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June Wrasslin |OT| When you lose, you're a jobber, when you win, you're Cena.





So guys...I just got back from vacation where I had no tv and no internet....seriously, my phone connection read 1X. Did I miss anything worth watching?


Smackdown spoilers:

Teddy Long opened the show celebrating the termination of John Laurinaitis. Big Show interrupted and said he doesn't care about Laurinaitis getting fired or about anyone else. He announced that he is entering the MITB match. Brodus Clay came out and they brawled. David Otunga intervened. Big Show laid Brodus out with a punch. Otunga danced to Clay's music.

1. Ryback defeated Brian Hardy and Blk Jeez. I didn't catch their WWE given names.

2. Alberto Del Rio defeated Christian via submission in a non-title match. Cody Rhodes came out post match and attacked Christian.

Sheamus vs Ziggler and Bryan vs Kane was announced for later in the show.

3. Kane defeated Daniel Bryan. A.J. was the timekeeper for the match. She rang the bell while Bryan had Kane in the Yes! Lock even though Kane never tapped. The referee waved it off and then Kane won with a chokeslam.

Mick Foley came out and stumbled over his opening line. He had to do a take two before getting the "cheap pop." Heath Slater interrupted. Foley put him in a match with Zack Ryder, who got a big pop.

4. Zack Ryder defeated Heath Slater. Ryder won a very quick match with a rollup.

Foley and Ryder were celebrating backstage. They walked past Damien Sandow, who insulted Ryder and walked off.

5. The Primetime Players (w/A.W.) defeated The Uso Brothers.

The Primetime players were celebrating backstage when Primo clocked AW with a right hand. Primo and Epico brawled with the Primetime Players.

Santino Marella came out and did a sign segment that was presumably just for the house. He pulled a "fan" out of the crowd who had an "I Love Santino" sign and she laid a huge kiss on him and knocked him out.

6. World Hvt. Champion Sheamus defeated Dolph Ziggler. Sheamus won with a Brogue Kick. There were lots of dueling "Let's Go Sheamus/Let's Go Ziggler" chants. Both men were over. Very physical match.
So guys...I just got back from vacation where I had no tv and no internet....seriously, my phone connection read 1X. Did I miss anything worth watching?

Ziggles vs Sheamus, Cody vs Christian and Punk vs Kane vs D.Brine from the PPV were pretty good, but RAW was a bust. Oh, and if you haven't already...

Watch this; Daisuke Sekimoto & Yuji Okabayashi (c) vs Kaz Hayashi & Shuji Kondo - (AJPW 05/27/12)

And this; Prince Devitt vs PAC - (NJPW 06/06/12)

And this; Kazuchika Okada (c) vs Hirooki Goto - (NJPW 05/03/12)

It's been a pretty awesome couple of months for puroresu.


You'd think so, but some genuinely seem annoyed that Punk hasn't 'done enough', and is entirely comfortable falling into a Cena-like role.

Yeah, I'm just happy to see Punk and Bryan, two of my favourites since their early ROH days, main eventing and winning titles in the WWE, but even so, I wouldn't want Punk or Bryan to ever become as over-protected as Cena, although the signs are there that it might be exactly the sort of direction they're taking with Punk.

I'm totally with you there, for me the title should be the main event pretty much always - the fact that the titles are so undervalued is one of the most glaringly obvious problems with today's WWE. If you have titles that actually MEAN something, then it's free heat when a heel cheats the face out of the belt, or when the young babyface causes the big upset - I'll take simple, old-school booking for a belt over some convoluted storyline bullshit any day of the week.

Knocked it out of the park, man. Agree with everything you said.

He's right

Really good EVOLVE promo from Silas Young "Pro-Wrestling's Last Real Man";


I've been watching this guy for years in AAW, I was convinced he was ready for a spot in ROH 3 years ago, but for some reason it didn't pan out like that. Hopefully he can get some bigger recognition, as he's one of the most underrated wrestlers on the indies, imo.


Its funny..people say wrestling is for morons but some of the smartest people I know watch it.
Its that imagination I tell ya.


Heavy has a picture with Cel.. I.mean Kaitlyn

I almost too a picture with Eve at fan access, but I didnt think my wife(then GF) would appreciate it. Hey she wad nice enough to go with me! So I settled for Tito Santana!
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