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Just Cause 3 |OT| Procedural Chaos

I guess it's not yet a common feature, but I'm disappointed at the lack of DS4 support on PC. (One of the few things Batman AK PC actually spoiled me with.)
Guys, I need some impressions! Where da impressions?

Have you ever played the Saint's Row games? Or Red Faction: Guerrillla?

Imagine the enemy base destruction from Red Faction, but you can only break certain things, often the exact same thing, in each base. Enemies are pretty weak, but still just annoying enough that you can't really take your time to dismantle bases in the elaborate manners you might like.

You might be thinking: "That sounds a bit bland, but the weapon and mod variety should make it fun to experiment, right?" Definitely! But not without a catch.

Next, imagine the minigames from Saint's Row, but nowhere near as original or fun. Liberating bases will unlock challenges, which include things like checkpoint races, wingsuit hoop races, timed helicopter base destruction, boat races, etc. These will unlock mods that let you alter your arsenal in really creative ways. Unlocks are linear and tied to specific challenges, so there's really no way to focus on getting specific perks early.

So you destroy bases to unlock challenges to unlock mods to destroy more bases. Story quests also unlock as you liberate bases and towns, but they're a sideshow more than anything.

From the standpoint of an instantly-gratifying power fantasy, it's too restrictive. Combine this with it's lack of meaningful depth and multitude of performance issues, and it's a tough game to recommend in it's current state. Mods and trainers will hopefully address the game's shortcomings on PC, but it's hard not to feel a bit let down by the blisteringly counter-intuitive design decisions.
I put about three hours into it on PC and it's basically what I expected. Having not played Just Cause 2 in a very long time, JC3 feels exactly like 2 but with better traversal and a better toolbox. It also feels like all of the problems I remember having with 2 are still around. The shooting is still very underwhelming, there are still way too many enemies messing with me while I try to do something, the vehicles are tough to control, the story is still bad.

But, all the good of JC2 still seems present and improved upon in 3. The grapple, parachute, wing suit trio makes for a ton of fun and getting around is super easy and a enjoyable. The explosions are glorious. The world and toolbox are still top of the class for unplanned stupidity and ridiculousness. In three hours I've already laughed numerous times at either something awesome or really dumb or some combo of the two. I've put three hours in and can't wait to play more, get more unlocks, experiment more with the sandbox, blow many, many, many more things up. It's kind of exactly what I wanted, even though I wish parts were way better, there is still so much there that I like that I makes forgetting about that stuff way easier.


The wingsuit really requires a nice bit of soft touch to control. The feeling of getting air underneath you for more loft, as well as pitching into a dive has been nailed.


There are a few mods that are game changers in terms of the way you traverse the world, so don't ignore the mod system.
Have you ever played the Saint's Row games? Or Red Faction: Guerrillla?

Imagine the enemy base destruction from Red Faction, but you can only break certain things, often the exact same thing, in each base. Enemies are pretty weak, but still just annoying enough that you can't really take your time to dismantle bases in the elaborate manners you might like.

You might be thinking: "That sounds a bit bland, but the weapon and mod variety should make it fun to experiment, right?" Definitely! But not without a catch.

Next, imagine the minigames from Saint's Row, but nowhere near as original or fun. Liberating bases will unlock challenges, which include things like checkpoint races, wingsuit hoop races, timed helicopter base destruction, boat races, etc. These will unlock mods that let you alter your arsenal in really creative ways. Unlocks are linear and tied to specific challenges, so there's really no way to focus on getting specific perks early.

So you destroy bases to unlock challenges to unlock mods to destroy more bases. Story quests also unlock as you liberate bases and towns, but they're a sideshow more than anything.

From the standpoint of an instantly-gratifying power fantasy, it's too restrictive. Combine this with it's lack of meaningful depth and multitude of performance issues, and it's a tough game to recommend in it's current state. Mods and trainers will hopefully address the game's shortcomings on PC, but it's hard not to feel a bit let down by the blisteringly counter-intuitive design decisions.

I put about three hours into it on PC and it's basically what I expected. Having not played Just Cause 2 in a very long time, JC3 feels exactly like 2 but with better traversal and a better toolbox. It also feels like all of the problems I remember having with 2 are still around. The shooting is still very underwhelming, there are still way too many enemies messing with me while I try to do something, the vehicles are tough to control, the story is still bad.

But, all the good of JC2 still seems present and improved upon in 3. The grapple, parachute, wing suit trio makes for a ton of fun and getting around is super easy and a enjoyable. The explosions are glorious. The world and toolbox are still top of the class for unplanned stupidity and ridiculousness. In three hours I've already laughed numerous times at either something awesome or really dumb or some combo of the two. I've put three hours in and can't wait to play more, get more unlocks, experiment more with the sandbox, blow many, many, many more things up. It's kind of exactly what I wanted, even though I wish parts were way better, there is still so much there that I like that I makes forgetting about that stuff way easier.
Welp, this all sounds disappointing. I was hoping it'd be better than Saints Row and Red Faction Guerilla.


Got to play for about an hour, gotta go to work tomorrow damn responsibilities.

Fucking love it so far. What I expected and what I'm going to love. Everything feels great and I had a big smile on my face the entire time I was playing.

Besides the loading times which have indeed sucked majorly at some points, I have ran into little to no technical issues. I've noticed one frame dip so far for about 1 second, and if I had to guess it was to about 28 FPS. If it's happened again i haven't even noticed. It's kind of crazy how nuts people were going into saying this game was in an unplayable state. I know it's supposed to be worse on the Xbone, but still.

I wasn't looking for story at all but I've been surprised on how funny some of the writing has been. A few lines like "you could've just yelled" are pretty great. Still super shallow, but it's a nice touch.

Also, whoa music! Biggest surprise! The soundtrack an ambient music has been excellent so far. Goes so well with blowing shit up.

Can't wait till tomorrow. Gonna binge so hard.


Gold Member
So is there a desert area and a big city area like there was in Just Cause 2?

No desert, no big cities, no big airports, no crazy buildings like the Waterfall Casino or the Mile High Club.

Everything is super bare bones. There are basically villages, military bases and the capital "city" [I use the term city loosely because it's about two times bigger than a village]. It all looks nice, but the complete lack of massive structures is a total disappointment.

No more tethering incoming jumbo jets..


No desert, no big cities, no big airports, no crazy buildings like the Waterfall Casino or the Mile High Club.

Everything is super bare bones. There are basically villages, military bases and the capital "city" [I use the term city loosely because it's about two times bigger than a village]. It all looks nice, but the complete lack of massive structures is a total disappointment.

No more tethering incoming jumbo jets..

Have you explored the entire map?


For someone who cares very little about anything but the destruction, world feel, and traversal, is the game better than JC2? I spent a good couple hundred hours just fucking around, and I want to be able to do the same in this.


No desert, no big cities, no big airports, no crazy buildings like the Waterfall Casino or the Mile High Club.

Everything is super bare bones. There are basically villages, military bases and the capital "city" [I use the term city loosely because it's about two times bigger than a village]. It all looks nice, but the complete lack of massive structures is a total disappointment.

No more tethering incoming jumbo jets..

Incredibly disappointing if so. All those things you mentioned were huge parts of JC2.
Welp, this all sounds disappointing. I was hoping it'd be better than Saints Row and Red Faction Guerilla.

Neither JC1 or JC2 were better than SR2, or even SR3 which was a worse game but still fun, so I don't know why you'd expect that. I'd say JC2 is about the same level as Red Faction Guerrilla, and seeing as JC3 is so similar but with a few QOL improvements, it'll probably be on that level as well.

Avalanche makes great playgrounds with solid core gameplay, but the games overall are 3rd string due to a gameplay loop that never goes beyond the first few hours. Makes it all the more disappointing that they couldn't lock down performance/presentation (on consoles anyway) seeing as wanton destruction and fun traversal is all the game really has to offer.


For someone who cares very little about anything but the destruction, world feel, and traversal, is the game better than JC2? I spent a good couple hundred hours just fucking around, and I want to be able to do the same in this.

Better is very subjective, but imo, 6 hours in, it's as least as good.

For me, the traversal mechanics and destruction never get old.

But like I said above, there are a few essential traversal mods that you really need to open the world up.
This game is insanely fun. They figured out exactly how to improve on the mechanics of JC2 while still maintaining what makes it fun. The moment-to-moment of just arsing around in the world is great and everything feels good (except maybe gunplay, but to be honest besides rockets I've barely used it!), especially the wingsuit. I'm late for class today because I spent a good half hour just hanging cars from buildings with explosives and people strapped to them. This game nails that instinctive desire to laugh at a big dumb situation that results in an explosion. So gooood.

That said, performance got pretty bad at a couple of points, and if you didn't like JC2 then I don't think there's anything for you here. As a big fan of that game though I'm super happy with this.


I got the game on PS4 and love the look & feel of it, but stopped playing due to the insane loading times. I'm not one to nitpick but will wait for these to be patched. Haven't really noticed any significant performance issues other than those though.

Also agree with the poster who wants the voices in another language instead of the stupid fake accents. (but that is something I would like to see in a lot of other games too)


Played for a couple of hours late last night before bed. On the fence currently with this one, a couple of things that immediately really piss me off are:

  • why the loading times between the real-time cutscenes and gameplay, why not a smooth transition? Especially when after the cutscene ends, it places you in exactly the same spot.
  • the helicopter controls are crap, the camera is always pointed forwards which means you can't rotate the camera around your 'copter for a better view.

Will play more tonight...


You can actually switch vehicles for some (press square on PS4), but it seems to be class-based or something.

Thanks for the clarification, I've not yet got to one that has anything other than a fixed vehicle.

The wingsuit challenges are really fun, you really need a deft touch to handle the wingsuit!!


For someone who cares very little about anything but the destruction, world feel, and traversal, is the game better than JC2? I spent a good couple hundred hours just fucking around, and I want to be able to do the same in this.

Fucking around with what? You just listed the three things you fuck around with.
I don't like being forced to spend hours liberating full provinces to unlock story missions. That was my least favourite part of JC2 and Mad Max. It's fun otherwise, albeit flawed.

Just finished act 1, which concluded with insanity.

I love the wing suit and how the general's second in command goes on the radio and makes up lies about shutting down places Rico's blown to shit.


Is there a way to toggle of those notifications on the right hand screen, they're so annoying and I hate the fact that this game forces me to play offline and in doing so not be connected to psn.


Is there a way to toggle of those notifications on the right hand screen, they're so annoying and I hate the fact that this game forces me to play offline and in doing so not be connected to psn.

There is certainly an "extended leaderboard" option to turn off in the options, whether that will do what you ask, I am not sure.


Gold Member
I don't like being forced to spend hours liberating full provinces to unlock story missions. That was my least favourite part of JC2 and Mad Max. It's fun otherwise, albeit flawed.

Just finished act 1, which concluded with insanity.

I love the wing suit and how the general's second in command goes on the radio and makes up lies about shutting down places Rico's blown to shit.

Similar to JC2 I'm not sure if it's even worth doing to main missions alltogether. They don't seem to reward you with anything and the map is fully accessible from the start.

I bailed out on doing main missions in JC2 fairly early on and still had tons of hours of playtime just messing around.

Every region has a
as defense for the region's main base, the only way to disable it is doing story missions if Region 1 is anything to go by. So come to think of it you're kinda "forced" to continue the main story.

Also - why doesn't anything grant me Gears except challenges? What's the point of doing the random missions that pop up everywhere if you don't get rewards? Same goes for picking up audio logs, or lighting shrines.


So guys, is this game worth it? I'll playing on PS4. I liked the second game but I didn't love it. I kind of don't like braindead sandbox games, I much prefer to have a engaging storyline first and also heard lot of bad things about the performance.

So, whatcha guys say?
Similar to JC2 I'm not sure if it's even worth doing to main missions alltogether. They don't seem to reward you with anything and the map is fully accessible from the start.

I bailed out on doing main missions in JC2 fairly early on and still had tons of hours of playtime just messing around.

Every region has a
as defense for the region's main base, the only way to disable it is doing story missions if Region 1 is anything to go by. So come to think of it you're kinda "forced" to continue the main story.

I couldn't do that. I like to beat the games I play, and that's my favourite thing to do. I'm not in it for the rewards, but can see how some would be.


Similar to JC2 I'm not sure if it's even worth doing to main missions alltogether. They don't seem to reward you with anything and the map is fully accessible from the start.

That's not strictly true, you really want to do at least the first three missions, as they unlock important things, wingsuit, rebel drops, garages & fast travel.


Junior Member
I hope they sort the XB1 framerate/slowdown. I own both consoles but went with the XB1 version just because I prefer using that console day-to-day and not having to charge my controller every few hours, didn't think there'd be much difference other than the 900p resolution (especially after how Mad Max was pretty great on both) but the performance issues really do damage the experience.


So guys, is this game worth it? I'll playing on PS4. I liked the second game but I didn't love it. I kind of don't like braindead sandbox games, I much prefer to have a engaging storyline first and also heard lot of bad things about the performance.

So, whatcha guys say?

If you're not interested in playing another game that's basically Just Cause 2 but refined then this game isn't for you.


So guys, is this game worth it? I'll playing on PS4. I liked the second game but I didn't love it. I kind of don't like braindead sandbox games, I much prefer to have a engaging storyline first and also heard lot of bad things about the performance.

So, whatcha guys say?

I'd say stay away, JC has always been a braindead sandbox with a less than engaging story.


Does it at any point approach unplayable?

Not in the 6 hours I've played, nothing remotely unplayable, I'll be honest, apart from blowing up bridges (which I assume have a lot of computational physics objects) I've not really notice any framerate issues.
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