Makes sense. That's why I think Jotaro works better as a secondary character than a main.Here's Araki's comments on Polnareff, from Jojonium Volume 16:
Makes sense. That's why I think Jotaro works better as a secondary character than a main.Here's Araki's comments on Polnareff, from Jojonium Volume 16:
This is pretty off-topic, but does the manga explain where the hell Polneraff is when Jotaro starts fighting DIO? If I remember right, in the anime he's seen with Jotaro then disappears till he stabs DIO.People hating on the Pol? Can't have that
Also bonus DIO
The title of the series is JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, but first and foremost, I actually wanted to draw Dio. Good and evil, white and black—Jonathan and Dio function as symbols and are foils of one another. The series had the potential to go on, so in my mind, I wanted to create a "first Joestar" that could function as a symbol of purity and dignity rather than a unique, fresh character—that's why it was hard to come up with him.
There are limitations on how I could write the character because he was a "symbol of justice," so he may be a little on the boring side. I solidified his character as I went. Jonathan is passive, reacting to Dio's various attacks, and this leads to him discovering his way of life. Perhaps this is linked to me as an author, growing along with my character as I drew him. Just as Jonathan was unsure as to how to live his life, I was unsure where to take the character. Maybe I grew as an author a little with Jonathan as he trudged on through his hardships.
Why is Dio naked?
He wanted to show off his beautiful body. If I try, I can draw these characters to look the way they did, but they're living, breathing things. They do end up looking like completely different people when drawn in a modern style.
Joseph Joestar was the one who took up the torch from the original JoJo, Jonathan Joestar, to become the main character of the second generation. Looking back on it, it seems that a lot of fans feel as if the two of them look rather identical. The thing is, when this was originally being serialized, it was unprecedented to have a main character die in a Weekly Shonen Jump story. "The manga has the same title, but it now has a different main character" - it was difficult to think of a way to overcome the reader's perception that it had turned into an entirely different manga altogether! That's why I decided to keep Joseph's appearance the same as Jonathan's but change his personality. Now that the series is up to Part 8, though, I wish I had differentiated the appearances of the protagonists of Parts 1 and 2 a bit more (laughs).
It's normal to see strong women these days, but back then, it was unheard of in shonen manga, not to mention society in general. It was exciting to challenge people's expectations through the medium of Weekly Shonen Jump by having a woman train the main character so he can get stronger.
In addition to functioning as someone's master, people also weren't used to seeing a woman fight. When displaying the strength of a character, for example, if it's an old man, there could be a backstory where he spent his youth doing harsh training therefore he was able to learn the techniques and become a master. That would explain why he can catch a fly using chopsticks...but for a woman, there needs to be something more substantive to back it up. In a match, common sense dictates that the physically stronger would win, but I realized that if you add supernatural abilities into the mix, a woman can fight on even footing with a strong male opponent. In other words, if the battle is between those with supernatural powers, physical appearance has nothing to do with strength. The Ripple is Lisa Lisa's supernatural ability. The idea of "looks being irrelevant in super natural abilities" is what led to the introduction of Stands in part 3.
Jotaro was modeled on Clint Eastwood, who I really respect. Jotaro’s pose with his finger out, which has become really popular now, came from one of Eastwood’s poses with a .44 magnum. Jotaro’s “Yare yare daze” quote also came from one of Eastwood’s lines, which went something like this: “Bank robbery? Gimme a break…” I took a lot of inspiration from the roles that Eastwood has played, right down to details like these. Perhaps because of that, Jotaro seems a bit mature compared to other shonen manga main characters. I think Joseph was a better fit for the Jump style of main character. But to me, Jotaro is a true hero. To me, heroes are solitary. They don’t seek value or praise for doing what they believe is right. In other words, their justice goes unrewarded. Sometimes, going down the just path makes them end up alone. Basically, I think heroes aren’t supposed to have allies. Jotaro never opens his heart and keeps his feelings inside because he’s a lone hero. Even after defeating enemies, he never goes wild and gets happy. He just says “Yare yare daze.” That’s all he needs.
I didn’t really have a chance to draw it in the comic, but Kakyoin is a high school student that goes to the same school that Jotaro does. During this journey, you can sense that although they become friends, there is still a sense of distance. But I wonder how it would’ve been like if they didn’t have their Stand abilities as common ground...Considering their personality types, they probably would not have become friends (Laughs). I bet Kakyoin would’ve become better friends with Josuke from Part 4.
Now that I think back on it, since I killed him once, I probably should have made him more important in the story. Of course, these thoughts all come to me after I've already finished the story. Making the story center around Avdol would have been very adventurous at the time (Laughs); Even in the character popularity polls, I don't think he was ever in any of the top spots. Everyone just wanted to see Jotaro fight... Also, drawing Magician's Red was a bit of a struggle for me.
Speaking of, the other Jojonium interviews are pretty interesting. There's some mentions of stuff in future parts, but if you don't look them up (or look at the rest of the wiki), it shouldn't be serious spoilers.
Some excerpts I particularly liked:
I think that if they really were that bloody they'd leave more evidence behind
I still want Togashi and Araki to co create something first.alex rider anime
araki/david pro collab
fucking when
I know nothing about Alex Rider
Washing his face with Tokyo tap water everydayThe man is nearly 60. How the fuck is he so damn youthful looking?
I wasn't that interested in the very first 6 episodes of the show but i skipped to a later season and saw an episode with a dude who claimed he was an alien and then turned into a pair of dice and started throwing up because he was allergic to sirens or something and i couldn't stop laughing, holy shit that was great. Might continue watching the series if there's more stuff like that.
Mayan dubstep playing? Time to walk through some Nazi's like they weren't even there, but not before I stitch them together with their hands and then simultaneously suck out their essence.Season 1 with Johnathan is usually considered the most boring.
I wouldn't skip the stuff with Joseph though. Pillar Men arc remains a favorite. I
It's funny how benign that episode is compared to the series at large. Shape-shifting being your only power is kinda mehI wasn't that interested in the very first 6 episodes of the show but i skipped to a later season and saw an episode with a dude who claimed he was an alien and then turned into a pair of dice and started throwing up because he was allergic to sirens or something and i couldn't stop laughing, holy shit that was great. Might continue watching the series if there's more stuff like that.
I need more kawaii Dio in my life. Did Dio take a night flight or did he over come his vampirism and it's a morning flight?I FOUND IT! I FINALLY FOUND IT!
I need more kawaii Dio in my life. Did Dio take a night flight or did he over come his vampirism and it's a morning flight?
That's what the comic is about!
They're covers Araki did for the Japanese translation of Alex Rider, a series of spy fiction novels for kids.What are those special covers with the very shoujou-manga art style?
Nobody is commenting on this but let me just say Naruto looks weird af in a JoJo art style.Remember to watch this episode's intro today everyone ;D
edit: also, Araki's Naruto
Kenshiro in Araki's current style
Nobody is commenting on this but let me just say Naruto looks weird af in a JoJo art style.
I want Araki to draw Goku now.
Nobody is commenting on this but let me just say Naruto looks weird af in a JoJo art style.
I want Araki to draw Goku now.
He drew a surprisingly low-key 'Koichi but in a Goku cosplay' version for DB's 30th.
Araki's The Prestige.
I need an Araki drawn Hinata.Nobody is commenting on this but let me just say Naruto looks weird af in a JoJo art style.
I want Araki to draw Goku now.
reminder that Araki began with this, and ended up with those