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"Julian Bashir was coded as gay"

Article on the official website claims a character on Deep Space 9 was gay, because one of his major arcs is about a friendship bonding with two other dudes. Plus he has a posh British accent.

This is despite the fact that he pursues several heterosexual relationships throughout the show. In fact, I'd argue he is the biggest skirt chaser in Trek besides Kirk.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
I can’t wait until they tell me in the future that Optimus Prime is brown. All those childhood years unable to identify myself with my heroes...


Only two instances on wikipedia relating to his sexuality:



Not to mention he dated Leeta (a Bajoran woman) for a year, and then there was that one episode where he was making out with a random woman on Riza.

I met the actress once at a Con. I don't blame Bashir at all.

Does that mean Riker is also gay because he was with that gender changing alien that one episode? Nothing happened but they might say he was hiding his true feelings. Not to mention Captain Kirk and all his campiness...

This is how slash fics start. Hell, most Star Trek stories are slash that IIRC it invented the genre in the 70s as some of the older gen have told me.


Imagine making a fuzz about fictional characters sexuality to the point were you retcon old tv-shows.

I once saw that there is an actual study made about Tintins supposed homosexuality as well.

Just imagine spending the amount of time and resources these people have spent on these kinds of things.


There was definitely some kind of chemistry going on between him and Garak. It came across more as red meat for thirsty fanfic writers rather than a pivotal and definitive character trait though



This thread was yesterday LOL.

GAF predicting the future.

Next we will find out Kirk was really black. Spock was a transman. And Jordie once found a noose left in the warp drive.


I didn't watch a lot of Deep Space Nine, it was not a show that resonated with me, but I'm gonna call BULL SHIT.

He totally had a boner for a woman in one of few episodes I watched in that show.

Deleted member 1159

Unconfirmed Member
I had lunch with my best man today...granted I’ve only ever been attracted to women and only pursued women and ever had any sort of physical/sexual contact with women but...am I gay, GAF?


Virtue signallers are such a weird problem. More and more I feel that the best option is just to ignore totally.

When they start breaking laws they get arrested so I think I'll just keep telling friends to avoid social media and stop giving fools any attention.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion

For the record, I understand very little mainly from pictures, but still, probably best song to this whole shit.


A lot of people think that Deep Space Nine was in reference to the titular space station, but it was actually in reference to Lt. Bashir's stick game with the ladies. The legend of his "DS9" was well known from one end of the Promenade to the other, which caused the poor doctor to be outright banned from the more religious regions of Bajor.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future

Article on the official website claims a character on Deep Space 9 was gay, because one of his major arcs is about a friendship bonding with two other dudes. Plus he has a posh British accent.

This is despite the fact that he pursues several heterosexual relationships throughout the show. In fact, I'd argue he is the biggest skirt chaser in Trek besides Kirk.
It doesn't actually say anything like that. It's just a blog post where some rando draws parallels between augmentation and being trans.
Edit: Can't even find the clickbait quote in the article.
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Mr Nash

square pies = communism
What is that article talking about, if anything Bashir was the station's fuck boi.

On a tangential note, did anyone else get a weird pedo vibe from the Traveler guy that was showing Wesley Crusher how to travel through space with his mind?


On a tangential note, did anyone else get a weird pedo vibe from the Traveler guy that was showing Wesley Crusher how to travel through space with his mind?

Considering Wesley was a self-insert by Roddenbbery (yes he even admitted As much), it does raise some intresting questions.


Perpetually Offended
This is stupid. He's more hetero than James Bond! Even his FANTASIES we're about hot women.

He's married in real life to Major Kira herself, Nana Visitor.


So first Seven has been queer all along, now Bashir is gay? Chasing after the hottest woman on Star Trek (Jadzia), yeah, sure sounds gay!

It's Jeff

What? Bashir was so sprung on Jadzia that after she married Worf and bought the farm dishonorably, he went on a suicide mission WITH Worf to make sure her soul made it to Sto-vo-kor. He hooked up with Ezri Dax, saying he was deeply in love with her. He plowed Leeta and left his teddy bear in her bedroom. He was all over Melora, and smashed it in low gravity. Bashir was so thirsty that he operated on Sarina Douglas so he wouldn't feel guilty for popping boners from a mute mutant.

Does gay mean crushing every hot puss that enters his orbit? Is that what gay is? I wish I was gay.




Ironically, that was an evil clone of Prime.

Also, wasn't there an article a couple years ago talking shit about Bashir and how much of a womanizing misogynist he was, and now he's suddenly gay? The guy who tried to bang every attractive female on the station and simped so hard for Jadzia that he actually pissed her off?

I'm guessing Miles O'Brien was the "top" in the relationship then :messenger_grinning_squinting:
The lighting on Bashir makes his whole body shape look weird . It looks like someone photoshopped the space between his legs. Also the costume has the look of pants being hitched up to his chest.


On a tangential note, did anyone else get a weird pedo vibe from the Traveler guy that was showing Wesley Crusher how to travel through space with his mind?

Wesley going off to buttfuck the Traveler was always the joke with my friends and I at the time.


Did anyone actually bother to read the article? I did a really quick skim but it just tries to draw parallels with Bashir's experience with his genetic augmentation and the LGBTQ experience, specifically trans-. It's a slight stretch and even the author points out it's not explicit but they felt they could see themselves in the character in a way.


I like sex and all and im down with all sexual orientations but why must everything be defined by it? Can’t I watch she-ra or Star Trek or gay porn without it constantly being shoved down my throat?


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Did anyone actually bother to read the article? I did a really quick skim but it just tries to draw parallels with Bashir's experience with his genetic augmentation and the LGBTQ experience, specifically trans-. It's a slight stretch and even the author points out it's not explicit but they felt they could see themselves in the character in a way.
Yeah I pointed this out above. The quote in the thread title doesn't appear in the article - this is just clickbait outrage bullshit.
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