June Wrasslin' |OT| Break Out Naan And Do The Needful, It's Time For MaharaJEEEEEZUSS


It wouldn't be MaharaJune without a little ULTRAVIOLENCE!!!!! The first annual MaharaJune is proudly sponsored by CZW's Tournament of Death 16!!! Celebrating 16 years of _________. Want more info on this? Check out CZW's site and Wikipedia.
The 16th annual Tournament of Death will take place June 10th, 2017. This tournament will mark the debut Tournament of Death for John Wayne Murdoch, Shlak, G-Raver and Clint Margera. This is also the first mainstream Tournament of Death Jimmy Havoc will compete in, having wrestled in ToD Europe as a member of Westside Xtreme Wrestling.

Non-Tournament Match
Fans Bring The Weapons Match: Matt Tremont Vs. Mad Man Pondo
??? Match: Notorious Inc (Devon Moore and Drew Blood) Vs. Danny Havoc & ???
Four Corners Of Pain: Dan O'Hare Vs. George Gatton Vs. Jimmy Loyd Vs. Kit Osbourne

First Round
Pain in the Glass Match: Jimmy Havoc Vs. John Wayne Murdoch Vs. Rickey Shane Page
Lightubes and Cinder Blocks Death Match: G-Raver Vs. Jeff Cannonball
Doorway To Death Match: Masada Vs. Shlak
Barbed Wire Craziness Death Match: Conor Claxton Vs. Clint Margera

May's Meltdown Moments:
- Bronx-Man going into full "Daniel Bryan Fan Rage Mode™" in hating Jinder to becoming a stan days later.
- Anth0ny


For the people that complain about WWE, but refuse to stop watching, here are some alternatives that you won't bother clicking:

New Japan - The top Japanese promotion. On Demand streaming service with all major events streamed live, some with English commentary.
http://njpwworld.com - 999¥/month

EVOLVE - Arguably the top US indy currently. Close relationship with WWE, a lot of their cruiserweight crop have come through. New On Demand service run by FloSports, gives you access to the WWN family of events, with a large on demand library dating back to 2003 and live streamed events from EVOLVE, FIP, ACW, and all women promotion SHINE.
http://www.floslam.tv/events - $20/month or $150/year

PWG - Arguably the top US indy currently. Less of a traditional promotion, PWG is a hangout for wrestlers across the indies to go all out and have fun. Shows can be exhausting, and the delay from show to release is maddening. Worth it.
http://www.prowrestlingguerrilla.com/merch/ - $15/DVD $20/Blu-Ray On Demand/Never

PROGRESS - The top of the bustling UK indy scene (I'm biased.) More of a storyline focus than a lot of indies, with great matches and a hot crowd. You're missing out. Get on it.
https://demandprogress.pivotshare.com/ - $7.49/month

Rev Pro - Pairs the top level British talent with the top indy stars from the US, and through a partnership with New Japan, the top Japanese stars.
https://rpwondemand.pivotshare.com/ - $8.49/month

ROH - Ring of Honor was historically the #2 or 3 promotion in the US, but the lustre has gone as of late. Bull Dempsey main eventing in 2016 is all you need to know. There are a lot of talented guys there however, as well as a New Japan partnership. Their back catalog still holds up.
Past Events @ http://rohwrestling.com/membership - $7.99/month Weekly TV every Thursday @ http://rohwrestling.com/tv/current/Free Current PPV's $15-35/show

Lucha Underground - A TV show about a Wrestling show. Great matches with Lucha stars, combined with TV style drama and stories.
El Rey Network, SlingTV or US iTunes - $40/26 episode season

Stardom - The top Joshi all women's promotion in Japan currently. On Demand streaming service with English subtitled content.
http://www.stardom-world.com/ - 750¥/month

Highspots Wrestling Network - back catalog PWG, current AAW and wXw On Demand, along side shoots, some CZW, a fucking ocean of content.
https://www.highspotswrestlingnetwork.com/ - $9.99/month

DDT - Batshit insane home of patron saint of Flipvember, and wonderful human, Kota Ibushi. On Demand service launching in January, includes new shows from DDT, BASARA, Tokyo Joshi Pro and Ganbare Pro-Wrestling, as well as DDT special events (outdoor shows) and archives. You all need Kota Ibushi wrestling Sami Zayn in a campsite in your lives.
http://ddtuniverse.com/ - 900¥/month

SHIMMER - Top US women's promotion. Has hosted the likes of Beth Phoenix, Becky Lynch, Paige, Asuka, Natalya, Mickie James, Ember Moon, Blue Pants, Nikki Cross and more. No On Demand, which is frustrating, as is their release schedule. They're currently about a year and a half behind.
https://shimmerwrestling.blogspot.co.uk/p/dvds.html - $15/DVD

Dragon Gate - Japanese promotion focused around speed and factions. The process for watching their live events is complicated, and documented below.
http://www.f4wonline.com/japan/how-w...d-ippvs-204481 - 1500-2700¥/event

AAA - Lucha promotion, many of it's stars are featured in Lucha Underground.
Clips and shows posted to https://www.youtube.com/user/luchalibreaaatv

CMLL - World's oldest promotion, lucha libre.
"http://www.clarosports.com/en-vivo02 I think on fridays, and streams on youtube too for the Monday and Tuesday shows: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3l..._j4PGXWLNTt4iQ"

ICW - Staunchly adult focused wrestling from Scotland. The attitude era worship is evident, and may not be for everyone. That said, a lot of great UK talent, and weekly TV show content as well as live events. They're about to run the same venue WWE is taping TV in, and for an indy, that merits attention.
https://icwondemand.pivotshare.com/ - $6.99/month

Others: AAW, AIW, CHIKARA, Fight Club Pro, ATTACK!, WCPW, CZW, WXW, AJPW, NOAH, Freelance, IPW:UK, Pro Wrestling EVE, OTT, SMASH

Jinder and Ultraviolence, what a combination. Wrestling is weird. I like it!

Here's an unrelated Japanese table bump;

Also, I encourage all of you who haven't seen it to check out the Vice documentary on CZW deathmatches, get a little insight into the wrestlers who put themselves through this shit;


Oh yeah, everyone always talks about the bloody cuts, but there's a subtle brutality to someone just taking a really bad bump.
Ziggler bringing up Ambrose during Talking Smack was funny.
I'll never get over how painfully awkward it was the Talking Smack after news leaked of Renee and Ambrose getting married and Kevin Owens was all 'congratulations', Ziggler was like 'what's that on your hand' and Renee very clearly is like 'shut the fuck up I do not wanna talk about this'.
Jinder and Ultraviolence, what a combination. Wrestling is weird. I like it!

Here's an unrelated Japanese table bump;


Also, I encourage all of you who haven't seen it to check out the Vice documentary on CZW deathmatches, get a little insight into the wrestlers who put themselves through this shit;

I got the boots seal of approval, so I'm good! I was gonna ignore ultraviolence at first and just stick to an Indian theme, but I decided against it.
I'll never get over how painfully awkward it was the Talking Smack after news leaked of Renee and Ambrose getting married and Kevin Owens was all 'congratulations', Ziggler was like 'what's that on your hand' and Renee very clearly is like 'shut the fuck up I do not wanna talk about this'.

Oh yeah, it was Curb Your Enthusiasm levels of awkwardness. I loved it.
It's gonna be two years from now and you'll still be calling it five years because no one's said the official date of when Anth0ny start saying it.
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