Of course this exists
Someone's got to do this body-shaming/body-critiquing of the women, and who betta than LaRosaMendesV3?
Of course this exists
kevin owens e gordo!
kevin owens e gordo!
When the decision was made to go all the way, the angle was created to build not only a top wrestling star, but a Sammartino-like folk hero for the masses. Watts decided to copy the most famous angle in Los Angeles wrestling history which led to the 1971 Fred Blassie vs. John Tolos match at the Coliseum and blind the Dog, teasing that his career was over, and then when he defied the doctors' odds and came back anyway, he'd be made. First, he was made into a main event calibre player when he won both the Louisiana and Mississippi titles, and then he and Robley defeated The Fabulous Freebirds to win the Mid South tag team titles. Then in an angle, Hayes used the infamous Freebird hair removing cream to the Dog's eyes, blinding him. It should be noted by this time, Mid South Wrestling was starting to garner some very impressive local television ratings, the territory was already popping, and the Dog was already becoming something of a well-known celebrity in those markets. Literally, to protect the territory, Dog wasn't allowed to leave his house during this period for fear anyone would see that he really wasn't blind. While this was going on, fans in the territory began sending money, some $600 to $800 per week came, mainly in $5 bills, from fans, probably most of whom were poor themselves, who treated it like a member of their own family had been blinded in an accident and unable to pay his bills. Then came the crushing blow that hit the nerve. While this was going on, Dog's first daughter, LaToya, known to his friends as Kisha, was born, and it was heavily pushed on television as they did interviews with the blinded Dog that he couldn't even see the birth of his first daughter due to Michael Hayes. They portrayed it as if there was no guarantee his sight would ever return and he'd ever see her.
kevin owens e gordo!
ooooh my cheeks hurt. I'll sound like a broken record but: best gaf community by far.
There you go guys. Xavier Wood learning Street Fighter fundamentals with Gooteckas and Mike Ross: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bP2DX0iyHIY
Man wrestling was so awesome
kevin owens e gordo!
About to watch Day 5 of the G1. From the reactions in the OT, shit was more brutal than playing The Witcher 2 :/.
Edit: Goddammit, they broke the event into match form instead of having a complete showing. I'm too lazy to manually go to the next match.
Watch Shibata/makabe
Ibushi styles(Motyc)
Naito /tana
Night 5 has been the best so far
Also witcher 2 was dope
Man wrestling was so awesome
To set up the final angle for the big match, the blinded Dog was brought to the Downtown Municipal Auditorium to thank the fans, and perhaps say goodbye to them for the last time. Today this would be angle alert, but in those days people didn't see it coming. Naturally the Freebirds, a threesome of Hayes, Terry Gordy and Buddy Roberts, showed up and some sort of an angle was going to take place. Exactly what it was, only a few people know, because it didn't quite happen.
A fan hopped the rail with a gun, and aimed it right at Hayes, screaming, "Don't worry Dog, I'm covering you." Dog, selling he was blind, didn't know what to do, but fortunately security hit the ring en masse and the gunman was taken, no doubt, to what was known to the wrestlers and a lot of the fans as well at the time as "the room," a place where the police would shut the door and give horrible beatings to out of control fans, hopefully dissuading them from ever becoming part of the act. It wasn't unusual after the police were done in those days for them to let the wrestler, if the fan had punched them, or Watts, who was a huge and sometimes vicious person, into the room and have them close the door behind them as well.
Still supposedly blinded, the Junkyard Dog demanded to come back for one last match, a dog collar match with Hayes, where he could feel him, where he could drag him around, and where he could smell him and it goes without saying what the end result of that match was. Actual records of what this actually drew are no longer around but there is no question it was the largest indoor wrestling crowd in history up to that point, and set attendance records locally that stand to this day. At the time it was reported as drawing in excess of 36,000 fans, but that figure was likely exaggerated and the real figure was probably just shy of 30,000, one of the bigger crowds in the history of pro wrestling up until that time.
The crowd literally stunned the wrestling industry, because unlike the few stadium shows that had been done over the previous decade usually featuring a long-time local hero like Dusty Rhodes or Fritz Von Erich challenging for the world title or a big match with Sammartino, or Blassie vs. Tolos, this show was headlined by young wrestlers, The Freebirds and JYD, that literally most people in the wrestling business didn't even know about for a company that was only about one year old. The gate at the time was reported as $183,000, one of the two or three biggest up until that time ever in the United States. And actually that figure was significantly lower than the real sum as there were so many political payoffs off the top in cash in New Orleans that nobody ever knew what the accurate count was.
Over the next few days, they took the same angle on the road to the other cities in the market, selling out and drawing a record house in every venue. For the week, JYD earned $12,000, a figure that nobody in wrestling unless you were Sammartino on your best week, or Andre the Giant, earned in those days. It may have been the first monster house that he drew, but it was far from the last, as when the Dog miraculously regained his eyesight, and he wrestled for a while wearing eye protecting goggles, New Orleans would usually pack them in every Monday, and when it came time to blow off the big angles at the Superdome four or five times a year, the crowds for the next few years were usually upwards of 20,000. Between 1980 and 1983 with JYD on top, it is probable that no city in North America drew as many fans to pro wrestling as New Orleans.
After coming back from that angle, Watts fed the Dog one foe after another every week, carefully protecting him at all times. Just after the Freebird angle, Len Denton was brought in as The Masked Grappler, an arrogant heel whose gimmick was that he could wrestle, and in his first television match, took JYD down and rode him to get his gimmick over, probably not realizing what the game was. Watts was furious, and nearly fired Denton on the spot and it is believed to have been the only television match ever in the history of Mid South Wrestling that Watts couldn't put his spin on and let air.
The big angles, usually a tag team partner turning on him, whether it would be Paul Orndorff, Ted DiBiase, Robley, Mr. Olympia (Jerry Stubbs) or finally Butch Reed, were saved until just before a Superdome date. Watts used to tap into reality to JYD's audience for the angles, such as, with DiBiase, JYD was legitimately the best man at DiBiase's wedding and at one time, when DiBiase was working in Georgia and even though he got great national exposure, business was horrible and he was broke and behind on child support payments, JYD lent him money, all things JYD's fans could relate to. In later years, when DiBiase was making big money in WWF and JYD was down on his luck, that favor was repaid.
"There were nights in New Orleans when I quit taking my car to the building because I was afraid it would be destroyed," DiBiase remembered. "I'd drive with Grizzly (Smith) and they'd slash his tires. Sometimes I had to leave the building hiding in the trunk of a car. One time I had to leave in an ambulance."
Things were so heated that Watts wouldn't allow any of his wrestlers to leave the building until after the main event was over, in case there was a serious problem. And to make the pressure worse, if any of his top wrestlers were in a fight with a fan and would lose, it was certainly well known that they would be immediately fired because of the belief the business had to be protected.
My favourite thing about Nashvember is that everyone runs out of Nash-related things to talk about well before the month is over. Kinda surprising for a man with such a storied career and so many classic matches to his name.
So apparently #TheNewDay and the rest of the roster has to be on the ramp at the beginning or #Raw tonight... No clue what's going on.
It got better/worse depending on your viewpoint
Didn't bold anything because it all should be read, but if you want just the big stuff, read the second paragraph and the last paragraph
-Paige vs. Sasha Banks. Please give this time
-Dean Ambrose vs. Big Show from Ambrose putting him through a table
Some matches announced for Raw:
Addressing the Hogan stuff head on and trying to PR it to make WWE look like a place free of racism would be hilarious.
Hope they do it
Some matches announced for Raw:
edit: Read the TNA spoilers. It seems TNA is booking their feud with GFW like WWE booked WCW vs WWE.
*clap clap clap clap clap*
That's all you need.
Thank you for your contest entries, friends. They were all wonderful. Sadly, there's only one pizza.
When I first heard this song, I laughed. As I continued to listen...tears. By the end? All that remained was a smile, with renewed hope that Rusev and Lana would be made whole again. All without a single word.
Congrats to Fox318, WrassleGAF's first annual Dominono champion.
Ok, so the Beyond thing was touched upon earlier, but I'll summarize.
Two guys (Darius Carter and TJ Marconi) are a heel team in Beyond Wrestling. After the show last night, a fan and his mom approach them to get a photo. They both slag him off, calling them both fat, and tell him to beat it.
Mom posts on the Beyond Wrestling Facebook, upset that they did that. Fan ends up contacting Marconi later via Twitter DM, apologizing for the issue, saying that he's got an eating disorder, and that he was sorry for any problems, etc.
So Marconi posts the fucking DM.
Darius Carter is the guy who thought the ROH stole his incredible angle from with their KRD thing. His incredible angle was literally just 'guys in Guy Fawkes masks'.
Marconi said they'd fit in great in the 80s, without understanding that A: Neither would actually be workers in the 80s and B: Fans would slash tires and beat your goddamn ass in the 80s.
They're basically guys who try to adhere to kayfabe by just being complete assholes, and having no understanding whatsoever of how the industry has changed, instead pining for a time where they would have had no place in it.
You know this joke is not funny anymore. Its just the same joke over and over and over and over and over and over again.
Its stale and made by the same posters all the time.
I have never had a Dominonos or big name brand pizza. This should be interesting.