Probably because they're not singing about Vaccines being a lie or something??Why are Rogan's episodes being deleted but those are free to stay?
Probably because they're not singing about Vaccines being a lie or something??Why are Rogan's episodes being deleted but those are free to stay?
It's all about being first to find the hot new offensive thing.I remember when the definition of "offensive stuff" changes every generation. now it's several times a year. the curs of constant software updates has infected culture itself.
I'm inclined to agree. It's just laughable how the targets of cancellation are clearly picked and chosen, while the questionable things some others have said or done are swept under the rug or ignored. Case in point;I'm curious to see when people will realize that everyone, without exception, can be canceled on the basis of current social standards.
So is the twittermob gonna go after all his guests in an attempt to drive them all away? All that would probably do is push Rogan towards the types of guests who thrive on that type of attention. Like I doubt Cameron Haynes would care. I wonder if the corporate sponsors would get cold feet or just move towards ones that again, thrive on this.
I’m sure you’ve never once had even a racist thought. You’re pure as the driven fucking snow, aren’t you? Never made an off color joke or had words that came out the wrong way. Thank goodness we have you to sit in judgement.So, he’s not a racist but his comment was racist? What?
He literally talked about black and white people having "different brains". And then talked about how walking into a black neighborhood was like "planet of the apes".I didn’t see the smear montage of him saying all that, but I’m not exactly a fan of those kind of clips. Too much missing context. Him apologizing just made everything worse, but to be honest, that’s what I expected him to do
I’ve been watching his show for years, never got a hint of racism from him.
Thanks Facism.
So, he’s not a racist but his comment was racist? What?
Racist comments have been considered "offensive stuff" for awhile now. And yes what he said was racist. That is not up for debate. You can argue whether he is just dumb or an actual racist that's fine, but what he said was factually wrong and would have been considered wrong 15 years ago as well. I don't follow Rogan at all so I have no idea what he is actually like behind the camera or whatever.I remember when the definition of "offensive stuff" changes every generation. now it's several times a year. the curs of constant software updates has infected culture itself.
Here’s something. Rogan’s 10 million listeners aren’t bothered by this. Mostly because we have listened to the guy talk for literally hundreds of hours. So unlike you, we can actually make decent judgements about who he is and what he’s about.Racist comments have been considered "offensive stuff" for awhile now. And yes what he said was racist. That is not up for debate. You can argue whether he is just dumb or an actual racist that's fine, but what he said was factually wrong and would have been considered wrong 15 years ago as well. I don't follow Rogan at all so I have no idea what he is actually like behind the camera or whatever.
I just know that the things he said is not okay and I understand why Spotify is trying to distance themselves from them. Literally any sane business would do the same.
This judgmental stuff is so tiresome and boring.
So in your opinion celebrities with a wide reaching platform should be able to say racist things to millions of people without any repercussions from their employers whatsoever? Especially in the case of someone like Rogan who is literally paid by a platform like Spotify in order to draw people to the platform.Here’s something. Rogan’s 10 million listeners aren’t bothered by this. Mostly because we have listened to the guy talk for literally hundreds of hours. So unlike you, we can actually make decent judgements about who he is and what he’s about.
So he said a racist thing. I’ll let you in on a little secret. I’ve said a racist thing. You’ve said a racist thing. We have all said racist things in our lives. This judgmental stuff is so tiresome and boring. As though people were actually hurt by some dumb comments made God knows how long ago by a dude who has been recorded talking for thousands of hours.
No one is actually hurt by this who is it also trying to be hurt so they have feign moral outrage. We all know what this is. It’s a social media lynching of a guy who has pissed off the worst kind of people and now they have it out for him.
I think my position is pretty clear. They knew what he said before they paid him $100 million. There is no way they gave him that kind of money without listening to his show. To pretend now to be upset about it because CNN and some assholes on Twitter, and you apparently, have decided this is their bitch fest topic of the week is just corporate ass-preserving nonsense. Nothing more.So in your opinion celebrities with a wide reaching platform should be able to say racist things to millions of people without any repercussions from their employers whatsoever? Especially in the case of someone like Rogan who is literally paid by a platform like Spotify in order to draw people to the platform.
Am I understanding you correctly?
I don't think they should be able to say racist things without repercussions. If Joe had told that story today I would be okay with Spotify pulling the plug. However, dredging up ancient comments when the person has a lengthy track record of not being that kind of person in his words and actions is not the same as making a fresh statement in 2022. On the contrary, the Joe of 2022 has apologized for his old comments and made a significant display of contrition. It should also be restated that Joe is a professional comedian and that comedians were on average a lot edgier even a decade ago than they are today. If you watch the full clip, you can see that he realized he said something racist and in poor form and apologized a few seconds later, unprompted by anyone else, then told a lengthy story about how great his experience was in that neighborhood. It doesn't make it okay, but disregarding every moment of the 11 years since then to condemn a comedian for a bad joke in poor taste is also a bit much.So in your opinion anyone including celebrities with a wide reaching platforms should be able to say racist things to millions of people without any repercussions from their employers whatsoever?
Am I understanding you correctly?
It tells a lot when your psychiatrist recommends cutting Twitter from your life.Twitter was a mistake.
I think my position is pretty clear. They knew what he said before they paid him $100 million. There is no way they gave him that kind of money without listening to his show. To pretend now to be upset about it because CNN and some assholes on Twitter, and you apparently, have decided this is their bitch fest topic of the week is just corporate ass-preserving nonsense. Nothing more.
The comments about Planet of the Apes were more imprecise than they were racist, at least to my mind. The point was to say they got dropped off in a world they were not prepared for and didn’t recognize. It was not to compare blacks to apes.
That doesn’t mean it wasn’t poorly stated or foolish, but again, Joe Rogan has literally thousands of hours of recorded conversations. He’s going to have a more than a few misfires. People who listen to him enough can make a better judgment on his character than some bloodsucking outrage vampire can after watching a bunch of out of context clips.
As for the N word quotes, if you’re supposed to get fired or “cancelled” for quoting the N word verbatim, that’s a tough sell when the guy we just elected President did it in front of congress. No one who is bitching now seemed to give a shit then. So I’m not inclined to give a shit now.
I don't think they should be able to say racist things without repercussions. If Joe had told that story today I would be okay with Spotify pulling the plug. However, dredging up ancient comments when the person has a lengthy track record of not being that kind of person in his words and actions is not the same as making a fresh statement in 2022. On the contrary, the Joe of 2022 has apologized for his old comments and made a significant display of contrition. It should also be restated that Joe is a professional comedian and that comedians were on average a lot edgier even a decade ago than they are today. If you watch the full clip, you can see that he realized he said something racist and in poor form and apologized a few seconds later, unprompted by anyone else, then told a lengthy story about how great his experience was in that neighborhood. It doesn't make it okay, but disregarding every moment of the 11 years since then to condemn a comedian for a bad joke in poor taste is also a bit much.
The more time has passed the more we should temper our responses. We should consider who the person is today, and any relevant historical context. Otherwise it's a recipe for madness as we enter an era where everything we've ever said or written can be pulled up forever and used as ammunition. James Gunn had already publicly apologized on multiple occasions over those ancient edgelord comedic Tweets of his, but he was still cancelled retroactively. Twitter was a new platform back then and cultural norms were much different. Comedians were understood to be comedians and there were no social media cancel mobs. That's a much, much different context than today.
Joe Rogan: What he said was racist, but he has apologized and it has been a long time since he last said anything like it. I don't get why people can't just accept the apology and move on with their lives.
You litteraly gave zero context dude…He literally talked about black and white people having "different brains". And then talked about how walking into a black neighborhood was like "planet of the apes".
What more context do you need?
His words are unacceptable sure but they are the irrefutable proof of his supposes racism you think they are.
Joe Rogan: What he said was racist, but he has apologized and it has been a long time since he last said anything like it. I don't get why people can't just accept the apology and move on with their lives. I mean he's just a B-level standup comedian with a popular podcast, it's not like he's a senator or something
Not saying that's what he did here, but the history of non-apologies from people in his position have kind of ruined it for everyone else. So even if Rogan actually means it when he says that he regrets the comments the history of the industry around him is gonna cause people to have their doubts.
he talks to everyone and let's people talk about subject matter that is way out of his depth.
That seems to be half the problem as I understand it. A good interviewer is educated on the topic that they are discussing. They do research and approach the subject head on. They ask questions and challenge the person opposite them when the facts dictate it needs to happen.
Rogan seems to just let it all fly in the pursuit of entertainment and letting people get their crazy views out. Which is fine for a low tier conspiracy podcast or some other person who has no reach, but when you have a podcast with a audience of millions you cannot just allow every crazy person to say whatever they want without studiously challenging them on the facts. Otherwise people will think those loons have merit because you are a big name and giving them a platform.
Why do you care so much?Everyone in Hollywood used the phrase "Planet of the Apes" to describe going to a black neighborhood? Everyone in Hollywood has a load of clips of them dropping the N word? Clips of them talking about how black people have different brains?
Even of you truly believe that you cannot deny that the stuff is said is wrong. Spotify has every right to step in and moderate their platform in order to protect their business. Rogan is having to lie in the bed that he made for himself. That's on him. Lucky for him he is likely too popular and valuable for Spotify to actually terminate his contract.
I'm curious to see when people will realize that everyone, without exception, can be canceled on the basis of current social standards.
Mankind is the only species on earth that is evolving backwards and it will only take a few more thousand years until we live in the stone age again. But probably it will happen much faster. It has demonstrably taken only a few decades to clearly show that people are becoming dumber again and are primarily driven more frequently and more easily by predetermined emotions. Just like animals.
It was meant for the other guy cos he looked like he was catching feels over a discussion, but find your peace where canYou know what. You're right. Its Saturday. No need to get all serious and ruin a good night.
Thanks Facism.
Couldn't have said it better myself.This is all complete horseshit.
Nope. This whole "cancel culture" is just Twitter users bullying/exiling othet Twitter users, that's about it, so as long you don't use this garbage platform the issue doesn't exist, it's all in their heads. And with so many social media alternatives I really cannot feel pity for anyone "cancelled".
And for those who think like that, what is enough contrition for them?On that point I get it. How many times have we seen a "Sorry I got caught" kind of apology from celebs and politicians over the years?
Not saying that's what he did here, but the history of non-apologies from people in his position have kind of ruined it for everyone else. So even if Rogan actually means it when he says that he regrets the comments the history of the industry around him is gonna cause people to have their doubts.
Unfortunately, this is not true.
What people say on Twitter now also reaches many other people who don't use Twitter at all. In addition, unfortunately, most people tend to believe what they are constantly told, because it's easier than dealing with the topic yourself and investing energy in it.
So why is all this racist past only dug up now? It was out there this whole time. Rogan has always been a clown.