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Joining the dark side (xbox/xbox live question)


So I'm about to buy a used xbox, and i was wondering whether I should go for Xbox Live or not. How's the lag? What games are worth buying for it? Is it packed 24/7? Or are there times when you've noticed very few people were playing your game over live?

And what are absolute must haves (system exclusives)? Games I definitely want to try are Kotor and PDO. (And I've played and finished Ninja Gaiden & Halo)

Any help is greatly appreciated.

PS Yes this is another one of those gamecube only gamer buys xbox stories


Banstick Emeritus
Live is great if you're into that sort of thing. I use it pretty well exclusively for sports and Burnout 3. Lag occasionally gets ridiculous, but for the most part it's quite good.

Great system exclusives? Fable is an interesting experience, KOTOR rocks city blocks, and Halo 2 is coming in a week so you might want to check those out. Most multiplatform games turn out better on the Xbox as well (sharper graphics, use of the HD for loading and custom soundtracks).
I still don't understand why you people need to announce that you're buying an Xbox. Is it like a liberation or what? A coming out?


It's pretty funny, my PS2 broke a while ago so I never got a new one. I've had my gamecube since release and it has been running smoothly and everything, but I really, really want xbox live/ halo 2, so i might have to buy a xbox; kotor 2 is a must buy for me too (i beat the first one on my cousins xbox, he moved to another state now tho :| ).


Tim said:
So I'm about to buy a used xbox, and i was wondering whether I should go for Xbox Live or not. How's the lag? What games are worth buying for it? Is it packed 24/7? Or are there times when you've noticed very few people were playing your game over live?
i have purchased games i was otherwise uninterested in simply because of live play. yes, it's worth it.

best live games are halo 2 (obviously,) and pandora tomorrow. pandora tomorrow has a big learning curve, and it helps to play with people that aren't assholes, but there's nothing else like it.

as for lag, it's game dependant, but generally within acceptable levels. and you'll always have someone to play against, unless it's a super-unknown kind of game.. i haven't run into any, myself.


bishoptl said:
Live is great if you're into that sort of thing. I use it pretty well exclusively for sports and Burnout 3. Lag occasionally gets ridiculous, but for the most part it's quite good.

Great system exclusives? Fable is an interesting experience, KOTOR rocks city blocks, and Halo 2 is coming in a week so you might want to check those out. Most multiplatform games turn out better on the Xbox as well (sharper graphics, use of the HD for loading and custom soundtracks).
Thanks for the suggestions.
Are loading times really better on xbox because of the hd? I'm used to Gamecube's loading times now and those are great, so I hope I won't be disappointed. Any feedback on Amped (2)? I love snowboarding games and I was wondering if I need to try this series.


Tim said:
Are loading times really better on xbox because of the hd?
depends on the game. try dead or alive 3/ultimate. entire stages load in under 1 second. every single time.

generally speaking, the cube is very good with load times, so you probably won't notice that much of a difference unless the game is specifically coded for hard drive caching.


epmode said:
depends on the game. try dead or alive 3/ultimate. entire stages load in under 1 second. every single time.

generally speaking, the cube is very good with load times, so you probably won't notice that much of a difference unless the game is specifically coded for hard drive caching.
Well I'm really glad to hear the loading times are on par with gamecube's, cause I don't think I could live with some of the ps2 loading times I've heard about (and seen).


GC > Xbox > PS2 when it comes to loading times unless you have a modded system and the games installed on the hard drive.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
I myself just bought an Xbox because of Halo 2 as well. The game truly is going to be a system seller.

Deku Tree

If you buy an xbox and Halo 2 (and you should buy Halo 2 if your buying an xbox) then don't get LIVE right away. Halo 2 comes with a 2 month free LIVE card which you can use to try it out and see if your into it.


Amped 2 and Riddick are pretty good games. Also, if you prefer to play on console rather than PC (like me), you might want to check out Armed & Dangerous and Thief: Deadly Shadows. Thief has some nasty load times, but otherwise is a very entertaining stealth game.


Deku Tree said:
If you buy an xbox and Halo 2 (and you should buy Halo 2 if your buying an xbox) then don't get LIVE right away. Halo 2 comes with a 2 month free LIVE card which you can use to try it out and see if your into it.
Thanks, that's great news, especially since Halo 2 is the main reason I'm buying an xbox. Without it I probably wouldn't have considered it, so yeah I agree with you that Halo 2 really is a system seller Justin :)
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