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June Wrasslin |OT| When you lose, you're a jobber, when you win, you're Cena.



Kaners gonna Kane?


So Kane admitted to building actual pipe bombs, and then sexually assaulted a 12 year old boy.

Why is he not in prison?


So Kane admitted to building actual pipe bombs, and then sexually assaulted a 12 year old boy.

Why is he not in prison?

That is a hot eager young woman yearning for a big man.

Chyna's idea of seduction probably would've been probably stepping on Kane and pinning him down to the floor overpowering and ah....

I'll be in my bunk.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
...Punk then accidentally bumps into AJ forcing the tag.
AJ is shy at first but when she lays her eyes on that BIG RED MONSTER, she just can't help herself..........


more money than God

So we've had Malibu Kane, Nerd Kane, Business man Kane, Kane Kane, original Kane, unmasked Kane, Christmas creature, Fake Cena (glenn jacobs).

We could use some more Kanes.
I've always thought there should be time travel Kanes. Imagine Renaissance Kane, or caveman Kane.

BTW, didn't take long for deviantart to jump along.



I havent watched Raw since the Attitude era. Was at a friends house and he had it on. Vader still wrestles? Who's the top tier stars nowadays? Is AJ that chick that made out with Kane? Gawd damn she's hot!


I havent watched Raw since the Attitude era. Was at a friends house and he had it on. Vader still wrestles? Who's the top tier stars nowadays? Is AJ that chick that made out with Kane? Gawd damn she's hot!

Don't ask. Just please go. It's not worth it to find out, it's pretty awful. Vader was the best thing to happen to wrestling tonight.

Watch TNA Impact however, they're totes better. Plus they got the best guys from the attitude era.


A.J. Styles is 100 times the performer C.M. Punk is.

Just look at Slammiversary X for proof enough.

Company Man Punk can't even stay in shape.
wait what??

It's amazing what a change of character can do for someone - I detested Batista for all those years WWE tried to shove him down the audiences throats, but that last month or so he had as Brotista was surprisingly awesome (until Cena no-sold his offence and buried him, that is). Really wouldn't mind him coming back, and WWE could always use more heels, especially since they turned Punk super-face.
After that Big Show photo, I decided to try and figure out how many time Big Show turned heel/face in his career. Sadly, it happened so many times, I actually died.










Don't say I never did anything for you.
Thank you Plywood.

This storyline is the best of the post-Edge era.

Raw was ok, with the usual shitty fillers, squash and Cena, but that certainly doesn't matter at all when you have this feud going.

Ziggler as #1 contender, after losing twice to Sheamus seems so weak to me, it's like he has no chance at all to win, only by beating Cena tonight on SD would make him a somewhat credible contender. I hope they put the belt on him tho, that would be a good swerve and the start of an interesting feud with Sheamus. Oh, just found out that the SD main event will be CM Punk/Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan/Dolph Ziggler, Ziggler has to get the pin in this match, if he doesn't then fuck, Sheamus better kick the head out of him in 17 seconds

Also, in an ideal world, where Cena wouldn't exist, where Vince was already dead, where people knew who the fuck Vader is, Raw would have finished with this (and Kane in the ramp):

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