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JUNIOR MEMBERS and shitty topics??


OK so what is the deal with Nintendo and making their games with shitty graphics? I don't understand, they hype there system up from the begining to be able to reach hights of great visiual dasslement. Yet every game they make seems to just be another game that looks so-so and then they just hide behind the whole, "it is a cartoony style" excuse. I for one am sick of it. You can still make super cool graphics and use the cartoony style. I for one like a bright and colourfull graphic style, but why not make it look great at the same time. I mean what the hell. Nintendo a long time ago used to push great new grahics feets, but now. . . not so sure. What do you guys think. Starting from the new Zelda it does look like a GREAT game graphicaly.

P.S. - I do know there are a few games they have that do look pretty good, the one in mind is Zelda:WW





Dear lord. Should I even bother?

1. You complain about Nintendo making bad graphics in the guise of "cartoony style", then you mind-bogglingly cite Wind Waker as an example of good graphics.

2. You talk about "every game they make" looking so-so, but completely fail to provide any examples to back up your claim.

So here's the deal: expand on your original point by providing examples of Nintendo games with poor graphics, helping to build an air-tight case for your argument.

Then we'll talk. In the meantime, I have some Jimmy Dean Brown 'n' Serve sausages to attend to.


samusx said:
OK so what is the deal with Nintendo and making their games with shitty graphics? I don't understand, they hype there system up from the begining to be able to reach hights of great visiual dasslement. Yet every game they make seems to just be another game that looks so-so and then they just hide behind the whole, "it is a cartoony style" excuse. I for one am sick of it. You can still make super cool graphics and use the cartoony style. I for one like a bright and colourfull graphic style, but why not make it look great at the same time. I mean what the hell. Nintendo a long time ago used to push great new grahics feets, but now. . . not so sure. What do you guys think. Starting from the new Zelda it does look like a GREAT game graphicaly.

P.S. - I do know there are a few games they have that do look pretty good, the one in mind is Zelda:WW

You know.. I wanted to post something about how this post is from someone with the name of samusx, which should mean that they have seen Metroid Prime, and presumably Metroid Prime 2:Echos. Seeing those would of course make his point largely unfound, since they had already cited LoZ:WW as a good looking game graphically. Three games.. all handled by Nintendo.. all gorgeous.

But... that just seemed like too much work.
samusx said:
OK so what is the deal with Nintendo and making their games with shitty graphics? I don't understand, they hype there system up from the begining to be able to reach hights of great visiual dasslement. Yet every game they make seems to just be another game that looks so-so and then they just hide behind the whole, "it is a cartoony style" excuse. I for one am sick of it. You can still make super cool graphics and use the cartoony style. I for one like a bright and colourfull graphic style, but why not make it look great at the same time. I mean what the hell. Nintendo a long time ago used to push great new grahics feets, but now. . . not so sure. What do you guys think. Starting from the new Zelda it does look like a GREAT game graphicaly.

P.S. - I do know there are a few games they have that do look pretty good, the one in mind is Zelda:WW

If this is what we can expect from you and your future posts, you should just PM a mod and ask him to ban you, I'll support it. :)

No, your right Matroid Prime looked like shit... Moron...

~Black Deatha
They seem to have gone for things like fluidity of animation, impressive draw distance, really nice water / special effects -- in all of their Mario themed games etc. if thats what we're talking about here. They look perfectly good in motion if you ask me. Great even. Shitty? If thats shitty I sure as hell don't mind.
Almost everyone I know are BORED by Nintendo games. They also think that the games themselves look extremely uninspired. They even complain about the gameplay as not being very much fun.

Nintendo isn't the place you want to be if you are into instant gratification and explosions.


OK, first I showed that not ALWAYS are the graphics not what they could be, by saying Zelda: WW. But most of the other Nintendo in house made games are a little lacking in graphics. They look good, but come no where near what the GC could do. Metroid is not developed by Nintendo in house. Nor is Mario Tennis, I don't think.

Games that I think could use some work graphically are, Mario Kart, BIG TIME. I expected way more. The Pokemon game, wow, it was so sad, the N64 characters looked almost the same. OK then there is a new game Paper Mario RPG 2. This game looked like a minimaly upgraded N64 Paper Mario RPG. I saw a write up at IGN that showed a crappy Pooh game that had a better paper cartoon graphic presentation then Mario, now what the hell is up with that. That is an example I think.

Don't you agree at least a little bit? I mean come on.


Sho Nuff said:
I think you need to change your tag from samusx to masterchiefx or jakndaxterx

You're a more effective junior troll if you give the effect of being a fan of the company.


samusx said:
I saw a write up at IGN that showed a crappy Pooh game that had a better paper cartoon graphic presentation then Mario, now what the hell is up with that. That is an example I think.

Nintendo went for "Thin" with its paper. Piglet's Big Game went for more of a cardboard look. I thought comparing the two was idiotic on IGN's part.

See! I can disagree with what you say too! We're ALL special!

Paper Mario: TTYD wasn't developed in house. And Pokemon wasn't developed in house either, so you basically just don't like MKDD.
Bristow said:
I can't even think of a Nintendo GC game that looks bad off the top of my head, other than Animal Crossing.

Kirby's Air Ride, Custom Robo, Pokemon Colosseum, Mario Sunshine (other than the water particles) and Mario Kart: Double Dash look like shit. They are not all internal developments of Nintendo, but oh well. By the way I don't think Nintendo themselves was ever a great graphics maker. I can't think even of 5 games in the last and this generation from an internal Nintendo team that can really impress graphics wise. The one who showed the power of their consoles was Rare.
samusx said:
OK, first I showed that not ALWAYS are the graphics not what they could be, by saying Zelda: WW. But most of the other Nintendo in house made games are a little lacking in graphics. They look good, but come no where near what the GC could do. Metroid is not developed by Nintendo in house. Nor is Mario Tennis, I don't think.

Games that I think could use some work graphically are, Mario Kart, BIG TIME. I expected way more. The Pokemon game, wow, it was so sad, the N64 characters looked almost the same. OK then there is a new game Paper Mario RPG 2. This game looked like a minimaly upgraded N64 Paper Mario RPG. I saw a write up at IGN that showed a crappy Pooh game that had a better paper cartoon graphic presentation then Mario, now what the hell is up with that. That is an example I think.

Don't you agree at least a little bit? I mean come on.

Technically Retro studios is owned 100% by Nintendo making them a 1st party Nintendo developer.


Just to clear things up, I am not talking about ALL GameCube games. I am talking about Nintendo developed games.

And what the hell kind of messed up version of stupid crack are you on? Metroid prime is not developed by Nintendo, it is make by Retro. Or have I been missinformed?
Red Mercury said:
Shit... I missed that memo.


I guess I should just sell my Cube now then.

It isn't my opinion. It is just the collective thoughts of the people I know. They are embarassed with Nintendo and the Gamecube. They are all over the Xbox and PS2 because of games like GTA, Halo, and Burnout.

I realize the textures in Super Mario Sunshine are part of the style and that Wind Waker looks the way it does as it is supposed to reflect the more iconic style of the original Zelda. Unfortunately not everyone is aware of such things.


Guns N' Poops said:
Kirby's Air Ride, Custom Robo; Mario Sunshine (other than the water particles) and Mario Kart: Double Dash look like shit.

I haven't played Kirby or Custom Robo, but I thought Mario Sunshine and Mario Kart DD looked quite good. They aren't Luigi's Mansion looking good, but they're hardly 'bad.'


Yes memles we can all spin things to work in our favour, but I am not looking through fanboy goggles just to proove my point. I love Nintendo that is why it hurts me when I wait for ever for one of there great games just to see them put little effort into the graphics.
samusx said:
Just to clear things up, I am not talking about ALL GameCube games. I am talking about Nintendo developed games.

And what the hell kind of messed up version of stupid crack are you on? Metroid prime is not developed by Nintendo, it is make by Retro. Or have I been missinformed?

Again, Nintendo wholy owns Retro (100%) making them a part of Nintendo.

And like was mentioned before Pokemon Collesum wasn't developed by Nintendo but by Genius Sonority.
Guns N' Poops said:
Kirby's Air Ride, Custom Robo; Mario Sunshine (other than the water particles) and Mario Kart: Double Dash look like shit.
Well, that's all a matter of opinion. I showed my non-gaming friend Kirby Air Ride, then we played a little Riddick on Xbox. He totally prefered the stylized visuals of Kirby Air Ride. For people that haven't even played Kirby they don't understand that the game is bent on style. And as for Mario Sunshine, You're smoking crack son, the game is gorgeous. Huge draw distance, heat effects, the most outstanding water effects (better than real-life) and just an impressive overal all visual presentation. Now Mario Kart, that is lacking somewhat. But it makes up for it with the awesome framerate and beautiful character models.
Warm Machine said:
I realize the textures in Super Mario Sunshine are part of the style and that Wind Waker looks the way it does as it is supposed to reflect the more iconic style of the original Zelda. Unfortunately not everyone is aware of such things.

I agree. And I definately get at what you are trying to say with that it's not popular amongst the mainstream gamer. Obviously what irked me was the statement about instant gratification and explosions. I would say most 1st party Nintendo titles are among some of the best of just picking up and playing with them and feeling a sense of... well.. gratification. As for the explosions.. you got me there.. although things in MP blow up real nice. :D


What ever, if nobody here is willing to discuss the idea of hoping Nintendo putting more effort into there own in house developed games, then who cares. Bye, you guys are boring sometimes, never willing to just carry out a conversation.


samusx said:
Yes memles we can all spin things to work in our favour, but I am not looking through fanboy goggles just to proove my point. I love Nintendo that is why it hurts me when I wait for ever for one of there great games just to see them put little effort into the graphics.

GTA3, GTA:VC and Pokemon are the most popular games this generation.

Gameplay >>>> Graphics.


samusx said:
Yes memles we can all spin things to work in our favour, but I am not looking through fanboy goggles just to proove my point. I love Nintendo that is why it hurts me when I wait for ever for one of there great games just to see them put little effort into the graphics.

But you see...your basic argument comes down to "I don't like EAD graphics".

But the only EAD game you listed was MKDD. And EAD has developed both Zelda and the graphically impressive Luigi's Mansion. And Pikmin/Pikmin 2.

You're grasping at straws. For every example of "Shitty Graphics" (Really, only Animal Crossing can be given this label) there's an example of good graphics. For every "Those textures suck" there's an aspect of the graphics that are, in fact, great.

Your idea of shitty graphics is subjective to begin with, and then you're using fucked up definitions of "Nintendo" and confusing your argument even further. Why did you bother, again? Because you feel like your beloved Nintendo is letting you down?

Play the games and get over yourself.


samusx said:
What ever, if nobody here is willing to discuss the idea of hoping Nintendo putting more effort into there own in house developed games, then who cares. Bye, you guys are boring sometimes, never willing to just carry out a conversation.

Bye troll.


I agree with samusx.

It's not a bash...but their games CAN look better. Usually first party software on any console is the best looking, for many reasons. I look at games like RE4, and I'm amazed by it because I never thought the GC was capable of it. Why you ask? Because none of Nintendo's stuff is close to it.


Fight for Freeform said:
It's not a bash...but their games CAN look better. Usually first party software on any console is the best looking, for many reasons. I look at games like RE4, and I'm amazed by it because I never thought the GC was capable of it. Why you ask? Because none of Nintendo's stuff is close to it.

But honestly...which Nintendo game did you think WOULD have such amazing graphics? I mean, I agree that many of the first-party offering have graphical pitfalls that a game like RE4 doesn't...but what Nintendo game would be like RE4?

And I'd say the new Zelda is close to it...and that seems like Nintendo wants to get out and reassert themselves as kickass graphics dudes. Because they're insecure like that.


I do hope that the new Zelda would be like that...but I'm very skeptical to be honest.

I understand your point though, as most Nintendo games (like Mario Kart, and Pikmin for example) can't be compared to RE4.

But these games could feature better lighting, or razorsharp textures, or bumpmapping, cool filter effects. It could have looked similar to simple CG (like the older Mario Kart artwork), but it didn't.


I'll agree to the extent that the Nintendo games don't have that huge "better than everything else" gap that they had during the N64 generation, but shitty? Not at all.
lot of you should be less agressive.

I think he was thinking about games such as kirby ryde, mario party, donkey konga and probably the new starfox, cube wars and so on.

Paper Mario 2 is DA GAME


Warm Machine said:
It isn't my opinion. It is just the collective thoughts of the people I know. They are embarassed with Nintendo and the Gamecube. They are all over the Xbox and PS2 because of games like GTA, Halo, and Burnout.
Wow, I didn't realize that GTA games were considered to have good graphics. Halo is nice, but Metroid Prime looks better, and the GC had Burnout 2. I think the people you know are just buying into the "cool console" image, and aren't giving the GC a chance.
evilromero said:
Well, that's all a matter of opinion. I showed my non-gaming friend Kirby Air Ride, then we played a little Riddick on Xbox. He totally prefered the stylized visuals of Kirby Air Ride. For people that haven't even played Kirby they don't understand that the game is bent on style.

Oh, I see. Your non-gaming friend is an argument, because he likes the design style of Kirby more? It's like I'd say my friend likes a Spongebob game more than Ninja Gaiden, because it's looks funnier. Kirby's Air Ride has very poor, simplistic, low poly graphics and, while Riddick pushes masses of normal maps, complex shadowing , shader effects and a load of quite sharp textured geometry. It's not a thing of style (Kirby's Air Ride and style in the same sentence!), it's a thing of what the graphics and the technical achievement are. Shitty cartoon look doesn't hinder developers to let the game push a high polycount, nice textures and maybe some difficult mappings for a more living look. WORST DAMAGE CONTROL EVER, dude.

And as for Mario Sunshine, You're smoking crack son, the game is gorgeous. Huge draw distance, heat effects, the most outstanding water effects (better than real-life) and just an impressive overal all visual presentation.

Huge draw distance - without any geometry, huh? Look at the movement and huge geometry in the draw distances of the R&C games, then you'll see what huge draw distance is. I'm not anti Nintendo, but this series is just the greatest example to compare. The effects and water particles are really nice and there was slight environment mapping on the dirt, but the game overall could use way more polygons and I really believed in the promised "placeholder textures" improvement back in those days, which didn't happen. And if I'm not wrong the game even runs on 30 FPS, which doesn't disturb me, but shows the so-so technical achievement.

Now Mario Kart, that is lacking somewhat. But it makes up for it with the awesome framerate and beautiful character models.

It's lacking much, not only somewhat. The game shimmers like an average PS2 game, the lack of good textures is horrible and the character models aren't that beautiful. I mean, just look at the 60 FPS good polycount+good textures awesomeness that is F-Zero GX and you should understand, that they could achieve much more.
samusx said:
What ever, if nobody here is willing to discuss the idea of hoping Nintendo putting more effort into there own in house developed games, then who cares. Bye, you guys are boring sometimes, never willing to just carry out a conversation.

You won't be here long. Can I have your stuff?


psikonetik said:
lot of you should be less agressive.

I think he was thinking about games such as kirby ryde, mario party, donkey konga and probably the new starfox, cube wars and so on.

Paper Mario 2 is DA GAME

Kirby 'Ryde' = HAL, Mario Party = Hudson, Starfox = Namco, the rest have points.



cabel said:
Dear lord. Should I even bother?

1. You complain about Nintendo making bad graphics in the guise of "cartoony style", then you mind-bogglingly cite Wind Waker as an example of good graphics.

2. You talk about "every game they make" looking so-so, but completely fail to provide any examples to back up your claim.

So here's the deal: expand on your original point by providing examples of Nintendo games with poor graphics, helping to build an air-tight case for your argument.

Then we'll talk. In the meantime, I have some Jimmy Dean Brown 'n' Serve sausages to attend to.
no you shouldn't have...
It's games like Paper Mario that don't matter what you do to them, they will always give the impression of poor quality to a lot of people. Same goes for something like Mario Tennis. Those higher poly characters were really impressive when they hit SSBM but once that landmark was hit the wow factor dissapeared.

A game like GTA may not be a prize pony especially when compared to a straight up driving game or a straight up action game but the amount of freedom and interactivity in the world makes up for the visuals.

Burnout 2 is on GC but Burnout 3 isn't and what is current is what the people are looking for.

The majority of people find Halo more fun than Metroid Prime. Halo is about gunning aliens down in extremly satisfying fashion. Metroid Prime has the no excitement lock-on system. Halo has a more open environment and Metroid is built around a collection of rooms. If it were all about polys per square meter, Metroid would win by a landslide but that isn't what makes a game experience. Prime is a much different game with a completely different focus than Halo for certain.

Donkey Konga is embarrasingly poor quality in almost all aspects. I like rythm games and know the expectations for them but DK managed to completly undershoot the mark. You could seriously have been running essentially the same game on a SNES or even a GBA if the perephrial allowed and few would find an immediate difference aside from perhaps the increase in screen resolution.

I think a GC owner such as myself (and I am also an Xbox owner) would like just 1 high spec action title that excels and is top tier in every area that could be flagship for the system. Such a game just isn't there. For me, it could have been Metroid Prime but the action component of the game isn't as exciting as it could have been. The presentation, exploration, and level design is sublime though.
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