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June Wrasslin |OT| When you lose, you're a jobber, when you win, you're Cena.


Why does a business suit and glasses make every woman hotter? Worked for Keibler, Tessmacher, and Eve.

There really is no way they can put on a bad show if they continue like they've been doing and from what they've announced for this show. There might be some production mistakes though.


This June will probably be a disappointment compared to the last two.

WWE is really upping their game at disappointment this year.
This June will probably be a disappointment compared to the last two.

WWE is really upping their game at disappointment this year.

should have went with my classy Beatles title idea:

June Wrasslin |OT| Hey June, don't make it bad

we could have all sang the Na Na Nas together but instead SoulPlaya embraced the hate
The thread goes stupid with laughter around the time of TWO LIMOS and non-stop commercials. I'm dying reading this.

And people remember, no matter how bad Live Impact Wrestling Matters is tonight....at least it's not Raw.

There's tears in my eyes from the reactions of Hogan saying he's been in the back all day. :lol :lol
TNA was such a clusterfuck on that show. Honestly they usually fuck up every opportunity they have to gain new viewers. That was the very definition of too many cooks in the kitchen booking. I have more faith in tonight as Bischoff and Hogan can't blame Russo anymore. It's all on them.

Cliff Compton, formerly known as Domino from the "Deuce 'N' Domino" tag team


--There is a ton of Connecticut media both yesterday and today concerning the threat by WWE of a lawsuit against Chris Powell of the Manchester Journal-Inquirer for using the word "pornography" to describe how Linda McMahon made her money. Powell wrote a story today at http://www.journalinquirer.com noting WWE's defense of it not being porn was the PG guidelines and he noted that only came into effect in 2008, and then brought up a number of incidents like Trish Stratus barking like a dog, the short-lived HLA segment (seriously, the minute that clip goes into court the WWE's case is ruined), the Edge & Lita in bad segment.

--Linda McMahon claimed that she had no idea the WWE made this threat against Powell in a story at http://ctmirror.org She noted she hasn't been with WWE since 2009. "Yes, I'm still married to the chairman, but really what WWE does, it believes is right for it to do for its own business, is totally what it's doing."

--Brian Flinn of WWE told the Hartford Courant, "WWE refuses to be bullied and will not allow our content to be inaccurately categorized. This is not about politics or Linda McMahon's candidacy. This is about protecting WWE's business and setting the record straight that WWE has never been in the business of pornography.

--The Norwich Bulletin at http://www.norwichbulletin.com/ on the opinion page said that in their view they wouldn't call WWE pornography, nor would they call it family entertainment. They said it is "crude with a raunchy edge that is clearly intended to exploit sex for purely sensational, and ratings, purposes." They sided with Powell saying, "The threat of legal action is nothing less than intimidation and bullying, and, in our opinion, the company's claims of being unjustly maligned cannot be won on legal grounds. Besides, threatening legal action isn't a very effective means of silencing criticism. Lawsuits are how you make news, not discourage it."

--Don Pesci at http://www.registercitizen.com rips on the WWE's strategy here, saying "A journalist who has been accused, however frivolously, of libel, knows he's gotten under his target's skin and likely will keep on probing. And so will other journalists. I can't imagine what the WWE brain trust was thinking when it threatened Mr. Powell."

--And the Darien Times wrote, "Let's be fair what that business was about, at least until it softened its image a few years back. It became a multi-billion-dollar empire through violence, degrading women and near pornographic stunts."

--Boy that strategy of scaring area reporters to shut up seems to be working out just great. Plus, now WWE on Monday either has to file legal action that will probably get thrown out immediately and suffer a public black eye, or not file action and be seen as backing down. And none of this can be good for the McMahon campaign. You'd think if Linda is talking with Vince, she should have had enough foresight to see where this was going to end up and told him this isn't the right strategy. Anyway, if they hadn't talked about it before, as she claims, and whether true or not, I can't imagine anyone will believe it in the outside world, she needs to talk to him about it pretty quickly.
Former Tough Enough contestant, Martin Casaus tweeted that he is at Universal Studios tonight for IMPACT Wrestling. Martin was a favorite in the most recent Tough Enough before getting injured.

-I think he is just there as a fan and not scheduled for anything.
Christopher Daniels ‏@facdaniels

We showed pics. We showed video. #MoreToCome ... @IMPACTWRESTLING tonight LIVE at 8 pm EST. 70 minutes & counting...

Yes! Did Daniels dig through the trash can in their room and get the used condom?
So JB isn't doing his normal "be loud if you want a backstage pass" shtick between the breaks? Sounds like Impact will be a shit crowd.

Hoping it's a different crowd since it's on Thursday night. I don't want to see that fat Jeff Hardy girl who always sits in the same spot in front of the camera.


This threads a load of crap.

But ...eh.

I find it fine because people are actually interested in Impact wrestling for once. Not sure what to expect but I want to see what Daniels has next. Maybe, grainy footage of them in the hotel room.

If you want a gif found a good one.



Hoping it's a different crowd since it's on Thursday night. I don't want to see that fat Jeff Hardy girl who always sits in the same spot in front of the camera.

They will all be there. The TNA regulars don't miss a show. Plus this is the summer, high school and most college kids are home.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Randy Orton wearing a Dragon Dragon costume was spotted backstage!
If people dont like the thread title there is nothing stopping someone from making a new thread ot PM'ing a mod to change it.

Jesus you people bitch more then Zack Ryder.


more money than God
Well, I've been gone for some hours. I see on the last page that we've got divas pics, gifs after gifs, a Doc Mcstuffins pic, complaints about the products, random TNA talk, more "surprise" jokes, and June title ideas. All great stuff. I guess the Kane stuff is too much, though, right? LOL
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