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Jim Norton's experience with Last Comic standing.

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Tre said:
Have you never seen him do standup/on tough crowd? That's par for the course :p

Yeah yeah I know but part of me thought his act was just an exageration of his already twisted personality. Turns out it really is his personality.


Hollywood Square
StrikerObi said:
Yeah yeah I know but part of me thought his act was just an exageration of his already twisted personality. Turns out it really is his personality.

Yeah, I mean he would never ever act in character on the Internet to help perpetuate his whole persona. Really.
The network was looking for something different so as the host I was supposed to be allowed to just toss people off at will, take away their winnings and in general behave like the obnoxious douche that I am.

I would watch that... sounds like a great idea. Too bad the network passed it up.
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