Sure thing, easy for you to say "Charles" Bronson Lee
I'm the realest man in the room
Sure thing, easy for you to say "Charles" Bronson Lee
Same boat here, buddy. Mostly for lack of time on my part, but also a lack of interest.
LOL "Philip Brooks" UFC jersey.
Seriously, this Reebok UFC gear is ugly as sin. Bowling shoe ugly, if you will.
Pro Wrestling Illustrated, one of the longest running pro wrestling magazines, announced this week that the publication is no longer recognizing the TNA World Championship as a World Title. The magazine announced going forward it will only be recognizing the WWE World Heavyweight Championship as a World Title.
Pro Wrestling Illustrated, one of the longest running pro wrestling magazines, announced this week that the publication is no longer recognizing the TNA World Championship as a World Title. The magazine announced going forward it will only be recognizing the WWE World Heavyweight Championship as a World Title.
That's pretty wild. No goddamn way I'd pay $95 for something like that
No one gives a shit about PWI tho
I can't find the Punk jersey on their site anymore though...
For what it's worth I think the WWE World Heavyweight Championship and the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship should be the only two true world titles. The NWA title means jack shit.
But the NWA title is prestigious man...all the greats wore the belt. From the Harley Races, to the Barry Windhams, to the.....Ric Flairs's!
But the NWA title is prestigious man...all the greats wore the belt. From the Harley Races, to the Barry Windhams, to the.....Ric Flairs's!
But the NWA title is prestigious man...all the greats wore the belt. From the Harley Races, to the Barry Windhams, to the.....Ric Flairs's!
But the NWA title is prestigious man...all the greats wore the belt. From the Harley Races, to the Barry Windhams, to the.....Ric Flairs's!
And Adam Pearce, Rob Conway, Kahagas, and Brent Albright!
The NWA belt meant jack shit when that promo was cut, and that was 21 years ago.
The NWA title was prestigious, you mean.
Well they can all kiss my ass!
Where would you send Kane on vacation?
13%The middle of the desert
9%The bottom of the ocean
15%The darkest reaches of space
24%Parts Unknown
5%Knoxville, Tennessee
35%Hawaii (Hey, he deserves it.)
Arguable. It was the death blow perhaps, but the people the title was associated with were taken away from it a year before.That's because Heyman shitted on the promotion. Even around that time the NWA was going strong, but not as strong as in the 80s. The belt still has some weight and credibility.
That's because Heyman shitted on the promotion. Even around that time the NWA was going strong, but not as strong as in the 80s. The belt still has some weight and credibility.
Arguable. It was the death blow perhaps, but the people the title was associated with were taken away from it a year before.
The NWA title and the NWA as a whole were on a downward slide that everyone knew existed but never really openly mentioned. ECW was just saying what everyone else was thinking.
Nice to see that the majority agree that he does indeed deserve it.Where would you send Kane on vacation?
13%The middle of the desert
9%The bottom of the ocean
15%The darkest reaches of space
24%Parts Unknown
5%Knoxville, Tennessee
35%Hawaii (Hey, he deserves it.)
I only want to see Punk win his first fight because the salt in here would be fantastic
As a Punk fan I could really care if he wins or loses because as far as I'm concerned this whole UFC thing is just him getting some shit out of his system before he eventually reconciles with Vince and rejoins WWE in a few years. I'll probably watch the fight and I think it would be cool if he won, but overall wrestlers going to MMA don't appeal to me unless they are BARAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK LESNAAAAAAAAR
He'll definitely be back.
As a Punk fan I could really care if he wins or loses because as far as I'm concerned this whole UFC thing is just him getting some shit out of his system before he eventually reconciles with Vince and rejoins WWE in a few years. I'll probably watch the fight and I think it would be cool if he won, but overall wrestlers going to MMA don't appeal to me unless they are BARAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK LESNAAAAAAAAR
Nice job spending Gilbert Melendez's name, Reebok geeks.
As for Punk, he's getting on those big Marvel writing dollars too now.
He'll be back by WrestleMania 40.
Nice job spending Gilbert Melendez's name, Reebok geeks.
As for Punk, he's getting on those big Marvel writing dollars too now.
He'll be back by WrestleMania 40.
The second Punk wakes up from getting knocked out in a devastating fashion is the day he calls Vince
I don't think Punk's gonna crawl back to WWE that instantly if/when he gets his block knocked off. But I would like to see him win cause it would be just as hilarious if he lost as well.