Angry Grimace
Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Darren's gimmick is that he's the Big Head of Wrestling.
Golden Truth, Big Show.
Bryan who the fuck are you trying to recruit?
Bryan talking with the biggest draws to take them all to Smackdown
Big Show, Golden Truth, Titus O'Neal
He's a big draw. One of the sd goats.And Jack Swagger.....never forget Swagger
My wife says that this is 3 dimensional chess by D. Brine, he's being seen talking to people to lure Steph into "stealing them" at the draft.
Rey Escorpion is in my top 5 right now, the fucker is so damn entertainingLucha Azteca stay winning
Hopefully D Bry drafts the real Kings of SD. Orton. Show. Christian. Mark Henry.He's a big draw. One of the sd goats.
I haven't watched in months,theyre still a thing?At least no Usos
I think the gimmick is that Darren is a geek who lucks into wins. I expect him to win the title on Sunday because Miz knocks himself out going for his finish or something.
DB is not only a wrestling genius but a GM genius.
Hopefully D Bry drafts the real Kings of SD. Orton. Show. Christian. Mark Henry.
Y'all getting SAWFT.Remember the burial, remember Extreme Rules 2012.Something is wrong with me. I actually don't get upset when Cena shows up anymore
Nah you're operating within expected parameters.Something is wrong with me. I actually don't get upset when Cena shows up anymore
I've moved to apathetic. He's like the moon at night.Something is wrong with me. I actually don't get upset when Cena shows up anymore
No, it means you were certified.Doesn't being certified mean that you were taught it?
Something is wrong with me. I actually don't get upset when Cena shows up anymore
I want Cena to go Thugonomics with Enzo and Cass
Apologies in advance for this mark ass question....but this "draft" is still predetermined right?