One of the greatest moments ever. Then we got this gem too.I feel like I could just watch that over and over forever and be content with life.

One of the greatest moments ever. Then we got this gem too.I feel like I could just watch that over and over forever and be content with life.
One of the greatest moments ever. Then we got this gem too.
Jif is great!Zach looking great in that jif
His Kerwin one yes..I swear Chavo has a great ass theme song.
Errr that was my high school gimmick. Without the blonde hair.His Kerwin one yes..
Zach looking great in that jif
Taya > Sasha Banks
Taya > a lot of people
Thank you. Such volume does not come easily.Zach looking great in that jif
You don't know what you're talking about. Either one is acceptable. But "jiff" is the cool kids pronunciation.![]()
Creator is a programmer not a linguist and they are wrong because Acronyms dont work that way.
One of the greatest moments ever. Then we got this gem too.
Either one is acceptable.
But "jiff" is the cool kids pronunciation.
You don't know what you're talking about. Either one is acceptable. But "jiff" is the cool kids pronunciation.
I'll make sure to support Ryback in his quest to bury the indies. #TheBigGuyRyback has a new shirt coming.
Unfortunately, the indies got there first:
And Ryback's blocked them all
This reminds me, I was replaying Phoenix Wright Dual Destinies and I was surprised at how well they protected the wrestling biz in one case.
This reminds me, I was replaying Phoenix Wright Dual Destinies and I was surprised at how well they protected the wrestling biz in one case.
I bet Ryback says jiff *shudders*
You juys are dumb. I mean, I probably shouldn't be wasting my time because people are weirdly married to their preferred pronunciation of gif, but...
And aren't there a bunch of other words like SCUBA and JPEG, etc. etc. that would sound hilarious following your perceived rules?
I doubt it will sway you fruit bats, but it's a silly thing to be so invested in. You're fighting the most unnecessary losing battle.
– WWE has subpoenaed CTE expert Bennet Omalu for the lawsuit filed against them by Evan Singleton and Vito LoGrasso in regard to comcussions suffered during their time with the company. The Boston Globe reports that the company filed for a subpoena back in April to get all of the records that Omalu has on professional wrestlers.
According to the outlet, WWE is intending to challenge Omalu’s diagnosis of Chris Benoit as suffering from CTE (chronic traumatic encephalopathy). Omalu — who was recently brought back into the public eye via the film Concussion — was one of the first researchers into chronic traumatic encephalopathy and in 2007 was working with Chris Nowinski to research the condition. After procuring Benoit’s brain, he diagnosed Benoit with severe CTE, which was the first confirmation of the disease in a WWE talent. Nowinski had done his part in publicizing the findings, which WWE had disputed at the time.
The portion of Singleton and LoGrasso’s lawsuit that was allowed to move forward alleges that WWE knew there was a risk to them during the time they worked for the company after the Wellness Policy was instituted; other lawsuits and portions of the duo’s lawsuit from before the Wellness Policy’s institution were thrown out. Omalu, who acrimoniously split with Nowinski for reasons that have never been made clear (Nowinski said in a recent article, “The truth of the split has never been told.”, has obtained the brains of Chyna, Axl Rotten and Balls Mahoney and is studying them for CTE. If they are diagnosed, that could complicate WWE’s case against Singleton and LoGrasso.
The article notes that this puts Nowinski in a potentially difficult position, as WWE is one of his Concusion Legacy Foundation’s largest benefactors but he has publilcly supported Omalu’s findings in the past. When asked by the Globe if he stands by Omalu’s diagnosis of benoit, he said in a statement through the CLF, “I am not a neuropathologist and I relied on Dr. Omalu’s statement that the brain met his criteria for a CTE diagnosis. I had no reason to question the diagnosis.” In his book Head Games: The Global Concussion Crisis, Nowinski wrote, “I was certain Benoit had suffered from CTE.”
WWE has attempted for years to obtain Omalu’s research on professional wrestlers but has never been successful.
I've heard a few interviews with that Omalu guy. His research seems super important but man does he never come across that well. Not arrogant or anything just...manic and a bit unhinged. not the calm, incisive doctor at the head of groundbreaking findings.
So which one of you is Albert?and RBH aka our X-Pac
So, if you know that pronunciations are subjective, why get hot about jif? I mean, I enjoy the tongue-in-cheek war, but you seem to be taking it seriously. >_>Dictionaries just describe how words are being used, they're subjective af and only wrong because that dumb fuck programmer can't pronounce acronyms correctly.
Your examples are weird though, since peg is a word, it's logical to say Jay-Peg, it's logica. Same thing with scuba, we have the word cube and the country Cuba, which guides the reader to understand how to pronounce scuba.
The interview with Nancy Beniot's sister was something.
WWE has subpoenaed CTE expert Bennet Omalu for the lawsuit filed against them by Evan Singleton and Vito LoGrasso in regard to comcussions suffered during their time with the company. The Boston Globe reports that the company filed for a subpoena back in April to get all of the records that Omalu has on professional wrestlers.
According to the outlet, WWE is intending to challenge Omalus diagnosis of Chris Benoit as suffering from CTE (chronic traumatic encephalopathy). Omalu who was recently brought back into the public eye via the film Concussion was one of the first researchers into chronic traumatic encephalopathy and in 2007 was working with Chris Nowinski to research the condition. After procuring Benoits brain, he diagnosed Benoit with severe CTE, which was the first confirmation of the disease in a WWE talent. Nowinski had done his part in publicizing the findings, which WWE had disputed at the time.
The portion of Singleton and LoGrassos lawsuit that was allowed to move forward alleges that WWE knew there was a risk to them during the time they worked for the company after the Wellness Policy was instituted; other lawsuits and portions of the duos lawsuit from before the Wellness Policys institution were thrown out. Omalu, who acrimoniously split with Nowinski for reasons that have never been made clear (Nowinski said in a recent article, The truth of the split has never been told.), has obtained the brains of Chyna, Axl Rotten and Balls Mahoney and is studying them for CTE. If they are diagnosed, that could complicate WWEs case against Singleton and LoGrasso.
The article notes that this puts Nowinski in a potentially difficult position, as WWE is one of his Concusion Legacy Foundations largest benefactors but he has publilcly supported Omalus findings in the past. When asked by the Globe if he stands by Omalus diagnosis of benoit, he said in a statement through the CLF, I am not a neuropathologist and I relied on Dr. Omalus statement that the brain met his criteria for a CTE diagnosis. I had no reason to question the diagnosis. In his book Head Games: The Global Concussion Crisis, Nowinski wrote, I was certain Benoit had suffered from CTE.
WWE has attempted for years to obtain Omalus research on professional wrestlers but has never been successful.
Why is Bray so butthurt?
I only know Taya from S2 of Lucha Underground, but Taya is just awful.
Tamina Snuka > Taya
So, if you know that pronunciations are subjective, why get hot about jif? I mean, I enjoy the tongue-in-cheek war, but you seem to be taking it seriously. >_>
First I was Hitler and now I'm a rapist. WrassleGAF has really exposed my seemingly never-ending misdeeds.
Those Ninetail vale folks are committed to keeping up kayfabe.
First I was Hitler and now I'm a rapist. WrassleGAF has really exposed my seemingly never-ending misdeeds.
First I was Hitler and now I'm a rapist. WrassleGAF has really exposed my seemingly never-ending misdeeds.
My neck is killing me. Should I go to bed like five hours early and hope for the best?
Zach, Jr. is 15 today.
How did this happen?