I dont know why Heavy hates Sheamus so much.
He hates the Irish, this would explain his abuse targeted at Ithil earlier. (err assuming i'm right on Ithil's nationality)
I dont know why Heavy hates Sheamus so much.
As FUCKING HOT as Rosa is, what is the point of this match?
Are all the current tag teams minorities?
Why did Titus O'Neill have Percy Watson's Twitter handle?!
This explains why WWE spent no money on the penny belts.Yes.
Segregation is back.
He hates the Irish, this would explain his abuse targeted at Ithil earlier. (err assuming i'm right on Ithil's nationality)
So, thoughts on the PPV so far, boys?
Correct. Also he was taking advantage of the fact that he has me on ignore, so he can't see any replies to his attacks.
At least AW is getting some heat on the PrimeTime Players.
I think I miss mark henry. Shamus v Henry last year was a much better match in same spot.
AW with arena mic is the best thing ever
Holy shit, AW rules.
Rosa getting the biggest pop of the match, lol.