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June Wrasslin |OT| When you lose, you're a jobber, when you win, you're Cena.

Which is why at E3 this year Vince McMahon will interrupt a press conference to announce that alongside the WWE network they are releasing the WWE Video Game playing device. With a launch lineup of amazing fresh titles that totally aren't rip offs
- Super Uso Brothers
- Wrestlevania: Phenom of Darkness
- Cena the Belthog: Triple H Trouble
and a downloadable service for all those WWE classic games like Crush Hour and Betrayal.

Because fuck wrestling, every other avenue is more important!


A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
WWE is the Wii-U of wrestling. True or not?

More like WWE is Nintendo/Wii. They're pretty similar.

-Woman and children eat that shit up but internet dorks
hate it
-Nintendo's franchises are similar to underpushed wrestlers. "WHERE'S MY STARFOX NINTENDO?" is similar to "why isn't Ziggler/Rhodes in the main event?"
-Nintendo hasn't really created any new franchises while WWE hasn't been able to create new stars
-Cena is in eveyone's face is similar to how there are so many Mario games (though I actually enjoy Mario)

And some other crap idk


I have nothing against Nintendo I'm a HUGE nintendo Mark cause I've been playing my NES all Week.

And I wouldn't get banned cause I'm out of the loop and I don't know what the fuck is going on. New video games and their news is sooooo BORING.


So what can they possibly do in June that would be cool? They did Vince dying and money give away in 2009, in 2010 they did an invasion angle with nXt, in 2011 they broke the 4th wall and kayfabe with Punk. What else can they do? Another invasion angle? They already used their summer angle with Brock to try and spike the Extreme Rules buyrate and prove wrestlers are better than ufc champions.

Kane becoming WWE champion for the second* time, sending both Punk and Bryan to hell to pay for their sins (low ratings) in a Hell in a Cell match against the Undertaker.

All in the same night of No Way Out.

Of course HHH pedigrees them both, at the same time, to close the show.


Mad nostalgia both on that page and the page back.

Names changed to protect the gullible:

Punk be shootin.

Shoot. Brother.

Punk just broke the 8th wall.


please tell me someone recorded that cuz u kno wwe is going to edit the HELL out of that

and god damn WHAT A PROMO Punk was RIPPING vince and the wwe to shreds an

That didn't seem scripted at all. The cut w/ no credits seems to support that

Obviously he was supposed to take the mic and say something but I do think that when he went too far, they cut the mic off, so I wonder how much of that was planned, and what was off script.

I don't see how that means it was a work. Seems like that would mean it's the opposite.

So, I rewatched the promo. I feel like everything was a work up until the last minute when he started shooting on Vince and HHH and his yes men. It seemed like at the point Punk just took it off the rails. Maybe Vince told him to run with it and he just took it too far in that last minute. Just IMO.

and this one just made me laugh because of how the angle turned out

Vince really needs to give punk wherever he asks for.

just make sure you get him back in 3/6 months. however long punk wants to take a break for.
So what can they possibly do in June that would be cool? They did Vince dying and money give away in 2009, in 2010 they did an invasion angle with nXt, in 2011 they broke the 4th wall and kayfabe with Punk. What else can they do? Another invasion angle? They already used their summer angle with Brock to try and spike the Extreme Rules buyrate and prove wrestlers are better than ufc champions.

Punk and NxT were unexpected (and out of no where), they will unexpectedly impress us with June. We knew, guessed about Brock long before he came. Brock is not that angle.

Something greater than we can possibly imagine will happen in June - at always does.

I blame people looking for any kind of hope after a horrible first half of 2011. I mean your main feuds were Cena vs The Miz and Lawler vs Michael Cole. What the fuck? It was just a shimmer of hope at the end of a shit tunnel.
CHIKARA is live and on IPPV tomorrow night Wrassle Gaf. Everything below will get you ready for one of the best events of the year. So if you have $15 and your fed up with what you see every week on tv give CHIKARA a try.


On 6.2.12 - Chikarasaurus Rex will be live for the world to see!

Chikarasaurus Rex Report 1
Chikarasaurus Rex Report 2
Chikarasaurus Rex Report 3
Chikarasaurus Rex Report 4
Chikarasaurus Rex Report 5

Five of CHIKARA's Finest Wage War on GEKIDO!

On 6.2.12...it's GEKIDO vs. CHIKARA in a 10-man tag!

Lucha de Apuesta: Mask vs. Hair!

Special Update: Tim Donst-A-Go-Go
Special Update: Wink Vavasseur layin' it down!
Special Update: Tim Donst and the Young Lions Cup

Championship Bout: Two out of Three Falls!

Ladder Match!

Gran Akuma's career hangs in the balance

3-on-2 Handicap Match!

CHIKARA's Most Devious Duke it Out!

UltraMantis Black vs. Ophidian!
Ophidian Transforms

Loser Leaves Town!

Special Update: Mixed Martial Archie
Mixed Martial Archie fights for more than glory...


There's only so many times I can see that poster before I have to ask, who the fuck is the guy that looks like he's a high school parade leader?
Names changed to protect the gullible:

and this one just made me laugh because of how the angle turned out

I would still stand by that comment.

Punk was on fire pretty much all of that year up until summerslam.

His short lived feud with cena at the start was great. He was carrying Orton through there WM feud. The nexus stuff was cool. He didnt look like someone using motor oil as hair gel.
Even his stint on commentary the at the back end of the previous year was gold.

Its amazing how quick he just kind of stopping being that intense CM Punk and going the extra mile after he got resigned at or after MITB. I guess it was all a way to get extra money and a bus from Vinny Mac.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
There's only so many times I can see that poster before I have to ask, who the fuck is the guy that looks like he's a high school parade leader?

I'm not sure. He's probably a heel though because I want to punch him in the face.

Is that guy from Full House really part of Chikara?


There's only so many times I can see that poster before I have to ask, who the fuck is the guy that looks like he's a high school parade leader?

I don't blame you seeing as you're used to seeing guys with DUI's and other felony records :)

And he's a wrassler named Archibald Peck.
There's only so many times I can see that poster before I have to ask, who the fuck is the guy that looks like he's a high school parade leader?

Archibald Peck aka Mixed Martial Archie.

He was heavily into Marching and his majorette Veronica until she laid eyes on Mr. Touchdown. Now in a desperate attempt to win his women back he's ditched marching and has taken up MMA.

He's one of the best things in wrestling today.
Chikara is pretty great. Missed most of the shows of this season though except for the first one. Great characters and the announcers show a ton of passion and actually act like they are having a ton of fun out there.


My Member!
Probably posted but I'll post regardless because LOL TNA

The 5/31 edition of Impact, live in its new 8 p.m. timeslot, did a 0.89 rating with 1,296,000 viewers. I had said that TNA should be happy if the rating went up 20%. They definitely won't be happy that it dropped about 10 percent.
There's only so many times I can see that poster before I have to ask, who the fuck is the guy that looks like he's a high school parade leader?

One of the world's greatest men.

Here's sort of his back story, courtesy of the Chikara Blog:

Archibald Peck Blog said:
4/5/2012: Everyone knows the Super Bowl -- the annual event in which the industry's very best gather to showcase their lifelong-honed talents before a worldwide audience. What people do not realize, however, is that, both before and after these magnificent athletes march to their best routines playing their hearts out, savage hordes in garish armor clamor about violently in pursuit of a ball of pig's skin. They call this perverse dog-and-pony show "football." Never heard of it? Nor had I...until high school.

We were rehearsing what would be an award-winning routine of my own composition titled "Rocky Mountain Hi-Hat." It was a tribute to the late John Denver, punctuated by a stunning and groundbreaking visual in which my band would march atop one another to create a literal mountain of men before I, adorned with wings made of cymbals, would glide forth from its people-peak like a begilded bald eagle and disappear into the horizon amid a cacophony of applause. As I leapt from the Homo sapiens summit with the same nervousness and excitement Orville Wright must have felt in his maiden flight, I knew both my prodigious career and I would meet abrupt and premature ends...or soar to new heights. Fate, of course, made her choice.

I was surveying the world of the terrestrial alongside my winged brethren when I eyed the oddest of spectacles taking place on the marching field. There, in rudimentary formation, were bodies mindlessly colliding against one another. Naturally, I landed my percussive craft to investigate and learned what all the broad-chinned, bulging-biceped dweebs did after school while the cool kids and I marched. They called it "football" (for reasons beyond me, as I never once saw a foot touch the pecan-shaped non-ball) and its practitioners had even integrated the lines on the marching field into the rhythm of their brutish dance. Part of me had a mind to pick on these misguided losers; another part of me craved the chimichangas I had caught a waft of only moments before (the same aroma would later lure me to Monterrey where I would briefly masquerade as "El Bandolero.") The latter won out -- a decision I would come to regret when, not long after, my debut performance of "Get Outta' My Dreams, Get Into My Choir" was interrupted by the same gaggle of geeks crashing through a banner and onto our field. It was the beginning of a disconcerting pattern.

I continued running into these barbarian dorks, particularly their apparent warlord -- a certain Mark Angelosetti. While well-intentioned, he was practically stalking me. No social graces, this guy. Every chance he got, he would grab my waistband and pull it as high as he could with an almost obsessive desire to help keep my pants from falling down. Rather than see me trampled by the hallways' masses, he would help me along into my locker and out of harm's way, even when I did not ask for such assistance. But it did not get really disturbing until he began emulating me. After I declined the Captain of the Cheerleading Squad's invitation to Prom, he decided to take her - like a desperate puppy picking up the Alpha Dog's scraps.

That is why I was none too surprised when I saw the so-called "Mr. Touchdown" show up on my new home field, CHIKARA. And none too surprised when he began pining after Veronica following our mutual decision to pursue other professional interests. He wants to be a pro-wrestler like me, and he wants to avail himself of Veronica Ticklefeather's managerial services like me. I mean, he is totally not her type of managerial prospect and I am sure he will find that out the hard way...but I digress.

There was a time in my life in which pro-wrestling was my passion but something about testosterone-fueled animals with masculinity complexes punching each other in the face ad nauseum no longer appeals to me. If Angelosetti wants professional wrestling, then he can have it. Seems like a great place for a ruffian like him. Now that I am flying solo, I feel the same freedom as the eagle I portrayed in "Rocky Mountain Hi-Hat." It is time for me to pursue that grand craft I have long admired and studied as a child -- the art that I would wake up early, and stay up late, to see splashed across the canvas by modern masters.

On 14 March, Mark Angelosetti will not look across the ring to find the familiarly macho Marchie Archie. For the first time ever, at "I'll Be A Mummy's Uncle," he will meet...Mixed Martial Archie.
Russo was with TNA: Russo is killing TNA.

Russo is not with TNA: TNA is dying without Russo.

I liked TNA with Russo before Hogan and Bischoff came aboard. They tried to start sabotaging him and got in Dixie and Spike's ear and basically made him a third wheel and they did whatever they wanted and eventually got rid of him. Impact was a much more entertaining show before Hogan and Bischoff.


More like WWE is Nintendo/Wii. They're pretty similar.

-Woman and children eat that shit up but internet dorks
hate it
-Nintendo's franchises are similar to underpushed wrestlers. "WHERE'S MY STARFOX NINTENDO?" is similar to "why isn't Ziggler/Rhodes in the main event?"
-Nintendo hasn't really created any new franchises while WWE hasn't been able to create new stars
-Cena is in eveyone's face is similar to how there are so many Mario games (though I actually enjoy Mario)

And some other crap idk

But doesn't WWE have to be profitable to be compared to Nintendo?
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