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JUNIOR MEMBERS and shitty topics??

psikonetik said:
I think he was thinking about games such as kirby ryde, mario party, donkey konga and probably the new starfox, cube wars and so on.
HAL, Hudson, Namco, Namco, Kuju.

Way to attack Nintendo's "in-house games" while disqualifying an ACTUAL in-house game... -_-

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Guns N' Poops said:
Huge draw distance - without any geometry, huh? Look at the movement and huge geometry in the draw distances of the R&C games, then you'll see what huge draw distance is. I'm not anti Nintendo, but this series is just the greatest example to compare. The effects and water particles are really nice and there was slight environment mapping on the dirt, but the game overall could use way more polygons and I really believed in the promised "placeholder textures" improvement back in those days, which didn't happen. And if I'm not wrong the game even runs on 30 FPS, which doesn't disturb me, but shows the so-so technical achievement.

i think people were way too critical when the game was release.. and have completely forgotten what it truly looked like:::









Kobun Heat said:
HAL, Hudson, Namco, Namco, Kuju.

Way to attack Nintendo's "in-house games" while disqualifying an ACTUAL in-house game... -_-

And if we want to get technical, IS /= EAD.
Seriously...Super Mario Sunshine, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, and the upcoming Zelda on GameCube, look jaw dropping. Metroid Prime and Metroid Prime 2, which is Retro developer, look awesome. I haven't really seen Nintendo make a "shitty" looking game this generation.



awesome stuff IMO

the problem lies in that some people equate "good graphics" with graphics that try to make things look real as possible. Which is the wrong way in thinking. Do Pixar's movies look any less impressive compared to the realism of the CG in a movie like Lord of the Rings?


The boy's somewhat right though. Nintendo used to tout itself as a graphics king. But ya know, with the current state of the industry and level of technology on each system being close-- the game of 'who's console makes baseball look real!?" is over. Coleco vision vs Atari anyone?

Nintendo is still the best at physics though.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
IMO Zelda:WW, Metroid Prime, Luigi's Mansion, and Pikmin 2 look great.

Animal Crossing, WaveRace Blue Storm, Mario Sunshine, Pokemon Colloseum, and Custom Robo should have looked better...again IMO. The rest fall somewhere in between.

People can hate on me all they want but I can't wait for the day when a Mario game comes out that looks just like all those renders of Mario that get released for artwork and stuff. Hopefully Revolution games will look that good. I'd imagine that such a game would have a huge impact....if only because Nintendo has somewhat lowered people's expectations for their games (both graphically and gameplay wise) this gen.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
quadriplegicjon said:
i think people were way too critical when the game was release.. and have completely forgotten what it truly looked like:::








Woah, I completely forgot how good SMS's graphics were. The water is probably still the best of any game.


If the next Mario game had high poly count, sharp and shaded textures like the designs on the bottom of this image, it'll make me the happiest Nin fan :D



I've felt that this generation, while Nintendo's graphics certainly haven't been "shitty", they haven't really been remarkable either.

Like Wind Waker was beautiful style-wise, but the environments were often simply built with angular geometry. Double Dash had a sense of just being good enough to get the point across. Even those Sunshine shots don't seem too impressive to me; I see a flatly (and sometimes blurrily) textured world with minimal shadowing.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Fatalah said:
Nintendo is still the best at physics though.

Dude, the physics on that boat at the end of Mario Sunshine was fucked up, I tell ya. Thing wouldn't go where I wanted it to go!


Some of you actually registered before him and are calling him a noob/junior? I think most of you including the mod that changed his thread title are very immature.
Double ditto...

freakin awesome game. I'll play it tomorrow. I've been blasting through Prime again to hype myself up too. Noticing neat effects I never noticed before. If you're holding L (locked on or not) and go nuts on the fire button, there is a heat shimmer coming off Samus' arm cannon thing. Phendrena Drifts showcases my favourite visuals this gen though... WØWZ0RZ!


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Proud to say I started replaying Super Mario Sunshine the day before this thread was posted :D


quadriplegicjon said:
i think people were way too critical when the game was release.. and have completely forgotten what it truly looked like:::



That water looks absolutely ridiculous. I think I'm starting to regret buying Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance 2 instead of buying this like I was planning.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I've been thinking about it for the past few weeks, actually. But... too many RPGs to play. :(


Dan said:
Proud to say I started replaying Super Mario Sunshine the day before this thread was posted :D
You know, it's funny. I've been thinking about it for a good while now. Must be fate or something (yes, I just insinuated that there is such a thing as "fated videogaming").

I truly loved the game and with Super Mario 64 DS coming out in about a month, it just seemed like a good idea. I'd be playing Super Mario 64, but it's back home. I can't wait to give some of those retro platforming levels a try again. I remember them being really difficult, but in a challenging way ... not in the "I want to throw my controller against the wall" kind of way. Plus, they really forced you to learn how to use the camera properly.

Oh, and SMS had one of the best camera systems ever. You just had to actually learn how to use it.


meh, don't post pictures to try and prove these people wrong; This topic wouldn't be an issue if they weren't so blind in the first place.


No additional functions
fallout said:
Oh, and SMS had one of the best camera systems ever. You just had to actually learn how to use it.

When the game first came out, everyone was bitching about that camera, but now people are bitching when you don't have that camera. Some good examples are Splinter Cell, the camera is manual in that game and it works great. Then you have Ninja Gaiden which is like a Zelda N64 camera and people bitched about it not being manual. It's funny how Nintendo seems to be a magnet for critism, but I think everyone can agree that it would be tragic if they ever quit making games.


fallout said:
Oh, and SMS had one of the best camera systems ever. You just had to actually learn how to use it.

I know it's only one part of a large game but...



Yeah I too am looking at GC Nintendo titles...they aren't bad at all.

But I still think that they are kind of breaking the norm of the 1st party having better visuals than most 3rd party games.

Taking a look at Mario Kart...the art direction is great IMO. It just needs some little touches like self shadowing that would have really helped it make it look like the CG art for the game.

The only problem I had with Mario Sunshine's graphics were the low res textures. If they were razor sharp, I'd consider it one of the best looking games thus far.


ah the thread title change suits this so well lol. I mean just look at the graphics of the new Zelda game to prove this idea wrong.


No additional functions
Yeah I agree about the ferris wheel part LakeEarth, my main problem with SMS wasn't the camera though, it was the location/theme of the game. I know they were trying something different, but sometimes they try too hard.
As far as first party graphics goes, it seems to me like Nintendo has always been outdone by someone in that department. Zelda:OoT looked great, but Conker looked better. The same thing can be said this gen. I'm taking a business class right now, so a lot of what I'm learning I apply to Nintendo. If you look at them from a business standpoint, it makes sense to not spend too many resources on graphics. You have to draw the line somewhere, and Nintendo is one of the most experienced game makers around. They truly are an amazing company if you look at what all they've done concerning games and how they operate.


Oh yeah for sure. They don't have the super-duper Doom 3 / Riddick graphics cause... why? Graphics are a small part of the game. As long as the game is deemed "good looking", why should they spend an extra million or whatever making it look "insanely" good, especially if the game doesn't really need it?

I dunno how the Ferris Wheel part got through quality control. It's like every game tester at Nintendo didn't get that star. I could never get the star by going through the maze behind the ferris wheel cause of the insane camera. I had to go to the highest point of the stage and jump to the ferris wheel using up the entire waterpack to get there... well, whatever works.
This is a shitty topic, even if it disses Nintendo a bit. Now, I agree for some reason, Nintendo has not consistently made topnotch looking graphics in their games. SMS, may look good in pics, but the framerate is slow, not 60fps where it should be. Wind Waker looked underwhelming. Can't really count Fzero because that's done by Sega. Not much they have made challenges the best looking looking stuff on the Xbox imo. The new Mario Tennis does look good though. Nothing is guarenteed in this business.
I'm sorry, as solid as R&C is, Mario Sunshine topples it in visuals IMO. I mean, R&C uses a more simplified visual approach, like a Saturday morning cartoon, whereas Sunshine just loads the screen with vibrant rich color and detail.
BlackClouds said:
This is a shitty topic, even if it disses Nintendo a bit. Now, I agree for some reason, Nintendo has not consistently made topnotch looking graphics in their games. SMS, may look good in pics, but the framerate is slow, not 60fps where it should be. Wind Waker looked underwhelming. Can't really count Fzero because that's done by Sega. Not much they have made challenges the best looking looking stuff on the Xbox imo. The new Mario Tennis does look good though. Nothing is guarenteed in this business.

What????? Windwaker underwhelming????

I loved Wind Waker's style.
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