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JUNIOR MEMBERS and shitty topics??

Ranger X

evilromero said:
I'm sorry, as solid as R&C is, Mario Sunshine topples it in visuals IMO. I mean, R&C uses a more simplified visual approach, like a Saturday morning cartoon, whereas Sunshine just loads the screen with vibrant rich color and detail.

The choice of colors and tones isn't related directly to graphic quality but the art of the game. If we look at what the both games push at the same time on screen, like the polys for example, i'm pretty sure R&C wins. Mario Sunshine is having alot of walls and such that are just a big fat polygone with one stretched texture on it and it's not looking nice at all. You can't see that in R&C
Purely in the textures departement, i guess it's pretty much equal. Mario Sunshine seems to have less texturing but better texturing.
Mario Sunshine wins in the special effects departement though. Overall graphics, i say R&C is the best. You may not like the art as much as MS's but the game look better.
Jak2 and 3 looks even better.
Wyzdom said:
The choice of colors and tones isn't related directly to graphic quality but the art of the game. If we look at what the both games push at the same time on screen, like the polys for example, i'm pretty sure R&C wins. Mario Sunshine is having alot of walls and such that are just a big fat polygone with one stretched texture on it and it's not looking nice at all. You can't see that in R&C
Purely in the textures departement, i guess it's pretty much equal. Mario Sunshine seems to have less texturing but better texturing.
Mario Sunshine wins in the special effects departement though. Overall graphics, i say R&C is the best. You may not like the art as much as MS's but the game look better.
Jak2 and 3 looks even better.

that's open to debate imo. R+C has very little texturing or they used less detailed textures to achieve their ends - the geometry displaced the need for highres-textures - however that doesn't make it better visually. I for one didn't think R+C looked better than SMS when I played it; You also have to consider how the spring rope type things work in SMS - the amount of poly construction in that (to neccessitate the fluid rope play) would mean that Nintendo put polys into where they thought would benefit the gameplay. I don't know what the water was made from; but it was nothing short of amazing.

MP is a good example of a game that uses art + poly + texturing to GREAT fucking effect. However; that game is limited in scope/part to rooms.

Back on topic. This is the best thread yet. Hilarious to the extreme. Congrats to the mod who changed the title.


TheGreenGiant said:
Back on topic. This is the best thread yet. Hilarious to the extreme. Congrats to the mod who changed the title.

Funny thing is I only saw this topic as this title, I thought it was the original title, I was gonna say, at least he's honest about this topic. :lol
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