I might get banned a little early for posting in a Kotaku topic on gaming-side, but dammit, I feel very strongly about helping people with disabilities.
If it happens, know that I will return (I can't imagine it'll be a perm) and carry out my end of the CM Punk bet.
You didn't post anything bad, I thought. Closed before maybe you could?
As someone *in* a wheelchair, I was reading that thread with morbid fascination.
Wrestling AND wheelchair related, hit the ROH show in Baltimore on Friday. The venue they used was an indoor soccer field. Previously, they had oriented the ring and entrances so that I could go around the side of the building and enter on the floor for my seats.
Last Friday, I was elated to have ringside seats. I have NEVER had ringside seats or first row anything to any event due to the wheelchair, but this time? I did. Picked a corner just to make sure I could get there and just let people deal with it otherwise, but I was psyched. Hid it from friends who went with, but I was.
Got there and they had decided to reverse the ring and entrance orientation, meaning a wall now blocked my entrance. While waiting for them to figure things out, chatted a little with Silas and Baby-tista, and then went around to a different entrance where some of their ring crew / wrestlers in training had to pick up my 200+ lb chair and 200+ lb me and get me inside past a high threshold.
At the end, was able to exit through where I normally did (by going through where the wrestlers entered and exited for matches) where I got to see Christopher Daniel directing traffic / telling them to move a table out of the way. Also exciting.
Show was good, too. My corner had the least activity of all 4 corners and none of the wrestlers / managers came close when patrolling the outside to banter with, but it was still cool. Also the first time outside of a real arena like the Wells Fargo Center that I got to see the whole show.
Fuckers always standing up during tense moments at flat venues normally