Kayfabe: he was the champ 8 months a goWhy does Sheamus qualify for a championship opportunity to begin with
Real reason: who they would put at his place? I would love to see Big E, but New Day will probably start a new feud tonight
Kayfabe: he was the champ 8 months a goWhy does Sheamus qualify for a championship opportunity to begin with
Everyone gang up Roman: The Best Strategy
Finn is fine. Don't get the hate.
I like the guy and his gimmick so its just kind of funny to me. I'm not convinced he can hack it with Seff-kun in a promo war though.
A hated face against a fan favorite heel ? What could go wrong.
What if samy is in the main event but Owens interfere for the summerslam blow off..
of course that would make Owens a sore loser who's not been booked as a competitive wrestler since i don't know when (his clean victory against AJ some times ago).
He lost at Battleground against Samy, he can't beat Ambrose, he can't beat Finn (lost two next main event). What does that make him if not an angry heel jobber..
Hopefully he walks outReally WWE? Making Roman the poor guy?! Of course
This is what happens when she tries to do something else.
Does this mean Becky will be Women's Champion..finally? She had to eat that tap out to Nattie last night...
WWE need to get the Iron Shiek back on Raw so Cole can regale us with his wise tweets.Cole does that for everybody and it sucks
Wtf was that? Not even a kick-out just a light shove.
His sit down powerbomb is awesome.I kind of wish Roman would go back to that slam he just did on Sami as his finisher. It is so much better than the spear.
Maybe he just doesn't know how to work a bong and just spills the water on himself.Roman Reigns looks like Aquaman. His hair is even always wet.
Reigns is doing regular heel spots here. He is not just getting booed, he is trying to get booed
So, if raw's mens title is the universal title... smackdown's womens title could be the galactic women's title?
pls do it bryan
Maybe he just doesn't know how to work a bong and just spills the water on himself.
Is the turn finally here?