The worst thing about MITB was them adding matches the day before then cutting time on the main card to shove the preshow matches in.
It was to space the show out to avoid the last minutes of the NBA Finals.
The worst thing about MITB was them adding matches the day before then cutting time on the main card to shove the preshow matches in.
Why isnt Cesaro champ
It doesn't help that they are bad about having camera angles directly on their faces when they are calling spots. That's just poor production.
look pal, I can't be both
Brock was tested 5 times by an actual drug testing agency instead of WWE's fake testing program
5 times in 2 weeks
You can hear Cena perfectly calling our moves.
It's also the performer's job to be more discreet about it.It doesn't help that they are bad about having camera angles directly on their faces when they are calling spots. That's just poor production.
Ambrose didn't do anything the entire match but win and despite everyone's love for Cesaro, I felt like he just did a bunch of signature spots in the same way he always does them, which I hate.
How you gonna berry the guy tho
Brock Lesnar's blood doesn't even test positive for blood anymore.
Dana Brooke was fantastic on MITB. She's got IT. I love it. Best heel.
Everybody's extolling the little springboard uppercut he did while ignoring that he totally no-sold the cross armbreaker Del Rio was doing to him on a ladder, with his full body weight, just a moment earlier.
Her screaming "I'm the best protege ever!" after the match is literally the best character moment within the main roster in months/years.
Also, that face:
Brock was tested 5 times by an actual drug testing agency instead of WWE's fake testing program
5 times in 2 weeks
Gotta change your avatar nowThe internet seeking to spoil all good fun, I've accidentally read the results of last night without having seen the PPV.
dream, tell me I'm dreaming a bad dream.
The internet seeking to spoil all good fun, I've accidentally read the results of last night without having seen the PPV.
dream, tell me I'm dreaming a bad dream.
Everybody's extolling the little springboard uppercut he did while ignoring that he totally no-sold the cross armbreaker Del Rio was doing to him on a ladder, with his full body weight, just a moment earlier.
This is about to be one depressing post work TV viewing.![]()
WE DO IT!!!!!
I hate Cesaro's stupid uppercuts and I hate his swing, so its probably not surprising I don't see what people see in the guy. Half of his offense are those specific moves.
Co-SignedHe really is the best
This is about to be one depressing post work TV viewing.
Time to go back to back at Wrestlemania.
LOL during Reigns/Rollins you can hear Rollins say "fucking asshole" after the three head slams into the announce table
Litte? That was coolest and most impressive spot of the night.
For TV watching purposes, I'm hoping Ambrose suddenly becomes entertaining to me. Recent months he's been in my fast forward tier.Dude, you're boy's at the chase now. If anything he's gonna be even more prominent now than ever.
For TV watching purposes, I'm hoping Ambrose suddenly becomes entertaining to me. Recent months he's been in my fast forward tier.
One perk is at least the god forsaken briefcase is gone for the next 365 days.
Her screaming "I'm the best protege ever!" after the match is literally the best character moment within the main roster in months/years.
Also, that face:
Her screaming "I'm the best protege ever!" after the match is literally the best character moment within the main roster in months/years.
Also, that face:
lol dude on left of pic got caught checking her out. his reaction..lol
I can't even jokingly say that I think this will light a fire under Dean's ass. The dude is the LAZIEST wrestler on the planet and hasn't had a really, really good singles match to his name since that ladder match with Seth a full year ago. He makes Dolph Ziggler look like AJ Styles.
For TV watching purposes, I'm hoping Ambrose suddenly becomes entertaining to me. Recent months he's been in my fast forward tier.
One perk is at least the god forsaken briefcase is gone for the next 365 days.
I can't even jokingly say that I think this will light a fire under Dean's ass. The dude is the LAZIEST wrestler on the planet and hasn't had a really, really good singles match to his name since that ladder match with Seth a full year ago. He makes Dolph Ziggler look like AJ Styles.
What happens to Roman being "the guy" now, is he just "a guy"? will his promos reflect this change?
You'll notice he's not wearing a Roman Reigns or Seth Rollins shirt
The Thunder clip was AJ Styles so... yes?I hardly watched Thunder back in the day but I kept up with Nitro. Did Thunder at least have cool cruiserweight matches?