Incels and edgelords are gonna love this movie for sure.
Interesting that 11 years and billions of dollars later Marvel has yet to make a movie as good as the Dark Knight. I guess that what happens when you have a director who wants to make compelling art versus a roller coasterLet's not start that shit in this thread but is that video really trying to sting the MCU?
Congratz WB/DC on finally making a great film 11 years after The Dark Knight? It took you some time but you finally got there.
Interesting that 11 years and billions of dollars later Marvel has yet to make a movie as good as the Dark Knight. I guess that what happens when you have a director who wants to make compelling art versus a roller coaster
This movie upsets the SJW media so much The Guardian says everyone should see a crappy movie called Cuck instead of Joker.
Forget Joker: here's the film you should see about an extremist loner…
archived 5 Oct 2019 21:30:26
Let's not start that shit in this thread but is that video really trying to sting the MCU?
Congratz WB/DC on finally making a great film 11 years after The Dark Knight? It took you some time but you finally got there.
Man of Steel, Batman V Superman (director's cut), Wonder Woman and Aquaman are not great films either. Argubably worse than mcu moviesThe Dark Knight Rises, Man of Steel, Batman V Superman (director's cut), Wonder Woman and Aquaman. Joker is maybe the best since Nolan was doing these flicks but not the first great film in 11 years and I'd argue when it comes to GREATNESS MCU has far fewer offerings especially percentage-wise. Their films are often far messier even when they near greatness, like how Civil War could have been great without bad stuff like the airport nonsense and honestly... the Civil War itself... a film about Cap, Bucky and Iron Man would have been leaner and better.
You said let's not start that shit in this thread but you know... you kinda said some shit that can't be ignored. It's the "PS4 has no games" of comic book movies to pretend DC only has TDK for great films.
Man of Steel, Batman V Superman (director's cut), Wonder Woman and Aquaman are not great films either. Argubably worse than mcu movies
This movie upsets the SJW media so much The Guardian says everyone should see a crappy movie called Cuck instead of Joker.
Forget Joker: here's the film you should see about an extremist loner…
archived 5 Oct 2019 21:30:26
My sister and I went to see it on friday, and we were expecting a big line. But the theater was almost empty. After I was done seeing the movie I understood why. The acting is superb, but it's not a good movie imo. Hope I don't hurt anyone's feelings by saying this. Artistically it's brilliant. I'm not gonna be watching it again.
One of their reviews for it gave it 4 stars.
That guy has good taste.
The biggest problem with the MCU movies is they seem to think the more characters they throw at you the better it makes the movie.Interesting that 11 years and billions of dollars later Marvel has yet to make a movie as good as the Dark Knight. I guess that what happens when you have a director who wants to make compelling art versus a roller coaster
This movie upsets the SJW media so much The Guardian says everyone should see a crappy movie called Cuck instead of Joker.
Forget Joker: here's the film you should see about an extremist loner…
archived 5 Oct 2019 21:30:26
My sister and I went to see it on friday, and we were expecting a big line. But the theater was almost empty. After I was done seeing the movie I understood why. The acting is superb, but it's not a good movie imo. Hope I don't hurt anyone's feelings by saying this. Artistically it's brilliant. I'm not gonna be watching it again.
Just found out my 12 year old niece saw this and loved it.
For me the slowness is part of the appeal. It’s the literal opposite of the ADHD filmmaking we’ve seen ever since The Matrix. It’s a patient film that treats you like a grown up. I love it for that.How is it not a good movie in your opinion? I think in almost every measurable way, it's a good film. The only major complaint I really had with it is that it's pretty slow.
Todd Phillip's said in an interview that there was a lot of footage that ended up not being used because he prefers a tighter film. But I hope he releases an extended cut because I'd love to just simmer in Arthur's world for another extra hour or even two.For me the slowness is part of the appeal. It’s the literal opposite of the ADHD filmmaking we’ve seen ever since The Matrix. It’s a patient film that treats you like a grown up. I love it for that.
I’d be quite happy with that.Todd Phillip's said in an interview that there was a lot of footage that ended up not being used because he prefers a tighter film. But I hope he releases an extended cut because I'd love to just simmer in Arthur's world for another extra hour or even two.
For me the slowness is part of the appeal. It’s the literal opposite of the ADHD filmmaking we’ve seen ever since The Matrix. It’s a patient film that treats you like a grown up. I love it for that.
The general audience prefers a never-ending stream of Michael Bay blockbusters. You don't need critics, or a metacritic to tell you that. You might want a metacritic to let you know how something performs across all audiences, though.At this point you could cast Joaqim as the role of a turd and critics would still praise him/the movie. When will we fucking move on from this metacritic/RT critics bullshit? They're never ever what the general audience prefers.
Let's not start that shit in this thread but is that video really trying to sting the MCU?
Congratz WB/DC on finally making a great film 11 years after The Dark Knight? It took you some time but you finally got there.
Agreed me too.
The only part that I thought was odd was
The part with his lady friend. I feel like a few scenes were deleted from. I feel like if they pushed their fake relationship a little more, had a few more emotional moments together then the reveal of her being imaginery would have had more impact
Agreed me too.
The only part that I thought was odd was
The part with his lady friend. I feel like a few scenes were deleted from. I feel like if they pushed their fake relationship a little more, had a few more emotional moments together then the reveal of her being imaginery would have had more impact
I took my unborn son to see this masterpiece, am i a good father figure?![]()
Seeing this in 1 hour myself with my brother, no GFs allowed.
Normally no, he's not that older. He could be even younger, depending on the arcIs Joker supposed to be way older than Batman in the comics like that?
The biggest problem with the MCU movies is they seem to think the more characters they throw at you the better it makes the movie.
I think it doesn't matter. Joker wasn't supposed to be a regular guy with make up either. This is more of a else world scenario.Is Joker supposed to be way older than Batman?
My sister and I went to see it on friday, and we were expecting a big line. But the theater was almost empty. After I was done seeing the movie I understood why. The acting is superb, but it's not a good movie imo. Hope I don't hurt anyone's feelings by saying this. Artistically it's brilliant. I'm not gonna be watching it again.
Normally no, he's not that older. He could be even younger, depending on the arc![]()