Good god people still think the Attitude Era was good
layla hate
stardust hate
attitude era hate
why do you hate wrestling
Good god people still think the Attitude Era was good
layla hate
stardust hate
attitude era hate
why do you hate wrestling
Punk isn't making a surprise appearance any time soon. He tweeted that he's starting a band and a podcast.
So.... Sting tonight finally?
His contract is apparently supposed to run out this month so maybe he or somebody else can finally shed some light on what's going on.
If I had to pick three of the hottest diva's the WWE's employed in their time, Layla is one of them.
What's the person's age got to do with it? It had better commentary, a good number of tag teams, infinitely better main event, no social media up the ass, many wrestlers with characters and actual charisma, storylines for a greater portion of the roster, and competition from opposing companies so they had to bust ass to make a good product (when I think Attitude Era, I think of WCW as well, since both were highlights of a Monday night). Today's can't even hit 3.0 ratings and actual numbers themselves have gone down in the past ten years.It already is. People who remember the Attitude Era with rose-tinted glasses have selective vision. Nothing is going to be as good as the stuff you remember from your early and mid-teens.
I'm pretty sure they were just the usual "dirt sheet speculation gets taken as fact" deal. Besides, the new rumor is that they won't.There is also rumors that WWE is going to extend Pink's contract for six months. The same way they extended Ray's.
What's the person's age got to do with it? It had better commentary, a good number of tag teams, infinitely better main event, no social media up the ass, many wrestlers with characters and actual charisma, storylines for a greater portion of the roster, and competition from opposing companies so they had to bust ass to make a good product (when I think Attitude Era, I think of WCW as well, since both were highlights of a Monday night). Today's can't even hit 3.0 ratings and actual numbers themselves have gone down in the past ten years.
Is there a good joshi documentary DVD out there? Or one with some of the essential matches from the 90s and before? Or just a Manami Toyota doc or DVD? Or a book or something?
I'll take what I can get.Yup!
As a pre-order bonus for WWE 2k15!
This is a real good starter:
I'd also recommend the 5 disc Hokuto set on there, covers most of her run in 93 which was one of the best years for any wrestler ever.
I look forward to Cena coming out to tell Sting how much he respects him and list off his accomplishments for the 90% of the fans in the stands that weren't even born last time Sting was relevant.
Yup. A couple of years ago, I watched every Raw and PPV from Wrestlemania 13 up until the brand split. The first 3/4s of that was a vastly superior product and I still think that the bolded is the main reason why. Even when the main event picture took a downturn (the McMahon-Helmsley era, Big Show title run), the rest of the cards usually made it much better as a show.
Being 2 hours really, really helps too.
This is the man who stood up to the NWO! This is the man who wrestled Ric Flair in CLASSIC matches!! *raises Sting's wrist*
Is this just a match collection? I'm cool with it if so. Just wondering.
If heel Punk was around he could interrupt with "Now you're surfing in my ring, Steve." *smirk*
"I don't know about anybody else here, but the last time I saw 'The Stinger' (actual air quotes) wrestle in a match I enjoyed, Hulk Hogan could still do a leg drop. And now you walk out here like nothing has changed since 1998. Now you walk out here...on MY SHOW...and act like you're a big deal. Why? Because you're in a video game? News flash, Borden. The MIZ is in that game. Okay? And that's exactly the level you're at in 2014, so I'll say it once and I'll never say it again. GET. OUT. OF. MY. RING."
Is he shootin'? I think he's shootin'.
There's a "DAE like John Cena the character" joke in there somewhere. Also a lot of Ubi butthurt.
Anyone buying games at full price these days is a mug. Hell preordering is ridiculous.Ubi have screwed me too many times and I'll likely never buy a game of theirs for double figures again, but it's a character trophy in Smash so the people getting bent out of shape over it are quite funny.
It would make me laugh if Cena was an assist trophy though. Comes out and 5 knuckle shuffle the screen.
and that's a deals thread fer chrissake. Some people take this games thing too seriously.really can't risk not having Destiny day one for the sake of £15.
If Punk did a podcast it would just be interviews with shitty punk rock bands that wouldn't give him the time of day if he was "just a fan". Biiiig circle jerk. And maybe the Circle Jerks.
Turning down a guaranteed amount of money that is twice as much as the offer you accepted from WWF is no conspiracy friend and that is if the deal fell through and almost 20 times as much if it went through.. That's obvious foul play at work.
Isn't a lot of that just how showbiz works anyway?
BTW nobody should be expecting to see Sting in anything except kideo game form.