But campaigner Dr Adrienne Keene told Rowling on Twitter that its not your world. Its our (real) Native world. And skinwalker stories have context, roots, and reality
You cant just claim and take a living tradition of a marginalised people. Thats straight up colonialism/appropriation.
This seems to be a fundamental misunderstanding of how culture works.
Japanese people are eating hamburgers and Americans are watching Anime.
Humans borrow from other cultures. Nothing you can do about it.
If it isn't Rowling, someone is bound to borrow from it. All you can is make peace with it or make a fuss I guess.
All that said, I at least understand reaching out at last, and having the conversation that one side may be offended, and trying to reach a middle ground that's respectful.
Often with these kinds of culture appropriations is mostly the crime of not respecting a group not the act of appropriation. A woman in blackface for Halloween isn't intrinsically bad, but because it implies an irreverence of the group she's portraying. That's when it's a problem.
veloxStrix said:
What happens when Rowling pulls this in, is we as Native people are now opened up to a barrage of questions about these beliefs and traditions (take a look at my twitter mentions if you dont believe me)but these are not things that need or should be discussed by outsiders. At all. Im sorry if that seems unfair, but thats how our cultures survive.
If you can't discuss your beliefs and traditions, I don't think you have any ability to complain about people getting them wrong.
They said that ? 0_o this sounds like how cultures die, not grow. How else will your culture grow if more people don't learn about it, and eventually, share in it? It's like some fatal logic. Agree totally with your assessment.