Sadly I think Marvel won't do us such a favorHow many omnibuses will it likely take to collect Hickman's run (Avengers, New Avengers, Infinity)? 2 or 3?
Sadly I think Marvel won't do us such a favorHow many omnibuses will it likely take to collect Hickman's run (Avengers, New Avengers, Infinity)? 2 or 3?
A few days ago, I was betting on 4 including the existing Infinity volume.How many omnibuses will it likely take to collect Hickman's run (Avengers, New Avengers, Infinity)? 2 or 3?
has it been confirmed that the black swans are alternate universes valerias?
They appear to be alt Emma Frosts if I understood the final New Avengers correctly.
They appear to be alt Emma Frosts if I understood the final New Avengers correctly.
also fuck Old Man Cap. what a dumb thing to have done in the middle of such a rad run.
Where is 616 Fury in all of this?
And has Thanos' son come back?
On the moon.
I bought the first 2 Avengers trades to go along with it but real talk, if at some point I choose to just read one or the other am I going to lose a ton or not?
Well basically, yes. After a while, it's basically one series under two different names.
Yeah, Thane showed up in the Black Vortex saga. He even powered up during the event so right now, he's all set up to be this big cosmic villain.And has Thanos' son come back?
Yeah, Thane showed up in the Black Vortex saga. He even powered up during the event so right now, he's all set up to be this big cosmic villain.
As for 616 Fury, I hope the moon doesn't get destroyed during that final incursion.
Yeah, Thane showed up in the Black Vortex saga. He even powered up during the event so right now, he's all set up to be this big cosmic villain.
As for 616 Fury, I hope the moon doesn't get destroyed during that final incursion.
Those bastards. This is why I usually stick to my Image stuffOne series of trades I can keep up with but trying to stagger two of them while also picking up a third mini series (infinity?) is... expensive.
That would be funny.Maybe they already killed him with Sol's Hammer by accident?
If you have a tablet, the cheapest route I see is getting a month free trial of Marvel Unlimited with promo code "Star Wars", read everything on there up till the six month cutoff and buy the recent trades that aren't on there yet after that.
I can't read off tablets, gives me a huge headache. I complain about something I now there is a simple solution to. I just got the next two Avengers trades because it looks like my New Avengers I have is good for a LONG TIME and the Avengers is a bigger part of the story at the beginning. I can't seem to find Infinity? Is that included in either of the Avengers trades or is that its own thing? That I may end up reading online if I have to because I don't but floppy books.
The moon just got partially blasted by Sol's Hammer -_-
Haha, you're right guys.Maybe they already killed him with Sol's Hammer by accident?
I can't read off tablets, gives me a huge headache. I complain about something I now there is a simple solution to. I just got the next two Avengers trades because it looks like my New Avengers I have is good for a LONG TIME and the Avengers is a bigger part of the story at the beginning. I can't seem to find Infinity? Is that included in either of the Avengers trades or is that its own thing? That I may end up reading online if I have to because I don't but floppy books.
That's entirely unclear. For example, we know that eight months later, Cyclops is the leader of an X-Nation but right now, X-books are pretty much at the opposite of that.Have the other Marvel series started to catch up with Avengers/New Avengers? Or are they still 8 months behind and they're going to jump ahead for their Last Days issues?
Haha, you're right guys.
He's Fury, he'll eventually come back anyway.
Those bastards. This is why I usually stick to my Image stuffOne series of trades I can keep up with but trying to stagger two of them while also picking up a third mini series (infinity?) is... expensive.
I don't see how you could reach that conclusion.
Guys, the Secret Wars OT is almost ready for posting but we're missing a good title. Could use your help with ideas/opinions.
I'll start with, |OT| Everything Ties-In
Via Psych, |OT| Everything (including YOU) Dies!
|OT| Everything (including your wallet) Dies!
|OT| A NuMarvel without mutants|OT| NOT A REBOOT
|OT| Everything (including your wallet) Dies!
|OT| Taking Ultimate Marvel behind the shed
Yeah, I don't have any ideas.
TBH I wanted to add "finally".Probably won't go over well with certain members...
|OT| ... and then the planets kissGuys, the Secret Wars OT is almost ready for posting but we're missing a good title. Could use your help with ideas/opinions.
I'll start with, |OT| Everything Ties-In
Via Psych, |OT| Everything (including YOU) Dies!
New X-Men is awesome. Planet Hulk is a great read. I love Marvel Zombies for it's pulp value. And there is love and hate, but I really like Old Man Logan. Everything New Avengers is good as well.Still not 100% sure what Doom's plan was. If he kills a MM, that universe dies.
Isn't that what the Beyonders want? How will that save anything?
I guess we'll find out more in a couple days...
In the meantime, what's everyones favorite stuff outta this:
New X-Men is awesome. Planet Hulk is a great read. I love Marvel Zombies for it's pulp value. And there is love and hate, but I really like Old Man Logan. Everything New Avengers is good as well.
Yeah, I'm a fan of NXM & Planet Hulk.
Maybe I'll give Zombies a read to get more insight into 1610 Reed.
OT|No, this has nothing to do with the movies
It's cool to see someone else pro-Ultimate Universe! I grew up reading it.
I hope Ultimate Peter survives.
I have bad news for you, dude.
I'm pretty sure Ultimate Peter and MJ will bite the bullet.
A lot of the Ultimate universe won't survive, but I kinda want Ultimate May to make the cut. I still thinks she's amazing hehe.