Ace Attorney? Not exactly a sim I know.I bet some game developer is looking at how the world is oddly gripped by this court case and is already working on courtroom simulator game.
Ace Attorney? Not exactly a sim I know.I bet some game developer is looking at how the world is oddly gripped by this court case and is already working on courtroom simulator game.
according toamber heard wins?
would count as a fatality by evil amber
according to
if depp loses i dono what to say
I bet some game developer is looking at how the world is oddly gripped by this court case and is already working on courtroom simulator game.
Mainstream media outlets still batting for Amber. Fuck them all, taking side of an abuser just because she is a woman, indeed proving what Amber said- 'see who will believe you'.
I am sick of going to Google News and seeing headlines like 'The pain in Amber heard's testimony' and 'Why Amber must be believed for the sake of all women' on WaPo and all.
Fuck you rags. As if I didn't hate the left liberal idea's of 'suppression hierarchy' and following it blindly enough.
Not surprised. It's disgusting to see but I just got used to itYeah, I noticed that too yesterday. Like they're hysterically deciding to believe whatever fragments support their agenda and beliefs and ignoring everything else.
Mainstream media outlets still batting for Amber. Fuck them all, taking side of an abuser just because she is a woman, indeed proving what Amber said- 'see who will believe you'.
I am sick of going to Google News and seeing headlines like 'The pain in Amber heard's testimony' and 'Why Amber must be believed for the sake of all women' on WaPo and all.
Fuck you rags. As if I didn't hate the left liberal idea's of 'suppression hierarchy' and following it blindly enough.
the only thing i don't understand, is why would all her ex-friends and her ex makeup artist lie for her if seemingly they all dont like her or talk to her or wont work for her anymore???
I could understand if for whatever reason they bought into her bs lies and believed her, and are just parroting what Amber told them so they believed it to be true. But 2 of the friends were there for one incident. And the makeup lady obviously understands what fake bruises and marks with makeup looks like.
thats just the one mystery to me. I guess u could chalk it up to the ex friends being garbage also and the ex makeup lady is just dumb?? but idk
the only thing i don't understand, is why would all her ex-friends and her ex makeup artist lie for her if seemingly they all dont like her or talk to her or wont work for her anymore???
I could understand if for whatever reason they bought into her bs lies and believed her, and are just parroting what Amber told them so they believed it to be true. But 2 of the friends were there for one incident. And the makeup lady obviously understands what fake bruises and marks with makeup looks like.
thats just the one mystery to me. I guess u could chalk it up to the ex friends being garbage also and the ex makeup lady is just dumb?? but idk
The papers/media know that Amber most probably will win.
So they preemptively support her so they can be 'in the right' when the verdict is announced.
The media/papers need to keep an air of knowing what they talk about to keep their readers 'respect'
That's a slippery slope you're on, friend.Saw on the news some raving women saying that this is a regression for the me too movement and that women will hesitate to denunciate more now because of this trial.
Implying that women are pure angels incapable of lying.
Mainstream media outlets still batting for Amber. Fuck them all, taking side of an abuser just because she is a woman, indeed proving what Amber said- 'see who will believe you'.
I am sick of going to Google News and seeing headlines like 'The pain in Amber heard's testimony' and 'Why Amber must be believed for the sake of all women' on WaPo and all.
Fuck you rags. As if I didn't hate the left liberal idea's of 'suppression hierarchy' and following it blindly enough.
The irony is that Heard's Op-ed was in essence true, but the other way around. It's actually Depp who's facing the cultures wrath for speaking up. Even after the mountains of evidence against Heard, people and media outlets are defending her. Imagine if you don't have evidence...
This trial has shown the danger of the metoo movement and believe of all women. You will be seen as the agressor if accused by a woman, no matter how much proof you have if the contrary.
Camille said it, ofc not literally but clearly between the linesYeah I wished they would've made that point in closing.
It's also depp that was abused.The irony is that Heard's Op-ed was in essence true, but the other way around. It's actually Depp who's facing the cultures wrath for speaking up. Even after the mountains of evidence against Heard, people and media outlets are defending her. Imagine if you don't have evidence...
This trial has shown the danger of the metoo movement and believe of all women. You will be seen as the agressor if accused by a woman, no matter how much proof you have if the contrary.
Camille said it, ofc not literally but clearly between the lines
Hey, you could be a Russian man...How fucking idiotic are these writers ffs. Let’s believe Amber despite all the evidence literally smashing you in the face. Let’s believe Amber who insists a pledge and donation are the same thing. These dumb fucks are so dense that they can’t see from all the way up on their high horses, that they’re the ones undermining real victims.
Their constant propaganda and virtue signalling creates so much white noise that drowns out legitimate victims from both sides. Thanks to people like Amber and her fuckwit supporters, I’m less inclined to believe women straight up, and certainly less inclined to have any faith in the justice system, or mainstream reporting.
Also rams home that as a man, we’re worth jack shit and our suffering means nothing to some people. If Depp couldn’t sway these fuckers with all those witnesses, evidence, and hot shit lawyers, then what hope does a common moron like me or you have, if we find ourselves in the same position?
I think they wanted to avoid to fall into the narrative "I'm the victim and I have everyone (media people social etc) against me", that was the foundation of turd's defence in the latest bits of the trialI know but more impactful I feel if she had said it outright like Sony wrote it.
Hey, you could be a Russian man...
Ironically they likely can get away with beating women.*
*Just to be clear, this is not something I endorse.
Check the channel from “incredible average” he debunked all of their friends testimony 2-3 years ago ! Even the make up artist liedthe only thing i don't understand, is why would all her ex-friends and her ex makeup artist lie for her if seemingly they all dont like her or talk to her or wont work for her anymore???
I could understand if for whatever reason they bought into her bs lies and believed her, and are just parroting what Amber told them so they believed it to be true. But 2 of the friends were there for one incident. And the makeup lady obviously understands what fake bruises and marks with makeup looks like.
thats just the one mystery to me. I guess u could chalk it up to the ex friends being garbage also and the ex makeup lady is just dumb?? but idk
I bet some game developer is looking at how the world is oddly gripped by this court case and is already working on courtroom simulator game.
who won? or is it still going on?
Man dont fuck this thread up with your pointless discussions.
Dont gatekeep this threadjonnyp
@DragoonKain There is a lot of summary videos on yt
This Amber Heard character sounds like a real jerk!
That's a slippery slope you're on, friend.
I’m glad I’m European/Portuguese our media does not care about that and doesn’t try to influence people opinion very often. They are too busy reporting actually news.Yeah, I noticed that too yesterday. Like they're hysterically deciding to believe whatever fragments support their agenda and beliefs and ignoring everything else.
I really get a 'fellow kids' vibe with Elaine...
I really get a 'fellow kids' vibe with Elaine...
Speaking of which, this guy has been doing a great job at looking at media headlines and articles written about this case, and will be continuing to provide a critical review of articles like this into the future. Since he's started doing this recently, he's also been contacted by a number of people who wrote the articles that he's reviewed. It's great to see this sort of thing being argued in a respectful way, while still pointing out logical and factual inconsistency, hypocrisy, bad faith, tribalism, etc. He does a great service to his arguments.This article sums up the state of our national broadcaster in Australia
What a shameful, unprofessional and baseless attempt to characterise the trial as being a precursor to future issues. Do they have a time machine?This article sums up the state of our national broadcaster in Australia
If Depp will be shorthand for making someone relive trauma. Heard is already shorthand for being a narcissist, stupid and a liar.
Stopped reading at the trigger warning. We truly live in clown world.This article sums up the state of our national broadcaster in Australia
Rocky and her ex husband were there for the break-up incident and aftermath. And both claimed that Amber had strike marks on her face and that the house was all torn up. Which police refute. But they stuck to that story. Wouldn't now, when ur no longer friends with the perfect time to be like NAH it was all a ruse. To get back at her. But they are both sticking to the story that ambers recollection of the police call incident are trueBecause they have all been lying since 2016 and have to stick to the stories they told when they still were friends, probably because they are afraid of perjury charges.
No one is saying the makeup artist is lying either. What we do know is that AH did not have a broken nose, black, swollen eyes and a split lip like she claims. The makeup artist said she had discoloration beneath her eyes, and bleeding from the lip (it wasn't split like AH says and the makeupartist states, that is plain to see) the day after AH claims the above-mentioned injuries were sustained. Her testimony wasn't very convincing when she started getting really defensive when asked to describe where she sees swelling though.
And which two friends were there for which incident? None of her friends have seen JD be violent with AH. None. The only one who claims that she has seen JD be violent with Amber is Whitney, who is lying to protect her sister according to Howell. The two sisters cannot even agree on what happened during that one incident. If the abuse was so frequent, so brutal as AH heard says, why hasn't anyone other than Whitney seen anything? Why did no one outside of her inner circle ever see these brutal, horrific injuries she claims? Why are there not one single medical record? She is an actress and a model that was frequently beat in the face by a man wearing large rings, but no one else outside her circle noticed anything?
A much better question to ask is why would JD bring this case forward, exposing every intimate thing about himself, having the her lies repeated in front of the entire world, if he was guilty of these things?