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It's really disappointing that it seems like splitting up The Club is inevitable (probably with the draft) just as they've really found their groove in WWE. AJ especially kills it on the mic every week and they're actually allowing the others to talk and have some character instead of "we wrestled in Japan and do run-ins"
It's really disappointing that it seems like splitting up The Club is inevitable (probably with the draft) just as they've really found their groove in WWE. AJ especially kills it on the mic every week and they're actually allowing the others to talk and have some character instead of "we wrestled in Japan and do run-ins"

I feel like they are going to draft AJ to SD and Anderson/Gallows to Raw, then draft Finn to Raw as the new leader. Not what I would do, but what I see happening.
It's really disappointing that it seems like splitting up The Club is inevitable (probably with the draft) just as they've really found their groove in WWE. AJ especially kills it on the mic every week and they're actually allowing the others to talk and have some character instead of "we wrestled in Japan and do run-ins"

Why do you think they are splitting The Club?


Braun vs. Cass

Future WM main eventers right there
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