Shit, I wish, lol.
Shit, I wish, lol.
Are you really going to go there... when you're a Kane mark?You low expectation having jackass!
OHHHHHH!!! You furry loving fool! You're lucky I'm a man of my word, and I respect the deal I made with Persp!Are you really going to go there... when you're a Kane mark?
It will be a small crowd but I have heard nothing but good things about the shows. The wrestlers are supposedly really cool guys and will talk quite a bit with fans. Plus with the BFG series House show matches count in he point standings so that is a big plus.So I'm thinking about going to a TNA house show. Don't normally watch TNA, but it's pretty cheap ($50 for a meet & greet ringside seat, $27 reserved, $20 general admission) and it'd be on my birthday weekend.
Anyone gone to a TNA house show? Would it be worth the money, as someone who is only tangentially aware of the product?
AHJHWHJDLHKSAYOIYVCVNAMOI YAAA - The Great KhaliKali is texting himself.
That AVGN type "Just rewinded the bit with D-Bry's facial expression.
I'm now convinced that D-Bry, Punk and Jerricho are having some sort of contest in the backstage area to see who can get the most ridiculous, HBJ-style expression/reaction shot on TV. Punk has been hamming it up too.
Well sounds like I was right to change the channel after I saw AJ blabbering on about something and getting down on 1 knee.
A wolf is not a furry, we have been over this many times. So keep sniffing that cokane.OHHHHHH!!! You furry loving fool! You're lucky I'm a man of my word, and I respect the deal I made with Persp!
I will, thank you very much!A wolf is not a furry, we have been over this many times. So keep sniffing that cokane.
Tonight, we got 4 different squash matches about a minute each. We got 9 minutes of wrestling not involving Cena tonight. That's less than 15%. Even including Cena, RAW had about 25% of its time spent on actual wrestling. That's 1 quarter of a show spent on what it's supposed to be about.
Whenever something shit happens in WWE......just remember one word. Hornswaggle.....and then you'll know it could be worse.
Caution: Does not work if it already involves Hornswaggle.
Khali and Big Show
i agree hornswaggle is the worstand Hornswaggle.....see, I just made it worse.
Worse John Cena is going back to the Main Event. Punk loses his title to Cena or Bryan gets jobbed to Cena. Both Punk and Bryan go back to being ignored for the most part until Mania is overSo, does it get better or worse from now on?
Alright, so which promotion is the most entertaining right now? The only ones I really know are...
Dragon Gate
Just checked that Kevin Steen is the current ROH champ. Good for him! Wicked heel. Not sure what's been happening in Dragon Gate lately, but they've never let me down.
Can't get any worse than tonight. It was so bad not even Heavy has come to defend this shit. But as usual, WWE will prove me wrong when Cena wins MITB and cashes in on Punk/Bryan after their match.So, does it get better or worse from now on?
75/25 rule, brahTonight, we got 5 different squash matches about a minute each. We got 9 minutes of wrestling not involving Cena tonight. That's less than 15%. Even including Cena, RAW had about 25% of its time spent on actual wrestling. That's 1 quarter of a show spent on what it's supposed to be about.
Alright, so which promotion is the most entertaining right now? The only ones I really know are...
Dragon Gate
Just checked that Kevin Steen is the current ROH champ. Good for him! Wicked heel. Not sure what's been happening in Dragon Gate lately, but they've never let me down.
#Goatface.I have a bad feeling that this WWE social crap is going to ruin what is left of Raw that is watchable.
In fairness now, I don't HATE the angle in the sense that I like the people in it and the ending prospect is appealing to me, I just dislike how they're dragging their heels on it and stretching it out without progression.
It's even amusing to watch in a cheesy way, more so than Cena's worthless time wasting promos. Bryan's faces alone make it worth watching their segments.
Really hope AJ does something else after MitB. This is just becoming stupid.
Really hope AJ does something else after MitB. This is just becoming stupid.
WWE is flat out awful, ROH is in a slump right now, NJPW always has great matches but I dont speak Japanese so I know nothing of their angles, Chikara is severely underrated, I had never heard of it before WrassleGAF and I really like it a lot, TNA is very, very good right now sans one awful storyline, but even that awful storyline led to an exceptional match at the PPV on Sunday. I am afraid TNA wont keep it up though because people are still skeptical and dont watch the show. It is a shame. The other companies I cant comment on because I dont really watch them.NJPW has the lead. TNA has one bad storyline but everything else has been gangbusters. Chikara is in a transition phase with maybe the loss of Del Ray to WWE, PWG has put up good shows, Dragon Gate is gonna be Dragon Gate. Evolve is fine, ROH is going through some things. WWE is in a very bad slump...outside of AJ-Chan.
I'll give Bryan and Punk credit: They tried to make this work. But you can only polish a turd so much.![]()
Yeah, it's a thin story going in circles, but I will commend AJ, Bryan and Punk for actually selling the storyline, cheesy as it is. They're committed to it, which is more than I can say for Cena who basically ignores storylines.
August Wrasslin' |OT| So you watch this shit every week, huh GAF?
Here is how the match will be booked Sunday....
AJ screws them both throughout the match.
One of them gets a deciding blow but AJ has her hand up before counting three.
Cena's music hits and he is cashing in money in the bank during the match to make it a triple threat.
AJ allows it and Cena wins in record time.....preferably 18 seconds.
End result = AJ screws them both, doesn't give a damn about Cena, match is all about her.
*chuckle* Didn't he?
Here is how the match will be booked Sunday....
AJ screws them both throughout the match.
One of them gets a deciding blow but AJ has her hand up before counting three.
Cena's music hits and he is cashing in money in the bank during the match to make it a triple threat.
AJ allows it and Cena wins in record time.....preferably 18 seconds.
End result = AJ screws them both, doesn't give a damn about Cena, match is all about her.