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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure |OT| Get back, Stand up

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Fuck Doppio. Snatching that ice cream cone out of that girls and and calling her a bitch. Ok so Stands are manifestations created by some space rock? "It begins its attack when your body moves beneath its current position." MAN FUCK THIS GOD DAMN STANDO BULLSHIT!!!!!


yo you guys in the toonami thread should tone the spoilers and future part discussion down, that's exactly the kind of crap that made the anime OTs so bad with spoilers


Stands are still psychic mental manifestations but the arrows can force them out, and the arrows happen to be made from space rocks.


For clarification in the New universe in regards to Stands tagging for Jaded and any others sake
in 7 and 8 to get a stand other than being born with it like the Family in 8 or the Rock Humans as far as we know, you have to survive the Devil's Palm (IIRC the name) and being fused with the corpse parts unless you're Dio which is technically a virus
Also i think the hills have something to do with it in 8 right
It's almost the same without bow and arrows sometimes guns and accepting your shadow
But nobody is this pissed when their stand awakens.


Stands just manifestations of psychic power, and that hasn't changed. The space rocks have the power to force stand activation, which someone forged into arrows. But the normal way to awaken stands is having a lot of willpower or being really into something, which is why the arrow kills you if you're a wuss or how Tonio got Pearl Jam by being really into making good food.

also, Jolyne pretty much gets that angry, lol


also more generally, Jojo is about supernatural stuff, and stands and psychic powers are Araki's explanation for how they work

like e.g., if you were a normal person seeing a stand user pick something up, it'd look like they were using telekinesis, but they're really using a stand you can't see
also more generally, Jojo is about supernatural stuff, and stands and psychic powers are Araki's explanation for how they work

like e.g., if you were a normal person seeing a stand user pick something up, it'd look like they were using telekinesis, but they're really using a stand you can't see
Or you'd just see Stray Cat hovering without realizing he's embedded in Killer Queen's chest. Araki doesn't seem as random as Togashi plot wise, but on the flipside Togashi can usually nail the narrative better.


shhh Graham I'm still compiling this Radiant map
Any wild guesses what might go down next chapter, now that it's that time of the month

Gonna mark out if Gappy punches the Italian dessert.
Jaded is making me retroactively hate Gold Experience. What a dumb Stand lol.
Now I like the design of Gold Experience, but the mechanics of it are bullshit. Was Pokemon around at this time? What's stopping Giorno from making a Pokemon out of like a fucking keg of beer or something. "I give this car life and turned it into a Blastoise." Him turning a brick into a snake and having said brick snake be organic enough to synthesize an antidote for the Purple Haze poison was some fucking bullshit.


I think the complaints about Gold Experience are really silly, especially the ones Jaded's been making so far.

Of course it's not gonna make sense if you overthink it like that. It's not that kind of power.

Him turning a brick into a snake and having said brick snake be organic enough to synthesize an antidote for the Purple Haze poison was some fucking bullshit.
Like, this complaint. It's only bullshit if you demand GE works in a certain very particular way, which it never has.
"This stand makes perfect sense as long as you don't think about it in a logical fashion." I just think the "It gives shit life" explanation to be all too vague. It's kind of borderline limitless in its execution.


Yeah, Gold Experience is really broad and abstract. But that's totally different from inconsistency.

Gold Experience can give life to things, in the sense of imbuing things with "life energy". Nearly everything GE does makes sense under that explanation, given some lateral thinking. (e.g., What happens when you put life into something already alive? Well, it thinks faster, because isn't that kind of what life is? On the other hand, aren't organs alive? So you can totally make organs, right?)

There is stuff that's inconsistent about Gold Experience, like the attack reflection thing, but Araki drops most of those.

You can not like not abstract GE is, but that's just a matter of taste, and it's annoying that people spin that into some objective complaint about its consistency.
I honestly find how abstract the damn thing is to be hilarious. So me picking it apart isn't exactly me complaining it's just me finding how inventive/bullshit it is to be funny. There is a lot of it that does make some sense, it's just funny and kind of seems like a way to get around certain plot restrictions.


Fair enough.

It just gets a bit annoying sometimes how much GE gets shit on, man. Everything in Jojo is really abstract, all the way from "Hamon allows us to use the natural magnetism of the leaves to make a glider!" to "Crazy Diamond can punch a plate of spaghetti and turn it into whole ingredients and even restore a stand mixed into the food!". It's always been a thing, yo.
And that is why it's so funny and entertaining. Half the heart of Jojo is just seeing Araki find the most absurd ways to get his characters out of these situations and the inventive use of stand powers. You can't kill Notorious BIG so lets just crash the plane it absorbed itself into and crash it into the open ocean. Can't shoot White Album so lets drop kick his head enough times to have the bullets reach his brain. The whole thing is meant to be fun. Yeah GE is abstract as fuck, but he honestly does have a pretty cool stand. It's probably not as physically strong as Star Platinum or Crazy Diamond, but it probably beats them both in versatility though Josuke really knew how to make Crazy Diamond work for him.


GE isn't inconsistent. I think people mistakenly believe that because giving life to things such a vague ability and you never expect him to be able to do the things he does. He's always doing something different. It isn't necessarily a bad thing but you gotta wonder if he ever has any fucking limits. Every chapter it's "oh ok he can do that, and that, and that, and that too. How the fuck? Oh he gave life to it I guess." At some point you're just like "whatever you say Giorno" and just roll with. Compare it to Crazy Diamond who has a rather simple ability that's used in lots of creative ways by Josuke. Giorno's use of GE isn't exactly creative, it's more that he can just DO these things because that's his OP af power if that makes sense. With Josuke, you'd never think that he'd use Crazy Diamond's ability the way he does against Kira or Superfly for example. With Giorno, you're surprised at the things he can do for entirely different reasons. Crazy Diamond is more of a "holy shit he can use it like that too?" Gold Experience is "wtf? What CAN'T you do?"

Maybe I didn't make sense but whatever. I was never a fan of Gold Experience's abilities.


I see where you're coming from, yeah. I like Gold Experience, but I prefer Crazy Diamond or Stone Free for the same reason; they're simple but clever.

That said, Crazy Diamond isn't that simple, tbh. It'a also a pretty abstract power, though way less than Gold Experience is. Stone Free is the only main Jojo stand that's properly simple.
No mold grows on Buccellati as if he were a Big Mac out of McDonald's. "I GAVE MY FRESHLY DEAD BRO BUCCELLATI LIFE AND TURNED HIM INTO A ZOMBIE."


Now I like the design of Gold Experience, but the mechanics of it are bullshit. Was Pokemon around at this time? What's stopping Giorno from making a Pokemon out of like a fucking keg of beer or something. "I give this car life and turned it into a Blastoise." Him turning a brick into a snake and having said brick snake be organic enough to synthesize an antidote for the Purple Haze poison was some fucking bullshit.

When the Part 5 anime is underway you have to post this.


I see where you're coming from, yeah. I like Gold Experience, but I prefer Crazy Diamond or Stone Free for the same reason; they're simple but clever.

That said, Crazy Diamond isn't that simple, tbh. It'a also a pretty abstract power, though way less than Gold Experience is. Stone Free is the only main Jojo stand that's properly simple.

Jolyne doing that Möbius strip thing was when I decided Stone Free was favorite protagonist Stand. Or maybe second favorite. She might be tied with Crazy Diamond. Still, the shit Jolyne does with fucking strings is amazing.
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