Not sure if Im in in the minority, but I miss Vince being on air. His creative decisions are still all over the place, but Vince works the crowd better than almost anyone on the roster now. He can go from hated to love in the same hour. This new version of Show is better than the last, but that isnt saying much. Show is the last person to whine about treatment over the years. He was given everything from the start in WCW and then with his move to WWE. Even with his crap work ethic and poor mic skills, he still was pushed until his laziness got him sent down. Out of all the people on the roster, he should be the last one to complain about unfair treatment.
As sick of Cena as I am, I was happy to hear his music cut Shows weak attempt at a rant. I think this was the first time Ive ever been happy to hear Cenas music. Of course once Cena got the mic it went all downhill from there. I knew Cena was going to bury Show, but didnt think they would let him bury the new Show this much. Oh well, it is difficult to feel sorry for Show. He has had more than enough chances and if Cena buries him this ppv, I wont care. This is the first time in a while Im not sure who is going to win. Cena use to rarely lose, but lately it seems they dont mind having him lose for a change. Then again it is Cena he always overcomes the odds to win. Lastly with Ace's job in the mix again, who would take over should he get fired. If Ace keeps his job for the countless time, they need to give that angle a rest. It seems almost every recent ppv his job has been on the line in some form.
Im just glad to see more AJ the past few months. It is nice to see her being used in the main storylines and not just the occasional 5 minute diva match. A complete heel turn at the ppv would just be icing at this point. A crazy heel AJ and Bryan with the belt for a few months will be fun.