so did anyone get the feeling that
Did they imply the Tracker is a greater fighter than Wick?
in the end when he could of shot John walking up the stairs but didn't and killed the goon insted? was that implying that he was a superior combatant than John?
That fire rounds scene was batshit crazy . The only thing that bugged me in this chapter is that it's the worst "no reloading" offenser I think I've seen in my whole life
Keanu is definitely showing his age. With every movie he's becoming more stiffer. That grandpa wobble while moving was quite distracting.
Action is obviously top notch. I will always appreciate action scenes that aren't filled with vomit inducing quick cuts.
Story wise it's a mess. Should have stayed more grounded instead of going bigger and making everything more convoluted with the whole high table. At this point the story is not even good enough to just take you through the movie, but actually ruins everything. Won't lie, I did check the clock to see how much longer until end.
Fishburne's characater ended up completely pointless. 3rd movie made it look like they gonna show the table who's the boss just to end up going in some completely different direction. Also it's starting to suffer from repitition by trying to recreate the same scenes. Yeah, the club scene from the first movie was epic. How many more times you gonna repackage it?
For me this franchaise is starting to overstay it's welcome.
The OLD WAYS!Just got out of the theatre an hour ago. Loved it but man it needed to be trimmed down a half hour. Wick had like 4 lines in the movie it seemed like. Donnie yen’s character was great. The top down scene was masterful.
I’m not sure how Winston was able to be involved at the end when I thought he was completely cut off. I still get confused about the lore of the society and rules here and there. Not that it’s that important. Mcshane is always great
You're correct the first one and even the second one did a good job at that . In chapter 4 , id say he can go 20 bullets on a pistol clip easy before reloading , it was a bit ridiculousThat's strange because the first movie took pains to count how many rounds he had in his gun and reload accordingly. That's what I remember hearing anyway
That's normal for 9mm handguns.You're correct the first one and even the second one did a good job at that . In chapter 4 , id say he can go 20 bullets on a pistol clip easy before reloading , it was a bit ridiculous
If I remember right Laurence Fishburne's character mentions that capacity when giving him the gun when they meet in the Paris subway station.That's normal for 9mm handguns.
The PIt Viper, his main pistol in this movie, has a 21 round capacity.
They have said previously they count every shot while filming so that they know how much is in each clip and each moment.You're correct the first one and even the second one did a good job at that . In chapter 4 , id say he can go 20 bullets on a pistol clip easy before reloading , it was a bit ridiculous
Oh yeah the suitThey have said previously they count every shot while filming so that they know how much is in each clip and each moment.
The silly part isn't the clips, it is the magic Kevlar suits that stop all bullets. But I ignored that because it is a movie.
I would imagine if you get out of that lifestyle even if you have lifelong friends you are not going to be around them. Plenty of quotes about the type of people you surround yourself with, it's one of the biggest things they tell to recovering addicts, etc. Don't associate with people engaging in stuff you don't want to be engaging in. So if you want to get out of the assassin game... don't hang out with your assassin friends, and you become a loner.One funny thing that came to my mind was, John Wick is supposed to be this loner guy who has no friends, they even say this in the movie, but so far we've seen at least 4-5 "friends" throughout the series that would risk their lives to help him. That's more than I have in my life.
Yeah to be honest the lore and the side characters have become a lot more interesting to me than watching John kill the 1625382th nameless bad guy.Saw it on the weekend and absolutely loved it. I don’t think it’s my favourite, but it was another amazing addition.
The only thing I didn’t like was the suits. I do like the kevlar suit gimmick, but they were just holding it over their faces far more than I previously remember.
Overall definitely worth seeing. I love all the little bits of lore that gets added each time.
What about emotionally.This was my favorite of the bunch. I'll be buying this one physically.
I got emotional when the flame round shotgun came out. That was pure joyWhat about emotionally.
Great sequence. I do need one of those amazing bullet proof jackets.I got emotional when the flame round shotgun came out. That was pure joy
The movie is so long because only John Wick aims for the head.The whole Paris sequence is awesome sauce… but Jesus Christ the film is way too long.
The whole Paris sequence is awesome sauce… but Jesus Christ the film is way too long.
A bit disappointed to be honest. Its still a great action movie, I feel no other movie can match how beautiful the action scenes were shot and out together. But for the most part I felt the movie dragged on for far too long. The action sequences after a while felt more or less the same except for the last act. The first one is still my personal favourite. I still watch it from time to time.
-AND THE WORST ONE IN THE WHOLE MOVIE. The staircase scene/stunt. Holy shit. He falls off the 4 flights of stairs... all in one go. Continuing to roll on the flat parts too. You can clearly see this is a choreographed stunt and not a man falling for real. he is just ROLLING down the stairs. not falling over. We laughed our asses of with wife
You can pick out "flaws" like this for every movie. It starts with you in a mindset that's not in sync with what the movie's trying to achieve, and suddenly everything is wrong to you.I've finally seen the movie... and it was garbage. It made into nonsense territory.
I was willing to cut some slack to previous movies but this one ... oh man... what a piece of shit honestly:
-Too long obviously
-Blind man does everything better than anyone ese obviously. He knows who is who, what cards he have... its too stupid. It's not cool.
-All the deaths and shooting really gets merged into the same stunt over and over again. You see the guys waiting ad lining up. It wasnt as obvious in previous movies. Her I saw choreography. not fighting.
-The blind killer are we supposed to care for? Same for the killer with the dog... seriously...
-Because the movie is so long and you get accustomed to the choreographed guys eating the bullets all the time... Me and my wife, we kinda naturally started looking at flaws and there are many (below):
-Plenty of times you see guys flanking john or shooting from behind and missing... ugh...
-His kevlar suit reacts to bullets... with sparkles like if it was metal plate... ugh...
-Explosive rounds lol. They just cut the tip of the bullet and the fire on bodies look 2d.
-The never-ending roundabout scene in paris. The people never stop, they blindly go in the circle at crazy high speeds... it's starts looking COMICAL after few minutes.
-AND THE WORST ONE IN THE WHOLE MOVIE. The staircase scene/stunt. Holy shit. He falls off the 4 flights of stairs... all in one go. Continuing to roll on the flat parts too. You can clearly see this is a choreographed stunt and not a man falling for real. he is just ROLLING down the stairs. not falling over. We laughed our asses of with wife
-The amount of times people get their hands stabbed.
-Terrible, cowardly ending. He had the same wounds as the blind man. blah blah blah we all know there will be john wick 5.
-When he is fighting in paris - the anouncer over the radio knows his location at all times. It's nonsense piling up.
-edit: one more... oh NOW they remember there is a duel thing... oh and all these killers better than wick all of sudden
I think the movie was fun and watchable... but it was the worst one of them all, too long, too choreographed like a dance... and just comical with the stairs and roundabout and so on.
I didn't like it. Wife really wanted to like it but she also didn't. I don't understand the "great action wow amazing best of all 4 movies"... it's nonsense. The movie looked most stiff and choreographed
Funny enough - The Whale was great![]()
John wick never made it into fast furious territory for me. It never earned this "good stupidity"You can pick out "flaws" like this for every movie. It starts with you in a mindset that's not in sync with what the movie's trying to achieve, and suddenly everything is wrong to you.
John Wick jumped the shark a long time ago. In the art gallery scene in 2, how is it that guys approach him one and a time and only fire when they're almost upon him? It's inevitable it was gonna end up at this point. It's an action movie that places value on the action design itself. Would you go to a ballet and complain the dances last too long? Yeah it's all highly choreographed, there's no attempt to disguise that. Like a Shaw Bros movie. You want something more realistic, go back to watch the first one. This has different aims. I love how you highlighted your criticism of the staircase scene as if that's damning indictment of the movie. Everyone laughed. It's suppose to be ludicrous. It's one of many stupidly silly action scenes. Obviously the movie doesn't take its action scenes very literally. You have Scott Adkins in a fat suit, fire shotguns, a Japanese girl climbing a big guy with her knives. The blind guy is better than everyone else not because he's blind, but because he's Donnie Yen, one of the most skilled screen fighters of all time. All your complaints have zero weight, and just tells me you're looking for something the movie isn't trying to be.
Is Donnie Yuen contractually obligated to be blind in Hollywood films?
Wasn't as good compared to the other films but the top down scene. Oh man. That was great!
Keanu is definitely showing his age. With every movie he's becoming more stiffer..