds over Clinton. Lost your damn mindssss!

And please read about some Assata Shakur before you bring her into this! Your conventional wisdom is failing you.

Come on dude, Cornell West went off the deep end by the time Obama's second term had started.
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