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June Wrasslin |OT| When you lose, you're a jobber, when you win, you're Cena.

This has got to be the worst card for a ppv all year.
I hope the work rate is really good otherwise this coud be the worst ppv all year.

That's the thing, there's a good few matches on there that could prove to be top class, but it's all a matter of time - hopefully too much of it isn't spent on Triple H's appearance and the Big Show/Cena nonsense, so matches like Christian/Cody, Sheamus/Ziggler and Bryan/Punk/Kane have the chance to shine. I'm really looking forward to Sheamus/Ziggler actually, although I'll probably end up disappointed when it goes less than ten minutes. Both their matches to date have been pretty good, and I'd like to see what they could bring in 20-30 minutes on PPV.


No One Remembers
WWE NO WAY OUT Predictions

WWE Diva's Championship
Beth Phoenix vs Layla

Tuxedo Match
Santino Marella vs Ricardo Rodriguez

WWE Intercontinental Champioship
Christian vs Cody Rhodes

World Heavyweight Chapionship
Sheamus vs Dolph Ziggler

WWE Championship
Kane vs CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan

Steel Cage Match
John Cena vs Big Show

This is the most predictable card ever.

Potential wrestlers to show up for a bonus match: Sin Cara, Miz, Brodus Clay, Drew McIntyre
Bah gawd it's that time again, tonight there will No Way Out, out of what exactly? the cage which must be escaped? someone being fired? I guess we'll find out tonight.

Pre Show: Otunga vs Brodus Clay
Tensei has fallen out of the squash contest but despite a beatdown from show Brodus is still in the undefeated squashing game I think and it sure as hell wont end from Otunga, fortunately this being on the pre show means no time wasted mid event from pointless dancing.

Tuxedo Match: Santino vs Ricardo
Okay this is just weird, I assume they dress up in fancy tuxedos and that aside normal rules apply? a comedy match of the most comedic order, fortunately it contains two of WWE's best comedy acts that should make this a fun five minutes, Santino has this one in the bag.

Toilet break for the divas title
And I will keep saying stuff like this until the division gets its shit together (or is allowed to, i'm sure the divas try), though in fairness the match last month wasn't bad, but still the build is so bare bones it must be distressing to be a diva.

Christian vs Cody Rhodes for the IC title
As basic a title feud here as it gets, i'm angling at Rhodes getting the belt back but I can really go either way, should be enjoyable though a repeat from last month with no changes doesn't do much to excite.

Sheamus vs Ziggler for the WHC
Now first of all props to WWE for using Ziggler to fill in this spot, Ziggler has gone from no match to seemingly replacing Jericho only to then lose that spot but then landed here. Sadly there is no chance in hell that Ziggler wins this, Great White super faces sheamus is on a roll and he's not going to lose the belt now, especially not in a match with a one week build. Actually these two have fought many times on Raw and SD recently so I guess there is a build after all, a build up of Ziggler being kicked into overselling oblivion because Brogue kick hooligans or something.
I like Sheamus even if his face run is horribly vanilla, they need to give him a proper feud though, one with some sort of actual plot. Meanwhile Del Rio weeps from the sidelines and the sad thing is I don't even miss him being shunted out of this match.

Wrasslegafs dream match: Kane Klique vs IWC golden boy Bryan vs Corporate Man Punk for the WWE title with outside interference from everyone's waifu AJ.
We asked for it, we got it. Punk and Bryan get to continue main eventing together, Kane in 2012 complete with Kane cycle continuing AJ antics, such things are more than coincidence, we have truly been blessed, there's something for nearly everyone here.
This match could really go any way, deep down I want Kane but think Bryan is the best and most likely option for plot reasons. Kane will get duped by a lady yet again because once you've gone Bryan there's no point in tryin'.
Here's hoping that to keep up in ring with the talents of Punk and Bryan Kane will bust out some funky moves, return of the Kanearana people, I can feel it! HYPE!

Show opens with contains a 20 minute HHH promo
The COO is here for some reason and we will find out what that is live at No Way Out! Will it be about Bork Lazer? will HHH announce that he beat Taker at WM this year because he helped him out the ring? how will HHH boost his ego? so many options that no one could possibly predict which single one to go with!

Cena vs Show in a rip roaring cage match with Cena or Johnny Ace being potentially fired from the sports.
Cena has truly overstayed his welcome atop the card, Big show is upset at the state of the company and Cena makes jokey jokes, well damn we have a match! Big Show has that Wind punch, I tell you that hitbox is cheap as fuck and Big show needs such trickery to stand a chance against the insatiable appetite of Cena. If Show loses Mr Excitement loses people power or something and also Cena may get fired like that one time with the nexus and like the stipulation for half his feuds in the last 5 years. This match ensures the ppv ends on a bum note. Another point, when have cage matches ever worked for Big Show? Vince McMahon will be at ringside going further senile, he may screw over Cena though leading to hilarious facebook and twitter comments that will amuse for the next week.

The killer filler
Sin Cara, Ryback, Tag team champs...hang on Truth is down...oh well i'm sure Kofi/Swagger can make do for that traditional spot.
About to order some old-school SWS & WAR - other than a whole lot of Tenryu kicking ass, between these two early & mid-90's Japanese promotions there's a lot of US wrestlers making appearances like The Eliminators, Demolition, The Rockers, 1-2-3 Kid, Lionheart (Jericho), Death Mask (Bradshaw), Rey Mysterio & Yokozuna, plus an Ultimo Dragon vs Great Sasuke match I haven't seen before, and the Tokyo Pro show from '96 where Edge & Christian win the tag titles as The Canadian Rockies!


This might have been brought up already because we are all genius writers, but how great would it be if Cena lost tonight and then tomorrow on RAW Vince came out to fire him and before he could do it HHH came out and told him the board levied a vote of "no confidence" against Vince and that HHH would be taking over his duties and he would say "love you pops" and leave and then the crowd would chant "thank you Vince!" as he stood in the ring distraught over this terrible news?

Man I would order every PPV for the rest of time if that happened.


So not worth it
Pre-show match
Brodus Clay vs. David Otunga
Otunga will get the win, clearly the sheer amount of baby oil will cause most of Clay's move to become unusable, as anything that needs any sort of grip of Otunga's body will just cause him to fumble. Otunga will therefor win, perhaps by use of Coffee container.

WWE Diva's Championship
Beth Phoenix vs Layla
I'm sorta expecting Kharma here, so I'm gonna say Layla wins by DQ. AJ should have the title as she and Bryan would run WWE as co-champions. And that, well: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tYPzSGVHOc

Tuxedo Match
Santino Marella vs Ricardo Rodriguez
This match will be a load of fun, I've thouroughly enjoyed the pairing of these two and their antics. Ricardo should get the win, but clearly the babyface will win this thing, esp. since Kayfabe Ricardo can't wrestle.

WWE Intercontinental Champioship
Christian vs Cody Rhodes
Cody is ready for the final push, unless Wade returns for MitB I expect Cody to win that one, so he's clearly outgrown the IC Title. Christian as a babyface is the perfect way to elevate talent like him, so I'm expecting a great match here.

World Heavyweight Chapionship
Sheamus vs Dolph Ziggler
Ziggler deserves a title run, but he'll win Raw MitB (He's still Raw right?), besides he's only in this match due to 200 injuries/suspensions, so there's no chance they'll put him over Sheamus, and I'm okay with that. Should still be a good match.

WWE Championship
Kane vs CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan
Still hoping for AJ to side with Bryan and get him the title. Punk is in need of a change and chasing the title all the way to Summerslam seems like a good way to do that. Kane has no chance in hell, his time in the spotlight is done and that is how it should be (I'm looking at you Hogan, Flair, Sting). Bryan or Punk then. Thanks to the AJ-storyline it's anyone's guess, so Bryan just because he deserves it and Punk has held the title for ages (2012 equivelant of a 3-year run in the 80's really).

Steel Cage Match
John Cena vs Big Show
Don't care, don't care, don't fucking care. Will fast-forward this to see the result. Maybe, if I can be arsed. Fk Cena. Fk his hat. Fk his smile. Fk his taunt. Fk this angle. Fk his main event status and damnit, fk those shorts.

I love prediction time, even though nobody else cares what anyone else thinks :D


more money than God
there we go.

video re-uploaded


thanks ply for the suggestion.

Enjoy Soulplaya!
You always amaze me with the effort you put in, man. Great stuff. The slow motion effect with the song fits perfectly, really captures the moment. I'll definitely watch it again and again.

BTW, thanks for the dedication note, I really appreciate it, man.

Pre-show match
Brodus Clay vs. David Otunga
Because there is no God. Poor Otunga.

WWE Diva's Championship
Beth Phoenix vs Layla
Eh, it doesn't matter.

Tuxedo Match
Santino Marella vs Ricardo Rodriguez
A fun, goofy match? In my WWE? It has its place, and these are the two who can pull it off. I would love to see Ricardo maybe do a few moves and hint that he's not as bad of a wrestler he portrays (and we all know he's an excellent one), but that's probably pushing it too far. Anyways, Santino wins until Ryback destroys him to win the U.S. title a la Goldberg.

WWE Intercontinental Champioship
Christian vs Cody Rhodes
Gonna say Christian, only because I think he will be a good beltkeeper until Barrett returns, and Cody is just about ready for a world title push along with ...

World Heavyweight Chapionship
Sheamus vs Dolph Ziggler
Ziggler has got to win this eventually. He, like Cody, is almost ready for the main event (get Ric Flair to return as Ziggler's manager, and you have yourself a top heel/manager combo), but I think Sheamus holds on to the title until Summerslam. Perhaps to drop it to Cody Rhodes?

No wait, it'll be Ryback.

WWE Championship
Kane vs CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan
Bryan makes the most sense here to set something up for Summerslam with D-Bry weaseling his way out of losing the title until then.

Kane doesn't work with Punk in a storyline wise. There's no reason for him to hold the title and have Punk chase him, plus Punk does his best work with guys more his size and ability (both in the ring and with promos). Kane can do a good promo, but he's not as much of an off-the-cuff guy as Punk is, just more traditional.

Punk retaining is also possible, but the only reason Kane would be winning is to drop the title back to ...

Steel Cage Match
John Cena vs Big Show
I really don't need to say anything about this. LOL Cena wins. Bring out the next opponent of the month for him to squash.
Steel Cage Match
John Cena vs Big Show
Don't care, don't care, don't fucking care. Will fast-forward this to see the result. Maybe, if I can be arsed. Fk Cena. Fk his hat. Fk his smile. Fk his taunt. Fk this angle. Fk his main event status and damnit, fk those shorts.
This amused me as I originally planned to type something similar in my predictions, no I cannot rise above hate.

I love prediction time, even though nobody else cares what anyone else thinks :D
I can't deny myself prediction time and I respect the hell out of those that take the time to partake in trying to make sense of this screwy show.

Santino's Foreign Exchange featuring William Regal:
Regal is awesome. :lol
A callback to his conjoined twins, giving up the sports entertainment circus for the standard circus, not a bad idea.


Can't wait for Vinnie Mac closing the cage door on Cena, can't wait for the reveal that AJ and Bryan tricking Kane and Punk. Can't wait for Ryback vs 3 jobbers, Can't wait for Otunga beating Brodus on the preshow.

bart jr

Neo Member
About to order some old-school SWS & WAR - other than a whole lot of Tenryu kicking ass, between these two early & mid-90's Japanese promotions there's a lot of US wrestlers making appearances like The Eliminators, Demolition, The Rockers, 1-2-3 Kid, Lionheart (Jericho), Death Mask (Bradshaw), Rey Mysterio & Yokozuna, plus an Ultimo Dragon vs Great Sasuke match I haven't seen before, and the Tokyo Pro show from '96 where Edge & Christian win the tag titles as The Canadian Rockies!

Ok, so this all sounds awesome. Where are you ordering this, if I may ask?
Can't wait for Vinnie Mac closing the cage door on Cena, can't wait for the reveal that AJ and Bryan tricking Kane and Punk. Can't wait for Ryback vs 3 jobbers, Can't wait for Otunga beating Brodus on the preshow.

Woah, WOAH, slow down there, I don't think we can handle such an awe inspiring sight.

The Vince point makes me consider this event could end up with hilarious reaction shots from plants and the more involved members of the Cenation.


You always amaze me with the effort you put in, man. Great stuff. The slow motion effect with the song fits perfectly, really captures the moment. I'll definitely watch it again and again.

BTW, thanks for the dedication note, I really appreciate it, man.

Anytime man, you know AJ/Kane kliq forever.

3 > 1
3 > 1
3 > 1

Two heads are better than one.

Its double the pleasure baby its triple the fun.


----- ------
Ending to NWO:


The PPV card doesn't seem all that appealing to me on paper.

Seems like one of those times where WWE don't need a PPV every month


more money than God
The PPV card doesn't seem all that appealing to me on paper.

Seems like one of those times where WWE don't need a PPV every month
People always say this, but I disagree. Without PPVs to build up to, the WWE would just put on filler after filler until 3-4 weeks before the next PPV.


People always say this, but I disagree. Without PPVs to build up to, the WWE would just put on filler after filler until 3-4 weeks before the next PPV.

Oh I agree

Ideally, the WWE would use their 2 month gap to build up feuds and stuff.

I guess what I'm tired of is the same WWE feuds getting the spotlight on PPV. While, it wasn't for everyone, its why I enjoyed the brand split PPV because smaller feuds had to grow and develop and be showcased in order to fill an entire 3 hour show.

So they had to do something with their mid-card

Nowadays, by the time you get the 2 title matches, whatever Cena and/or Orton are doing onto the card. You are only left with maybe 3-4 matches, and like 40 wrestlers vying for that.

And this ignores almost all of the secondary titles.
ZERO1 brings the awesomeness;

ZERO1 "Shinjiro Otani Debut 20th Anniversary Event", 7/8/2012 [Sun] 12:00 @ Korakuen Hall in Tokyo

(-) ~TOP OF THE FUTURE~: Daichi Hashimoto vs. Naomichi Marufuji [NOAH]

(-) Shinjiro Otani's 20th Anniversary Match: "Emblem" Shinjiro Otani & Masato Tanaka vs. "TenKoji" Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima [NJPW]

Fuck, that tag match should be insane, and really looking forward to seeing young Daichi in his biggest match to date against Marufuji.


What's wrong with the card? No Kelly Kelly in the Divas match. The Santino match will probably be bad, but the three title matches all could be pretty good.
Stop poking at my comment about the lousy card after a dozen people trashed it earlier today and got no remarks about it.
I want to talk more about this poster. It's like the best WWE PPV poster in five years. I want to buy it and frame it and hang it on my wall. Why is it so damn good?

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
When are we moving Cody past this midcard bs? Cody's more ready for the main event than Dolph. I'd argue he was ready for it before DBry was even.
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