June Wrasslin' |OT| Break Out Naan And Do The Needful, It's Time For MaharaJEEEEEZUSS


Between the Taguchi Japan/LIJ and CHAOS/SZG multimans, NJPW is filling the Dragon Gate spot for me pretty well seeing as Dragon Gate has been pretty lackluster this year.

You'd think that with the young guys doing so well that things would be more exciting. It's been a pretty uninspired year. YAMATO was a mistake, a beautiful mistake, but still a mistake.


You'd think that with the young guys doing so well that things would be more exciting. It's been a pretty uninspired year. YAMATO was a mistake, a beautiful mistake, but still a mistake.

It's clear they had something big in the works for Yoshino and then he got injured at the worst possible time. So they were stuck with YAMATO for the Cage match.

And now he's """back""" even though it's pretty obvious he's working super soft.

King of Gate spoilers

T-Hawk? Really?


It's clear they had something big in the works for Yoshino and then he got injured at the worst possible time. So they were stuck with YAMATO for the Cage match.

And now he's """back""" even though it's pretty obvious he's working super soft.

King of Gate spoilers

T-Hawk? Really?

Yeah, King of Gate and the DoA cagematch were a one-two punch of "oh...ok"
Just finished watching Progress wrestling from 2016 SSS16 to 2017 SSS16.

Really great experience, British Strong Style is fire, great guys to carry the company and put over the babyfaces that take the titles from them.

Also, Riddle is great in Progress, much better than in Evolve. The Atlas championship is perfect for him.

My favorite matches were Riddle vs Walter from the Orlando show, Banks vs Bate from 2017 SSS16 and Ringkampf vs British Strong Style from chapter 47.

Anyone have the wXw service?

I want to watch more euro wrestling, and I like some of the wrestlers there and the 16 carat gold tournament looks interesting.

One the topic of wrestlers that were in the WWE and are doing better in the indies, Trent is doing fine.


Ok so I just watched both Smackdown and RAW from this past week. First time I've done that in months. Both shows seem to be getting on track, RAW in particular seems to be in a better place, although watching it with no commercials and skipping shit segments (Golden Truth, Cruiserweights, Lavar Ball, etc) has a lot to do with that. Either way, it's definitely watchable.

Braun throwing Roman into an ambulance was good. Samoa Joe actually getting the better of Brock is pretty god damn great. Hardys & Finn vs Cesaro/Shamo & Elias was very decent. The Cass and Enzo break up is on point. And I thought the women's gauntlet with Nia was well done. The percentage of RAW that's actually ok is a lot higher than it was before.

Smackdown is still trying to crawl out the hole it got tossed into. Gable vs Owens was a fun little match. Women's MITB controversy is at least interesting. Nak vs Zigs was good. And the crowd was actually super hot for Randy going after Jinder.

RIP Luke Harper. They've tossed that dude aside like trash :(

Haven't bothered trying to watch 205 Live. Is it worth any time at all to watch?


Just have an even number of participants and end it with every wrestler having the same amount of points. Then they settle it with a battle royal. Over the next few weeks, everyone gets their wins back in nothing matches on Raw/SD.
Then whoever actually wins jobs until their WM title match.




I'm still not clear who Lavar Ball is and why I should care about him. My aim is to keep it that way.

Yeah, I had no clue. When I saw the announcement, I thought another reality TV star or something, but I gather he's a basketball player whose kids are also going pro?


Lavar looks and acts like a crack head. His sons look like they were brought up with silver spoons hanging out their ass.
I'm still not clear who Lavar Ball is and why I should care about him. My aim is to keep it that way.

I also don't who that is or care. I don't know who the target demo that was for. I thought it was for kids or something but then the N word was thrown out randomly. That segment was Old Day bad to me.


I'm still not clear who Lavar Ball is and why I should care about him. My aim is to keep it that way.

He's a never was college basketball player who's now trying to exploit his children's athletic ability and live vicariously through them.

He's going to be a very interesting ESPN special some day when his kids wash out of the league and end up having issues


Holy shit. Just watched Raw from last night. MizTV was a dumpster fire.
It was just terrible. They've literally stooped to putting living memes on the show to try to spike ratings.

Worst segments in 2017 so far:

  1. Ziggler's Michael Jackson promo on Nakamura
  2. Bayley: This is Your Life
  3. The Ball Family
He's a never was college basketball player who's now trying to exploit his children's athletic ability and live vicariously through them.

He's going to be a very interesting ESPN special some day when his kids wash out of the league and end up having issues

Yeah I'm really curious to see how this plays out. I know people have often been critical of parents getting their own from their kids and this guy seems to have ramped it up 10x.


Yeah I'm really curious to see how this plays out. I know people have often been critical of parents getting their own from their kids and this guy seems to have ramped it up 10x.

If Lonzo doesn't make it big in the league then the amount of pressure Lavar is going to put on those other two kids is going to be insane because he'll start seeing his mean ticket slip away
Even Mahonay is supporting RAW this week? DAMN

If Lonzo doesn't make it big in the league then the amount of pressure Lavar is going to put on those other two kids is going to be insane because he'll start seeing his mean ticket slip away

This is what worries. It also seems odd that people are cheering this guy on for what he's doing when we have such a long history of parents ruining their kids life by exploiting their talents.
He's a never was college basketball player who's now trying to exploit his children's athletic ability and live vicariously through them.

He's going to be a very interesting ESPN special some day when his kids wash out of the league and end up having issues

This is pretty much what I got from the segment as someone who hasn't even heard of the guy before.


If Lonzo doesn't make it big in the league then the amount of pressure Lavar is going to put on those other two kids is going to be insane because he'll start seeing his mean ticket slip away

It's actually going to be worse, he already told LiAngelo that he's not going to make it to the NBA (Which is true) so all the pressure will go to LaMelo.

LaMelo clearly has talent, but he might crack under pressure.

That said, if either of his boys make it, the family is going to be really well off. As crazy as Lavar is, he knows how to put his family name out there.
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