The Frankman
What's the chant?
Nothing seems to be trending tonight, WWE should be worried.
What's the chant?
30 minute divas match.There is an hour and a half left and only two matches?
An unannounced tag team match that nobody wanted, followed by an in ring promo, followed by a divas match.......this is bad booking
Gotta kill time.what the fucking fuck
An unannounced tag team match that nobody wanted, followed by an in ring promo, followed by a divas match.......this is bad booking
Wait isn't layla the face, cause she's acting like a jerk.
That tag team match was good though!
Why does Beth keep checking her breast/chest?
Definition of Decent:Raise your standards! The tag match was decent at best, nothing more
...5. good or adequate a decent wage
This is actually a decent match?????????
lolLayla will win. lol
Definition of Decent: