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Just Cause 3 |OT| Procedural Chaos


Definitely, the game can be quite pretty. Especially when you consider the ridiculous size. Lots of nice little unexpected touches everywhere as well, even within the physics.

Yes. its very different from JC2. i wish it had a photomode. so much stuff going i don't have much time to screen grab lol. but its a lot of fun. no issues on my rig either. smooth except for the txa messes up and makes a blurry edge. downloading new drivers to see if that fixes that.


I am not having any real problems with the driving so far. At least there is weight now and the cars don't feel like you are on ice like in JC2. It sure as hell does not feel like Deadly Premonition, lol.
Turns out my issues with the visuals of the game had more to do with the crappy PC port.

Relaunching fixed it. Game looks pretty. Won't refund for now. I can deal with the rest of the issues.

I can't decide between mouse and keyboard or controller though. I was gonna swing with controller because I thought wingsuit controls were easier, but I've been doing better on this wingsuit challenge with mouse and keyboard.

Li Kao

Impressions after one hour (PS4)

- Graphics are bad (this is not next gen/ current gen), Mad Max looks better (Explosions are awesome though)
- Car controls are fucking awful, it's like Deadly Premonition. Congratulations, Avalanche,
- Story and dialogue is awful
- AI is not in this game. There is no AI, seriously.

I'm not willing to apologize for or fight over the game's shortcomings but the AI isn't one of them imho. On the contrary I feel like it is part of its sandbox WTFesque feel. Like the lack of story. It's Just cause, Just "Stupid Fun" Cause.
After a few hours I think I love it as much as I hated every minute of Mad Max.

Not saying the game is perfect, far from it. Six years to make Just Cause 2.1, really ?


Man, you guys worry me! I don't know what it was about JC2, but it is probably my most played single player game of all time. Played on consoles, no mods. Probably put about 500 hours in!

Hearing all the negative....
I'm installing on PC right now.
I sometimes wonder if a lot of this is GAFerbole.

- Hilariously bad rain effects
- bad animations
- bad character models
- bad lighting

This looks like a HD version of Just Cause 2. Even GTA IV looks better imo.

Edit: Enemies spawning right in front of you. Lmao, what a terrible game.


Yes. its very different from JC2. i wish it had a photomode. so much stuff going i don't have much time to screen grab lol. but its a lot of fun. no issues on my rig either. smooth except for the txa messes up and makes a blurry edge. downloading new drivers to see if that fixes that.

I am impressed by little things like vegetation deformation from being pressed down by spinning helicopter blades as you land or take off and how objects react differently to how you blow them up. Some will just bob and sway from the blast, requiring you to destroy them another way, etc. There is just a lot going on under the hood and it deserves props for that. You can clearly see some of the ambition as you mess around with stuff and it is a huge step up in production over JC2.


- Hilariously bad rain effects
- bad animations
- bad character models
- bad lighting

This looks like a HD version of Just Cause 2. Even GTA IV looks better imo.

Edit: Enemies spawning right in front of you. Lmao, what a terrible game.

GTA IV? Really?


That is the Xbox One version as well.
Yeah its in the city Fortalessa that the fps turns horrible for me. Even walking around there feels weird, I dont know if its the framepacing or the fps.
Yeah, lots of stutter there. I'm not sure what's going on, because it doesn't seem to be GPU-bound. When you destroy that gas station it doesn't dip at all, for example. It's just consistently wonky through the whole area.


Man, you guys worry me! I don't know what it was about JC2, but it is probably my most played single player game of all time. Played on consoles, no mods. Probably put about 500 hours in!

Hearing all the negative....
I'm installing on PC right now.

LOL, don't worry. Chances are you will fall in love with this if you loved JC2. It is a better game in a better world pure and simple, with more of what you love on steroids.


Anyone with the PS4 version getting a invalid code error inputting the day one edition dlc that was in the game case? I've been trying since yesterday and it's still not working.

Often DLC won't activate until the servers are online - launch day, today. And the game seems to have its servers set to a strange timezone. So you might be able to use it later tonight.

Edit - ignore me, poster below negates what I said.


I am enjoying the challenges quite a bit. They are just addictive and give you something to do other than going nuts and blowing shit up. It's yet another way that this is simply a better game with more to do than JC2. The design of the world is also far superior and is laid out more like a gorgeous playground.

So excited to play. Will only squeeze in about an hour today though :(

Don't know what it is about this generation, but many games appear to be really dividing opinion, certainly in terms of reviews anyway.

Definitely, and it's been proven that critics are being harsher than they were 5-6 years ago.

I mean, Dying Light should have gotten 9/10 average. The flaws in that game are so minor in comparison to the stuff it does right. But because the dialogue isn't great and it's a bit beige to begin with, they rammed it with a 7/10 average (still a good score, but it deserves far more).

I was able to use mine yesterday.

OK. Ignore me.


I am not having any real problems with the driving so far. At least there is weight now and the cars don't feel like you are on ice like in JC2. It sure as hell does not feel like Deadly Premonition, lol.

But you cant flip cars anymore they are way too weighty. Nothing like the awesome cars in jc2


Seriously whoever came up with the gear mod system in this game is a thundering asshole.

Hey guys, here are a bunch of unlocks that allow for all of the fun shit!
- Oh they are all locked behind an in game currency system
- The only way to earn said currency is to do horribly boring, poorly design mini games
- Oh and the currency isn't universal. You have to do specific challenges to unlock specific gears. So no focusing on the mini games you can stand, you get to do them all!

Why the fuck am I not unlocking this shit by causing chaos? W H Y

Chaos is worthless now. Smart design!


Bloody ridiculous, Amazon hasn't delivered it today ... a pre order that i've had since JUNE! They say that I have to wait 3 more days. 3 MORE DAYS. NOOO.

Oh well guess it's some more Battlefront for me.

Same boat. This is the SIXTH shipping fuckup I've had from Amazon in the past half year. They have gone to absolute garbage and their customer service is essentially ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Any advice for old PC vs PS4?

My PC is a FX6300 and GTX 660 which is minimum specs, would I see better performance than PS4?


Catalina's bitch
Seriously whoever came up with the gear mod system in this game is a thundering asshole.

Hey guys, here are a bunch of unlocks that allow for all of the fun shit!
- Oh they are all locked behind an in game currency system
- The only way to earn said currency is to do horribly boring, poorly design mini games
- Oh and the currency isn't universal. You have to do specific challenges to unlock specific gears. So no focusing on the mini games you can stand, you get to do them all!

Why the fuck am I not unlocking this shit by causing chaos? W H Y

This is my biggest complaint so far. No idea why Avalanche thought this was a good idea.
Question for the master race, kb/m or X1 controller?

I played JC2 with kb/m and have been playing JC3 that way so far but it feels a little wonky. I may just need to remap some things but if the controller works well I'll just switch to that.


Question for the master race, kb/m or X1 controller?

I played JC2 with kb/m and have been playing JC3 that way so far but it feels a little wonky. I may just need to remap some things but if the controller works well I'll just switch to that.

Using xbox 360 controller here. works like a charm. no issues. i prefer it over the kb/m but i know some people like to use the kb/m for more accurate aiming.
Seriously whoever came up with the gear mod system in this game is a thundering asshole.

Hey guys, here are a bunch of unlocks that allow for all of the fun shit!
- Oh they are all locked behind an in game currency system
- The only way to earn said currency is to do horribly boring, poorly design mini games
- Oh and the currency isn't universal. You have to do specific challenges to unlock specific gears. So no focusing on the mini games you can stand, you get to do them all!

Why the fuck am I not unlocking this shit by causing chaos? W H Y


I barely have time for the games I'm currently playing as it is (with a lot of them being massive, open world titles like The Witcher 3)... Fuuuuck that shit!

This game went from a "must-buy" to a "maybe a cheap copy later on down the road" to "nope, not at all."

So unfortunate because I fucking loved JC2.
I'm loving it so far. It's just a bunch of mindless nonsense like the other Just Cause games perfect for just goofing off. I'm not sure what some people around here were expecting TBH.

I can't seem to do the wingsuit very well though. I've only attempted the first challenge the game throws at you but I can barely make it to the first ring in the tunnel. There must be some nuanced controls that I missing here.....is there a button combo I should be pushing to make this thing fly differently?


I'm loving it so far. It's just a bunch of mindless nonsense like the other Just Cause games perfect for just goofing off. I'm not sure what some people around here were expecting TBH.

I can't seem to do the wingsuit very well though. I've only attempted the first challenge the game throws at you but I can barely make it to the first ring in the tunnel. There must be some nuanced controls that I missing here.....is there a button combo I should be pushing to make this thing fly differently?

do the wingsuit challenges to get used to it. once it clicks its pure awesome. i love the wingsuit.


I feel like I owe Rico an apology... or seven. The wingsuit in my hands is more like Faceplant Simulator 2015. If there is a tree, Rico will hit it. I figures out that holding down while wingsuit grappling will allow Rico to gain altitude, but I'm having some trouble controlling him. I'm using a 360 Controller on PC, by the way.

I do like how open the game is. I saw an oil rig in the distance. I grabbed a boat. Now it's my oil rig. I should probably advance the story a bit, but there's red on the map and that cannot be allowed to stand.

Also, I'm not entirely sure of how to use the Rebel Drop system. Do I get Beacons automatically, or do I have to pick them up at bases? Do they respawn?


How are car controls and handling compared to Watch Dogs? That game had such an awful driving mechanics, I swear to God.


How are car controls and handling compared to Watch Dogs? That game had such an awful driving mechanics, I swear to God.

The handling is.... decent. The drifting is what kills it. It takes a lot of time to get used to and not in a good way. It feels like there's not enough pull when you drift and if you go in too hard you'll totally skid out. It feels like controlling a supermarket trolley full of rocks.


I'm loving it so far. It's just a bunch of mindless nonsense like the other Just Cause games perfect for just goofing off. I'm not sure what some people around here were expecting TBH.

I can't seem to do the wingsuit very well though. I've only attempted the first challenge the game throws at you but I can barely make it to the first ring in the tunnel. There must be some nuanced controls that I missing here.....is there a button combo I should be pushing to make this thing fly differently?

It takes a fine touch for sure. At first, I kept going headfirst into the pavement as soon as I started to dive. Just gently pull back until you get some loft and gently dive forward to dive and pull back with a soft touch as needed. After a few tries I made it through the entire course and got all 6 gears. You will get it and will feel like you earned your upgrade and got better at the game to boot. That is why I like the challenges.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I think it looks okay.



Bought it off PSN today, since I know I'll never delete it.

I played a bit on Boom Island, and it was okay. Wingsuit feels very interesting, and I hope there are upgrades to make it easier to control, because it doesn't control all that well now.

Could be the tiny-ass island and me sucking though.
Turns out my issues with the visuals of the game had more to do with the crappy PC port.

Relaunching fixed it. Game looks pretty. Won't refund for now. I can deal with the rest of the issues.

I can't decide between mouse and keyboard or controller though. I was gonna swing with controller because I thought wingsuit controls were easier, but I've been doing better on this wingsuit challenge with mouse and keyboard.

I found myself enjoying m/kb controls a lot more than Xbone controller. Especially with the way the wingsuit works and how it responds to where you've placed your tether to pull yourself along. The added precision to tether aiming helps a lot.


Seriously whoever came up with the gear mod system in this game is a thundering asshole.

Hey guys, here are a bunch of unlocks that allow for all of the fun shit!
- Oh they are all locked behind an in game currency system
- The only way to earn said currency is to do horribly boring, poorly design mini games
- Oh and the currency isn't universal. You have to do specific challenges to unlock specific gears. So no focusing on the mini games you can stand, you get to do them all!

Why the fuck am I not unlocking this shit by causing chaos? W H Y
Ugh, I don't like the sound of that. Do you have to just complete the challenges to unlock the gear/abilities, or do you need to get a high rating on the challenge as well?


Ugh, I don't like the sound of that. Do you have to just complete the challenges to unlock the gear/abilities, or do you need to get a high rating on the challenge as well?

If we take for example a wing suit challenge, you get graded for the distance you travel. The grading works on a five star system (represented by gears) and there's a level of gears you need until you get to the next unlock. So if, for example, you don't make it across the entire distance of the challenge and only get three gears, however you only need one more gear to unlock the next mod, then you'll receive the mod regardless.

The mod unlocks not being tied to Chaos is something I don't really mind that much personally because several challenges are already destruction oriented and some of these are really fun, especially the wing suit challenges since you really learn how to utilize the maneuverability.
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