I made the stupid ass decision of getting more rum during that match so messages are starting to blur a lot, but it seems to me that Aries really needed to win that.
Roode has been a pretty awesome heel champ from what I can tell (a few PPVs and one Impact which was shit apart from Rubix/Dutt) , but he's been winning PPVs for infinity with cheap TNA dusty finishes.
Given all the momentum Aries had, would it really be right to have him lose to YET ANOTHER dusty finish? Maybe it should have got 5 minutes longer, but to me it seems like the right choice to have Aries win, he's a phenomenal talent and he should be a huge part of the show.
I said earlier, if they're determined to have James Storm (eh) win over ROOOOOO in a feel good moment at Bound For Glory (since Hulk Fucking Hogan fucked up their last Bound For Glory feel good moment), that's not til October, Austin "Awesome" Aries can have a solid reign and have Roode win back the title before BFG if they like.
Frankly I'd just tool the show around Aries and ROOOOO, but I'm not Dixie Carter, so whatever.