you hang out at the same bar that Rihanna goes to? what is she like?I was at W.i.P when that fight broke out and there last night again. lol
YES I CAN!!!!!!
I wish I had photoshop and knew how to. Until then, it's just my damn imagination. Although, she does get a headstart with her shorts on SD!SoulPlaya, I think we require some examples of how AJ would look cosplaying as Kane.
Did you start the ECW chants?
Yep, this is from last year's where they're all flight attendants. There's a terrorist attack in the terminal and Chono is the SWAT captain that kills them and reveals that the terrorists had help from an airport employee, and like always the crime gets pinned on Yamazaki.Haha is that from the No Laughing Batsu Games? Chono has been a regular on them and he's hilarious.
SoulPlaya, I think we require some examples of how AJ would look cosplaying as Kane.
NBA finals or AJ. Hmmm
.Dave Meltzer reported that Paul "Triple H" Levesque is not allowing Mick Foley to be used on TV since his return in November.
Meltzer reported that Triple H slams Foley whenever his name is brought up in creative meetings. Brian Gerwitz, WWE's Senior Vice President of Creative Writing thinks Foley is a creative and good performer, but Levesque says Foley 'doesn't look tough' and can't be taken seriously as an in-ring performer.
A former WWE creative writer said to Power Slam in 2008 that Levesque would always insult Foley when he appeared for the company and hurt his value in the eyes of Vince and Stephanie McMahon.
Levesque was quoted as saying: "Foley is an out-of-shape nobody. No one cares about him at all. Funaki puts more asses in the seats than Foley does. He should pay us for coming on our shows."
It is believed that the reason Triple H does this is because he is irritated over the opinion from his closest co-workers that his matches with Foley in 2000 "made him a star".
Foley has also criticized Triple H in the past, including taking some shots at him in his 2007 autobiography The Hardcore Diaries. He was also against Triple H insulting Lilian Garcia on an April 2010 episode of RAW. He said he may have cost himself professional but had to say something.
wow I remember I was ostracized for posting too much AJ stuff and you guys thought I was crazy
look at all this shit
but Levesque says Foley 'doesn't look tough' and can't be taken seriously as an in-ring performer.
Except it's a Smackdown house show.......Smackdown.
wow I remember I was ostracized for posting too much AJ stuff and you guys thought I was crazy
So he's going to ban 95% of the locker room now?
Smackdown gives you D. Brine, Cody Rhodes, Christian, CM Punk (if Orton isn't there), Sandow, Tyson Kidd etc.
Raw gives you three hours of Cena respecting the crap out of you.
good point. Fire Brodus for starters. The girls can dance for someone else.
Also Sheamus, Ziggler, and going by dark matches and house show results, Antonio Cesaro and Dean Ambrose.
Foley is in horrible shape to be fair. Hey Trips had maybe a few too many Happy Meals too but he stays somewhat in shape.
Triple H destroying Mick Foley did make his career. After all the stupid DX stuff it gave people a reason to see him and the McMahon/Helmsley faction as a legit threat.
Right, them too. Though Ziggler is technically a "Raw" guy, so I don't know where he'll be by then.
But seriously, for house shows I strongly believe you're better off going to SuperiorDown!
But in HHH's mind he probably was a superstar already, since DX, his DX without Michaels, was super over, even though he hadn't won the WWF title yet.
Mick Foley's selling point has never been his athleticism or his physique - it's even less of a problem now that he's not an active wrestler. As it is, those quotes sound more like Tony Shiavone than Triple H.
eeww. AJ has a wiping lips and chin thing going on.
You were so much more tolerable compared to how it is I remember I was ostracized for posting too much AJ stuff and you guys thought I was crazy
look at all this shit
You were so much more tolerable compared to how it is now.
You were so much more tolerable compared to how it is now.
I'm actually pretty surprised it's managed to last as long as it has given the events of last Summer. I didn't want to mention anything just to see how long it could possibly go for.
Yeah, sometimes the pictures go a bit to far compared to the past.
somedevil said:AJ is the best thing in sports entertainment today.
From this article it seems like one of reasons the Mick Foley and Dean Ambrose feud was dropped was because Triple H does not like Mick Foley on television because he still resentful that people believe that Mick Foley made him a star with their matches in 2000.
Foley/HHH at the rumble was a star making match, Trips should be thanking Foley for putting him over big time with that and the following HIAC match, it made him look pretty tough since he won both matches with no real trickery (not that there is much room for that in those gimmicks).
Trips may also be envious that Foley got Orton over whereas when the time came for HHH to give Orton a boost he just buried him in like one month.
what was that one HHH story from Summerslam 2006? he and Hogan were on the same show and HHH had only recently turned face, during his match HHH went overboard with the taunts and stuff to try and elicit a bigger reaction from the fans to what Hogan had gotten earlier in the ppv to prove his greatness, i'm willing to believe such a story considering how desperate he is to be part of the elite club at the very top of WWE history.
Fuck HHH. It's all about VADER.