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June Wrasslin |OT| When you lose, you're a jobber, when you win, you're Cena.


I spend tons of time watching wrestling
and fapping to AJ

AJ be proud.




John launthis no one betas crap at one way out only you get fired but not John cena


Miguel Angel Sandoval
1. Dolph Ziggler will lose.
2. Cm Punk or Kane will win.
3. John Cena will beat Big Show.
4. Ryback should fight Cody Rhodes.
5. I agree With Mikkel Soresen on the fifth one.
6. Christian will win
7. Brodus Clay is going to Crush David Ottunga
8. Layla will retain
9. and after NWO we going to hear from the Chairman "You're Fired!!!"


Eduard Arakelyan
I want Big Show to won that match at no way out,Kane to become WWE champion,Dolph to become new World champion because I think that Ziggler can be second EDGE


vicky can take aj anyday of the week=====


aj should stay away from everybody=====
and all she is going to do is get in the way=====


All people who proudly wear pro wrestling shirts in public, no doubt.


Matt Morgan done with TNA:

TNA star Matt Morgan officially finished up his TNA commitments with this weekend's house shows. At last night's show, Morgan grabbed a sign from a fan at ringside that read, "Going, Going, Gone" and held it up to the crowd.

Morgan wrote on Twitter that he was in Connecticut today, where he is originally from. Obviously, with the WWE PPV just a short distance away in New Jersey, that's going to get people wondering.

PWInsider.com can confirm there was WWE interest in Morgan, although whether the two sides have come to terms remains to be seen.



Matt Morgan is almost 7ft tall yet has never managed to do anything meaningful in the 10 years in which he has been wrestling. Not a good statement about his ability.


I didn't think there was such a repressed part of society in the US, isn't that the land of freedom and whatever? Are you really afraid of other people seeing what you like? Do you people just wear suits or plain clothes?

Does this has to do with a big part of society or just an specific bunch, like you know, wrestling fans? Music fans are quite vocal and they're far from afraid of wearing their Metallica, Maiden or Slipknot shirts. Even so called geek clothing abound like comics and videogames, even if they are as mainstream as anything else like Avengers.

No wonder people look down on wrestling fans, seriously.

I'm from the UK - so you get sarcasm by the lorry load. But I also live in the land of Geordie Shore, Cheryl Cole, Ross Noble, Toon Army and Hairy Bikers.
Justin Wong just now came out to John Cena's music in the Marvel tournament.

Appropriately, people booed him, but he's using Cena's spirit to win. :(

Oh damn I forgot about this, just taking a look now and...OHMAHGOOODNESS, someone is daring to wear a *whisper it* wrestling shirt, or more accurately a spin off of the nwo shirt.
Bean Breath is somewhere shaking his head to the point of neck ache.


Matt Morgan?

Have Ryback break his neck squash him.

Was just about to suggest that. Just feed him to Ryback so the announcers can talk about how Ryback manhandled a 7-footer.

Or on the other hand, announce him as "local talent" and have him give Ryback a run for his money so that they can finally end the Ryback squash-a-thon.
Oh damn I forgot about this, just taking a look now and...OHMAHGOOODNESS, someone is daring to wear a *whisper it* wrestling shirt, or more accurately a spin off of the nwo shirt.
Bean Breath is somewhere shaking his head to the point of neck ache.

Justin won, btw. Cena's spirit simply cannot be overcome. Maybe I should start channeling Cena by listening to his theme music before something important.
Justin won, btw. Cena's spirit simply cannot be overcome. Maybe I should start channeling Cena by listening to his theme music before something important.

Well there's clearly something empowering about the theme even when it comes to fighting games, only those who can truly rise above hate are able to channel Cena though.


I really disliked Matt Morgan, but I've only seen him in TNA so maybe that's why.
With Matt Morgan potentially-WWE bound and Big Show fully heel, we're 4/5 of the way to recreating Brock Lesnar's Survivor Series monster team.
Someone call Nathan Jones and get him out of retirement!

All of the pieces that turned John Cena face over 8 years ago must be brought back together in order to end the SuperCena era.
That means we need every single one of Brock, Show, Tensai-Albert, Morgan, Heyman and Nathan Jones to reverse time.


If people are expecting Kane to win, that bodes well for a Bryan victory. Seems like WWE have been trying to get the audience thinking Kane will win (even though I don't think there's actually any chance of it) which is a sure sign the real result is something different.
Oh damn I forgot about this, just taking a look now and...OHMAHGOOODNESS, someone is daring to wear a *whisper it* wrestling shirt, or more accurately a spin off of the nwo shirt.
Bean Breath is somewhere shaking his head to the point of neck ache.

Can it, English.

Is it my fault I only wear quality, designer garments?


If people are expecting Kane to win, that bodes well for a Bryan victory. Seems like WWE have been trying to get the audience thinking Kane will win (even though I don't think there's actually any chance of it) which is a sure sign the real result is something different.

I'm can't believe people think Kane will win, because the storyline most logical conclusion is Daniel Bryan winning.

Also, I'll post this though its from wrestlezone who been fooled by a fake Punk Tweet and the fake Undertaker pick showing up for the royal rumble.

They report
amazing red
is at No Way out. Maybe its Ryback next squash oppenent. lol


Deadspin article that talks about run-ins with wrestlers in public places:

I spent December of 1999 working several jobs in Gainesville. One of those jobs was on the loading dock at Toys ‘R Us. For an extra fee, customers could pay to have bikes, etc. built by employees instead of doing it themselves at home. An additional benefit was that big items, that were hard to hide, could be kept at the store until near Christmas.

On the night of December 23, I was at the back of the store and a series of customers came by with receipts to pick up their crap. I finally get to this giant dude who is posturing like a roided-up douche. I ask him for a receipt and he takes umbrage to store protocol. He drops a couple of f-bombs and makes a scene. The manager peeks out to assess the situation but he takes one look at the customer and literally runs back to his office.

Because I felt sorry for this piece of shit's kids, being so close to Christmas, I ask his last name to see if there is an invoice that matches the motorized car he claims to have purchased. He tells me his last name is Rhodes. After checking 50+ stored toys, I tell him there is no invoice with this name. He goes completely bananas. He begins by breathing through his nose like a horse and starts pressing up to me with his chest.

I calmly asked if beating-up a Toys ‘R Us worker was the best way to handle this situation - I was way past giving a fuck with this temp job. That did not go over well. At this point a wife/girlfriend stepped out of the car to intervene. No surprise she looked like someone who would bang a roided-up douche and someone who has: 1) caused lots of fights due to her choice of revealing attire; 2) had to cool-off this guy for flying off the handle on numerous occasions. I told them that I really wanted to help and asked if there was another name the invoice might have on it. Then the girlfriend gives me a different last name, Runnels, and, of course, there is the car right where it should be.

In the time it took for this to go down, there were a bunch of employees who had moved to the back to witness what was going on. After this dumbass left, one of my co-workers says, "I sold that car to him. That dude is a pro wrestler." He then explained that his name was "Goldust" but that he was also "Dusty Rhodes, Jr." or some shit like that. The whole story thing made very little sense to me. But I realized that I almost got the shit kicked out of me because some asshole was shopping under his fake wrestling name instead of the name that WAS ON HIS CREDIT CARD.

Growing up in San Antonio, Shawn Michaels was always one of my favorite wrestlers. Even when he "turned heel" and kicked his then tag-partner through a glass window, I always liked him. He was from my town, I had to right?

What a god dammed dick he is/was/continues to be.

My first realization of his true colors was when I was 9 or 10: at the time my mom ran a bar, and I would go play pool and darts and do other stuff that a 10 year old might do in a bar (e.g. cause trouble). So one day I'm just playing darts, and Shawn Michaels comes into the bar! I immediately recognize him and tell my mom, "Hey that's my favorite wrestler! In your bar! That's so cool! does he come here all the time? Do you know him? Can I meet him?, etc" , just typical prr-pubescent stuff you might expect from a kid.

Well it turns out he was there to meet one of my mom's "regulars". They had apparently gone to high school together and were meeting up for a drink. As it turns out, the guy he met (let's call him 'Dave') was actually a family friend. So when 'Dave' got there to meet Shawn Michaels, he called me over to introduce me! Awesome! This is my big moment. The following is the basic dialogue that took all of about 30 seconds:

"Hey you're Shawn Michaels. You're my favorite wrestler."
"That's my wrestling name. Not my real name."
"Can I get your autograph?"
"If I sign 'Shawn Michaels' I have to charge you $10."
"I don't have $10. This is my mom's bar."
"Am I supposed to be impressed or something? Leave me alone, KID" (Heavy on the KID)

At this point I'm crushed, humiliated, and confused. I walk away with my tail in my legs not really realizing what all just happened, just that I didn't get my autograph, and Shawn Michaels was a big dickhead.

Many years later, when I got my first job, a friend of mine had a run-in with him also.

We were both (at the time) working at Whataburger. I was at a different store than my friend, but we both worked at the same place. We would frequently hang out, and being young, we would often talk about customers, experiences, or generalities of the job working at Whataburger. he told me the following story, that after my personal experience, I have no problem believing:

My friend was working the drive-thru at Whataburger when Shawn Michaels comes through and orders. When he gets to the window, my friend recognizes him and acknowledges that he realizes Shawn Michaels is in the drive-thru, (maybe he was gushing. I don't know, I wasn't there) but when he says "You're Shawn Michaels" I guess the other people in the store heard him, and came to see him at the window.

Well I guess this was the WRONG thing to do (dude, you're in your HOMETOWN, and you're at WHATABURGER and you're surprised people notice you?!?!) because he tells my friend "This is bullshit. Don't you need to make my food? I want to see your manager".

So my friend, who at this point, has barely taken his order is kind of like "WTF?".

So he gets his manager and Shawn Michaels proceeds to berate the entire staff to the manager: "All these kids are fucking off, they're not working, I've had to wait 10 minutes for my food, I shouldn't have to deal with this shit, I'm just a normal guy, blah blah blah".

He then suggests to the manager that he should get his food for free for all the hassle. The manager basically says, no, there hasn't been a hassle and there hasn't been anything wrong with his order. So my friend by this time, has his order ready to go and is standing behind his manager while Shawn Michaels continues to scream. He steps from behind, so that Shawn can see his food is ready and he says something like "It's about fucking time." Well my friend, (now growing tired of his shit I'm sure) says something like "you're a dick" and Shawn just stares at him and makes a motion with his hand to 'come-here' and says "I'm a celebrity and you work at Whataburger. Give me my food." and takes off.

I used to work in the Toms River Mall for a few years. Sometimes they would have card collector conventions and what not in the middle of the mall. Virgil always showed up for these, although he was sans table. He would just walk around with a handful of photos and hope someone would recognize him so he could sell him a picture. The first two times I saw him I didn't think anything weird of it, as it was baseball cards the first time and the second time it included guys selling wrestling vhs tapes. But the third time I saw him in the mall, the mall was basically having a big flea market. The fourth time though was the kicker. Everyone was selling Beanie Babies, and there was Virgil, randomly walking around with his photos and a camera. I knew enough never to bother him, just because of that desperate look in his eyes.

They wont change the title today. They will definitely wait for the 1000 episode to do a title change or debut the new WWE Title design or both. #VinceMcmahonThinking
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