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Jurassic World Dominion - Official Trailer


Gold Member
Scooter guy getting eaten made me laugh.

"Lemme just casually scoot right in between these crazy huge dinosaurs that are wandering around this massive square"

Galaxy brain IQ. Ridiculous.
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the Koreans are going all in

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Anybody wanna shave?

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Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom concept art ---> JW Dominion film scene

Scooter guy getting eaten made me laugh.
"Lemme just casually scoot right in between these crazy huge dinosaurs that are wandering around this massive square"

Galaxy brain IQ. Ridiculous.

Chris Pratt explains what's the deal behind the scooter guy character (and eventually him ending up being eaten).

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I don't care how dumb this movie is, I am going to enjoy the hell out of it. Excited for the original cast to come back, too!



Also, high-quality Apple ProRes version of the 2 trailers released so far.

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Yeeeaaahh... it's time for a media blackout for me on this.

I refuse to have the movie spoiled on me like Fallen Kingdom was. What a shitty movie experience that was. Knew everything before it happened.

So sayonara peeps. Can't wait for June 10th!


I am Become Bilbo Baggins

"trained to attack wherever their human alpha points a laser beam".

NOOOO. FFS. This idea was dumb AF in Fallen Kingdom. If you're already pointing a laser at a target then why not just attach a gun and pull a trigger? Why go through the hassle and cost of sending a pack of dinosaurs?

My expectations for this film are bedrock levels of low.




Is this entire thread just one user endlessly posting ads for this? Is this allowed?
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Just came from the theatre.

Movie was pretty meh.. not offensive but not memorable either. Lot of fanservice.
final fight
was super lame, really pissed me off.

On the other hand, finally
Alan and Ellie are a couple as it was always meant
, and that was awesome and a big fuck to JPIII and to all the weirdos moaning about them together. Go fuck yourself Variety.


Visual effects are good, animations especially felt more grounded and realistic this time.

The entire
Maisie character and her backstory
are completely retconned for no reason at all outside of giving sense to a scene in this one, and that also pissed me off. There's also a pointless new character dressed in white which look like it came straight out of a completely different movie and genre, also for no reason at all.

Not the best movie, not the best of the new trilogy (there's nothing in this movie on par with the Indominus escape or final fight in JW for instance), and i probably prefer the Prologue to the actual movie (which i think should have been left in the film 100%, especially because there's not nearly enough T-Rex screen time here), but at the end of the day is still an entertaining and inoffensive movie that i will probably see again in IMAX next week.


DeWanda Wise hints at the possibility of an extended cut.

She added, "She had this moment, and it's probably gonna be in the extended cut, maybe, we'll see, but she has this beautiful pair of brass knuckles and we have this entire backstory of this adventure that she had gone on in South Africa – [laughs] Girl, I love backstories! – where she procured these knuckles. Because a lot of Kayla has this kind of Indiana Jones, she's been everywhere. Some of her travels are for work and she goes on them because she has to go on them, and some are just for her."

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Just came from the theatre.

Movie was pretty meh.. not offensive but not memorable either. Lot of fanservice.
final fight
was super lame, really pissed me off.

On the other hand, finally
Alan and Ellie are a couple as it was always meant
, and that was awesome and a big fuck to JPIII and to all the weirdos moaning about them together. Go fuck yourself Variety.


Visual effects are good, animations especially felt more grounded and realistic this time.

The entire
Maisie character and her backstory
are completely retconned for no reason at all outside of giving sense to a scene in this one, and that also pissed me off. There's also a pointless new character dressed in white which look like it came straight out of a completely different movie and genre, also for no reason at all.

Not the best movie, not the best of the new trilogy (there's nothing in this movie on par with the Indominus escape or final fight in JW for instance), and i probably prefer the Prologue to the actual movie (which i think should have been left in the film 100%, especially because there's not nearly enough T-Rex screen time here), but at the end of the day is still an entertaining and inoffensive movie that i will probably see again in IMAX next week.
This depresses me. Was looking forward to this one. Didn’t really like the second one, the whole second half was lame. Really liked the first one.


I love the first movie, 2 and 3 were OK I guess. World was alright but lacked any soul. Fallen Kingdom is one of the worst movies I've seen in my life.

Was hoping this could be good due to the cast. People kept saying Fallen Kingdom was bad cause Trevow wasn't involved, but he actually wrote that movie.

Looks like this is more of the same soulless generic blockbuster movies Universal has been making as of late.


This depresses me. Was looking forward to this one. Didn’t really like the second one, the whole second half was lame. Really liked the first one.
Go to see it. It's not Spielberg but it's not shit either, and i thought Jurassic World was meh as well.
I just found that there was not a single sequence in it that i enjoyed as much as Rexy destroying the Indominus, or her escape bit with Owen. Well, apart from:

Ellie kissing Alan

But that's because of nostalgia.

It's the whole stupid retconning of a particular character that pissed me off a bit, and Trevorrow habit of nerfing Rexy. Also i'm of those who didn't dislike Fallen Kingdom too much, tastes differ.

Give it a chance, as i said i'm going to see it again in IMAX so it's not like i hated it.


Well, the movie is average , story is bland and villian lame. But has some good action scenes. 5/10 for me and because that day the pop corn was extra crispy and ice tea super cold


It's a nice easter egg, nothing more.

A huge chunk of the movie, the one previously mistaken for Sorna and referred by the Twitter guy as a "yet another island", is set in:

Italy, dolomites


Although I haven't watched the film yet (since it ain't out where I am), it's true that people report about it having problems and being above mediocre. Don't know if an extended cut could improve things, though,
So err, is even director Trevorrow hinting at the existence of an Extended Cut?...

"Fifteen minutes were cut from the film, including five which would be released as a prologue. Trevorrow expressed interest in eventually releasing a director's cut with the excluded footage intact."

"Question : I imagine you shot a huge amount of stuff for this movie. Is there anything that didn't make the cut that you will put out there in some form in the future?

Colin Trevorrow:
There are about an extra 15 minutes in the longer version of this film, and about five of them we released already as the prologue that we put out in November. That's the first five minutes of the movie. As we negotiated with the studio, and even amongst ourselves, with a reasonable running time for a family summer movie, we landed where we landed. It's still a substantial length. I'm very grateful that Universal was willing to release the content the way we did. We just put it on the internet for free. I know how many people watched it, especially how many kids have poured over it repeatedly, and I'm confident that Universal will support the rest of this material being seen someday. It's part of the process of being a filmmaker; you've got to cut off your arm sometimes.

Question : Let’s start at the beginning – what happened to that that prologue that was shared online? It was so beautiful and Malick-ian.

Colin Trevorrow : Maybe too Malick-ian for a big summer movie. It was the beginning of the movie, it’s the first five minutes of the film and something I’m very proud of. In our negotiations for how long this movie could be, and it’s still a pretty long movie, we realized that it was going to have to go. Universal supported my request to just give it to everyone for free and let people watch this prologue as a way to bring them into the world that we were creating. Hopefully, and I could almost say assuredly, someday you will be able to see it again.

Question : Does that mean there’s a director’s cut coming our way?

Colin Trevorrow :
We’ll see. We’ll see how things go. Fingers crossed.

Some nice screens

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As expected, the movie is apparently trash. No surprise when you have Trevorrow in charge.



Gold Member
Stop giving that hack Trevorrow movies to write and direct, goddamnit.

How does this turd still have a job? How do you even nosedive a franchise like Jurassic Park? Ridiculous.
I saw the pre-premiere last friday in IMAX. Absolute snoozefest and by far the worst in the franchise so far.

It's all over the place, has too many characters and too little dinosaurs, wastes a great setup on a boring story about locusts, the food supply and gene-editing, wastes the old cast by having them stroll around a labratory for most of the movie (although they are the best characters in the movie, and they do have some nice / fun scenes), and after all that, two hours into the movie, the actual dino fights / chases are incredibly disappointing.

On top of that the visual effects are a mess, with some shots clearly getting way more attention than others, and at times the action feels more like Fast & Furious rather than Jurassic Park / World, but without any of the cheesy fun that makes those movies work.

I came out of Fallen Kingdom thinking, 'that was dumb, but I had fun'. With this one, I know 30 minutes in that I was bored and that feeling never left me.

4 / 10.


I saw it last night and enjoyed it. I agree the locust storyline is dumb and I didn't care much about the clone girl story and I feel that the first half hour could have been trimmed down, I still had fun with it. When the dino action finally kicks in at Biosys it's very fun and very tense.

JP1 > JP2 > JW > JWD > JP3 > JWLK

I'm not sure why critics hate it and I'm not sure why audience will say the movie is outright shit if it doesn't match up to the first film. We know the first film will never be topped so I think expectations should be adjust. And just because a sequel isn't as good as the original doesn't make it automatically shit.


Elden Member
just got back from it with a first showing at our Cut theater…

if a film could be given a 0 rating, this film deserves it. If you thought the last 2 were bad, this one takes the cake. it’s incredible going from Top Gun 2 weeks ago to this, it’s like the perfect mirror film, one amazing and goes above and beyond, the other the worst film in its series somehow being worse than my lowest expectations.

at this point we all see the newest JP films out of basic obligation, this one will likely be the one to make people see the franchise as extinct.


Gold Member
Just got back. I did not like it whatsoever. It was almost like they took all the things in the story I extremely disliked about Fallen Kingdom and then doubled down on those exact pieces. I have no idea how you can have a movie about dinosaurs existing in our day and age, and then largely ignore the dinosaurs for two and a half hours. Absolutely remarkable.


Gold Member
That large bird dinosaur that menaced Bryce Dallas Howard while she dangled in the tree and crawled along the forest floor was the most terrifying thing ever seen in these movies. And it’s featured for maybe five minutes in this bloated mess of a movie?

And it somehow inexplicably reappears as a good guy at the end?

WTF happened here.
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That large bird dinosaur that menaced Bryce Dallas Howard while she dangled in the tree and crawled along the forest floor was the most terrifying thing ever seen in these movies.

And it somehow inexplicably reappears as a good guy at the end?

WTF happened here.

On that issue, I'd say AppleTV's Prehistoric Planet to the rescue!
Don't try to make sense of how dinos behave in a motion picture made by humans (who, subsequently, make them have human traits and human motives).

I'd say , to all intents and purposes, Prehistoric Planet to the rescue! Quality Dino Spectacle!
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I didn't like it.

I hated the focus on the locust. I didnt come see this movie for its stupid bug shit. Not enough focus onbthe dinosaurs, though when it does its pretty cool. Also hated the focus on the stupid clone plot, which was the worst part of Fallen Kingdom
Not going to the cinema here either. Liked the first JW well enough but found already part 2 to be incredibly dumb and boring. Since this one seems even worse I won‘t bother. Curious to see how it‘ll do in the boxoffice. The plebs do like their trash.


I liked it. Mostly because I was worried I'd hate it, and I didn't, so I'm good, lol.

No idea what some of you are on though, no dinosaurs? There's dinosaurs at every turn! There's always some interaction with dinosaurs. If you just wanna see dinosaurs, there's plenty (although in Colin's head sll dinosaurs are ferocious killers, even herbivores).

My problem was rather how he rushes thrpugh everything. Encounters don't get any build up, no time to build tension. To simmer. It's like playing a game of DnD while using random encounter tables. Now you're here, this happens, you move there aaaaan, dinosaur attack. There's no meaning to it. It just happens, and then poof, over.

Also, I'm officially team cgi now. Puppets are good for givong actors something to work with, but on theit own they just can't compete anymore. Movements are too robotic, and the eyed... Sigh. It's Jim Henson eyes in something supposed to look real. Doesn't work. Looks weird.

Othet than that, kinda dumb movie with lots of fun action. Was 2.5 hours but felt really fast.
This movie was bad but the black woman was a good character. Take note Disney, you can have an "urban" character and also have her be likeable and cooperative.


I also liked the movie. The critics were very verbal about this movie and there's not much to be said. It seems like for Jurassic fans/buffs/aficionados out there, their impressions will end up being very polarizing - some of them will like it and enjoy it, and others will hate it (like poison).

To be frank here, I'm interested in seeing the extended Director's Cut. It was first hinted at by DeWanda Wise, and then Colin Trevorrow in his interviews unabashedly referred to it and hinted that it's extremely likely to arrive later on our table (in the Blu-Ray release). Even though the theatrical cut is 2 hours and 26 minutes long, there's still 10 more minutes of stuff missing. 5 minutes from the director's cut were released as a 5min-preview back in June 2021, attached to the Fast & Furious 9 IMAX screenings, so as to lure/encourage people back to cinemas (after COVID-19 lockdowns and restrictions). The aforesaid 5 minutes were meant to serve as the beginning/opening of the film. Is the cut 15-minute footage going to save the day? Hardly.
It will probably improve the movie by 5-10% and that's that.

"Fifteen minutes were cut from the film, including five which were released as a prologue. Trevorrow expressed interest in eventually releasing a director's cut with the excluded footage intact."

I'd expect JW Dominion to be a moderate (or noteworthy) box-office success. Critically it failed and got panned.

The score is quite interesting.

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