I can't believe Bull Dempsey is really happening to us.
This guy looks like a fat high school wrestling fan who won a contest to be a superstar for a day.
The Daniel Bryan Era.
I can't believe Bull Dempsey is really happening to us.
This guy looks like a fat high school wrestling fan who won a contest to be a superstar for a day.
I can't believe Bull Dempsey is really happening to us.
This guy looks like a fat high school wrestling fan who won a contest to be a superstar for a day.
I take it Kevin Steen's 'fat guy who beats the shit out of people' gimmick isn't an option any more now?
What about Mike the Miz of MTV fame?
Andy Kaufman. No one else comes close.Is Dennis Rodman the best celebrity to wrestler spot? I thought he translated real well. It's either him or like Shaq.
He can still do "fat guy with an attitude and mic skills who beats the shit out of people and plays the audience like a fiddle."
It's b-tier show time.
Smackdown gets a solid B+
layla ain't got much going on back there, good thing she had support on that ass bump
Depends on how she's moving:
Roman needs to stfu.
I'm sorry but there's no way he can be the guy with how he is on the mic. There just isnt.
layla ain't got much going on back there, good thing she had support on that ass bump
Layla ain't attractive, dispute over
MichaelJordanLaugh.gifLayla ain't attractive, dispute over
lol that dislike bar
I think you put in the wrong link. All I see is a robot reciting lines of people it's never heard of.
Layla ain't attractive, dispute over
All of the people on this page supporting Layla have my sword
Layla looks good, she is approaching mild status alright ill admit it
But she looked struggle in the ass bump gif. Its nothing there friends. But I will still go with it regardless
Layla looks good, she is approaching mild status alright ill admit it
But she looked struggle in the ass bump gif. Its nothing there friends. But I will still go with it regardless
What ppv has the championship scramble with Brian Kendrick? WWE network search is ass.
What ppv has the championship scramble with Brian Kendrick? WWE network search is ass.