June Wrasslin' |OT| Break Out Naan And Do The Needful, It's Time For MaharaJEEEEEZUSS

Because none of them are in a position to make major cash yet. Lonzo is the only one who will be soon. There wasn't as much backlash with Archie Manning because he wasn't so blatant with it.

I also love how people forget about the Cecil & Prince Fielder story

Archie & his kids
Cecil & Prince
Bernie & his dad
Nevermind all the child entertainers (The Corey's, Britney, Honey Boo Boo, etc etc etc)

Parent's exploiting their kids is nothing more than that. They're not "getting their pay day" for the kids


Gonna have to give you a red on that one Mr GM

Gal Gadot is not a bad actress, she is still a new actress.
Big difference.
She was great in the F&F series, and love her in WW.
She will be great.
And dat smile though

She was so damn bad in F&F, she was better in WW but not by much.

I thought Wonder Woman was pretty bad and bizarrely pro-war.

But that's just me fam.

My knowledge of NOAH is severely limited.

Before Suzuki-gun went to NOAH Suzuki was feuding for years with Yano.

Just look at the following WK:

WK8: The Great Muta and Toru Yano vs Suzuki-gun (Minoru Suzuki and Shelton X Benjamin).

WK9: Minoru Suzuki defeated Kazushi Sakuraba. Sakuraba was Yano weapon to defeat Suzuki.

Naomichi Marufuji, TMDK (Mikey Nicholls and Shane Haste), and Toru Yano vs Suzuki-gun (Davey Boy Smith Jr., Lance Archer, Shelton X Benjamin, and Takashi Iizuka)

Then Suzuki went to NOAH to get revenge on Marufuji.

Hopefully Suzuki and Yano do not feud again, but I could totally see Yano being the one from Chaos that takes the never belt from Suzuki to continue the feud...

Ronin Ray

Because none of them are in a position to make major cash yet. Lonzo is the only one who will be soon. There wasn't as much backlash with Archie Manning because he wasn't so blatant with it.

I also love how people forget about the Cecil & Prince Fielder story

Sorry but Archie used the good ol boy network and did it behind closed doors. The way white America likes it. Ball doesn't have that option. He son just made 17 mil and your missing the biggest point. He got he's kids in position weather they have the talent or not is up to them. It's not like if his sons are all NBA bust it's their dad's fault. It's just they weren't good enough and he fooled everyone to get his kids there and make that money. Saying things like his kids are going to have issues etc is stuff your just pulling out of your ass and not based on any facts. It can work or it won't but his kids got more opportunities than most kids in America. The real problem is this country has a problem with loud black men who don't conform to the Archie Manning way of doing things but that's a different story and I know that's not your problem with Ball.


Sorry but Archie used the good ol boy network and did it behind closed doors. The way white America likes it. Ball doesn't have that option. He son just made 17 mil and your missing the biggest point. He got he's kids in position weather they have the talent or not is up to them. It's not like if his sons are all NBA bust it's their dad's fault. It's just they weren't good enough and he fooled everyone to get his kids there and make that money. Saying things like his kids are going to have issues etc is stuff your just pulling out of your ass and not based on any facts. It can work or it won't but his kids got more opportunities than most kids in America. The real problem is this country has a problem with loud black men who don't conform to the Archie Manning way of doing things but that's a different story and I know that's not your problem with Ball.

Like I said before, Todd Marinovich. I'm not pulling this "kids could have issues" thing out of my ass, it's fucking happened before.

Also, Lavar didn't get his son in a position to make 17 mil. His son got himself into a position to make 17 mil. Lavar running his mouth and saying shit like he could go one on one with MJ in their primes had nothing to do with it. If anything, Lavar is likely holding his son back from making even more money because he's trying to get his kids to stick to this Big Baller Brand crap instead of signing bigger deals with actual companies.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
New Japan makes stars. Who's to say that in 2 years Juice isn't main eventing the dome? Then when WWE needs a star (like they always do) when they jobbed out everyone to 50/50 they will sign Juice to a larger deal than a NXT deal.

Except that wasn't the prior point, which was that you can make more money outside WWE; saying that it *could* somehow happen is just speculative. Particularly given the theory that Juice is going to main event the Dome. I mean, c'mon lol.

I mean, I get that you guys want to stan for NJPW. But it's delusional to argue that they're in direct business competition with WWE. Brock Lesnar makes almost 6 times what Okada makes. To make 20 appearances a year and wrestle five times a year.

The only person who could realistically headline the Dome after leaving WWE is Bryan Danielson. But he also can't come back, because if he could they'd probably pay him more than NJPW would.

I thought Wonder Woman was pretty bad and bizarrely pro-war.

But that's just me fam.

The movie was super overrated and had a bunch of really bizarre shit in it that everyone overlooked. Like what in the fuck was with that boat conversation? Why did that need to make the cut? And the third act was just atrocious.


And there are examples of it working with no issues . I don't have kids and I am not going to judge how Balls kids are going to turn out because I don't like there dad.

I don't think you necessarily need to be a parent in order to recognize, potentially isolated, cases of bad parenting


As a father for almost 16 glorious years, I'll tell you this much: you should powerbomb your children onto the bed before they're big enough to stop you.

I hope you've enjoyed this seminar. Please take a pamphlet.

Ronin Ray

Like I said before, Todd Marinovich. I'm not pulling this "kids could have issues" thing out of my ass, it's fucking happened before.

Also, Lavar didn't get his son in a position to make 17 mil. His son got himself into a position to make 17 mil. Lavar running his mouth and saying shit like he could go one on one with MJ in their primes had nothing to do with it. If anything, Lavar is likely holding his son back from making even more money because he's trying to get his kids to stick to this Big Baller Brand crap instead of signing bigger deals with actual companies.

His son could sign with any shoe company he wants and made that decision. How is this Lavar balls fault? If Lavar didn't run his mouth you would have no clue who these kids are and we wouldn't be talking about them . Him running his mouth effects what exactly? It just means you don't like him. It has zero effect on if his kids make it and speaks to nothing of how he actually is as a father. He oldest son seems like a great guy so far but hey do it the Archie Manning way.


His son could sign with any shoe company he wants and made that decision. How is this Lavar balls fault? If Lavar didn't run his mouth you would have no clue who these kids are and we wouldn't be talking about them . Him running his mouth effects what exactly? It just means you don't like him. It has zero effect on if his kids make it and speaks to nothing of how he actually is as a father. He oldest son seems like a great guy so far but hey do it the Archie Manning way.

Lonzo was in the goddamn elite 8 of the NCAA tournament leading one of the most historic college basketball schools in the nation and drafted by the Los Angeles Lakers. I'm going to go out on a limb and say we'd know about him.

Ronin Ray

Lonzo was in the goddamn elite 8 of the NCAA tournament leading one of the most historic college basketball schools in the nation and drafted by the Los Angeles Lakers. I'm going to go out on a limb and say we'd know about him.

Who knows who the elite prospects out of college basketball are besides hardcore basketball fans ? You're lying to yourself if you think anyone would know who these kids are if not for Lavar. WWE is really dying to have markelle fultz host raw. Most people can't name the first pick in the last three or four drafts or the 1st of 3rd pick in this draft.


Who knows who the elite prospects out of college basketball are besides hardcore basketball fans ? You're lying to yourself if you think anyone would know who these kids are if not for Lavar. WWE is really dying to have markelle fultz host raw. Most people can't name the first pick in the last three or four drafts or the 1st of 3rd pick in this draft.

Most people who follow sports are going to at least know who was the first draft pick by one of the biggest sports franchises in the country, or at least casually hear about it while watching some sports news or some shit. But spoiler alert: to the super casual average person, they still don't know the kids names. Just Lavars.

I hear that Lejon Brames guy is a pretty decent up-and-comer.

Case in point. LeBron was known nationwide while he was still a junior in high school and didn't need any Lavar antics

Ronin Ray

Most people who follow sports are going to at least know who was the first draft pick by one of the biggest sports franchises in the country, or at least casually hear about it while watching some sports news or some shit. But spoiler alert: to the super casual average person, they still don't know the kids names. Just Lavars.

Case in point. LeBron was known nationwide while he was still a junior in high school and didn't need any Lavar antics

The fact that you could only come up a leborn drafted in 03 proves my point. You know the guy one on the cover of Sports Illustrated at the age of 15 the most hyped athlete in American Sports history and probably the most talented athlete we've ever seen and top 3 basketball player ever. Yes please compare Lavar balls kids to that guy. Please name another NBA player since LeBron that were anywhere as popular as Lavar balls kids are pre nba. Jimmer maybe lol
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